Egyptian Gods fact filesQuick View

Egyptian Gods fact files

<p>This is a resource made to support children with understanding information about Egyptian God’s. It could be used as support during a lesson regarding Egyptian Gods.</p>
Subordinating clausesQuick View

Subordinating clauses

<p>This is a lesson with lesson notes and activity on subordinating clauses.<br /> This lesson includes a power point presentation as well as an activity to support the children with the concept of subordinating clauses.</p>
Peace at last- Year 1Quick View

Peace at last- Year 1

<p>This is a pack of resources for the story ‘Peace at last’ by Jill Murphy. English<br /> Consisting of</p> <ul> <li>Making a prediction.</li> <li>To recognise and describe different sounds being made in the book.</li> <li>To recognise and join in with phrases.</li> <li>To complete a story map.</li> <li>To explore the use of capital letters in a story.</li> </ul> <p>It also consists of worksheets to support the power points.</p>
Characteristics of LondonQuick View

Characteristics of London

<p>This is a power point presentation with an activity to help children to locate and identify the characteristics of London and allow them to relate to the things that have happened in London.</p>
Descriptive writingQuick View

Descriptive writing

<p>This lesson is a descriptive writing lesson for the children to be able to explore activities and create a descriptive writing piece with an extensive vocabulary which they will pick up from this lesson.</p>
Descriptive writingQuick View

Descriptive writing

<p>This is a follow up lesson of the previous one where the children are able to write a descriptive piece and use a range of vocabulary in their writing.</p>
Features of a letterQuick View

Features of a letter

<p>A good powerpoint with clear explanation to the features of a letter, really breaking it down. It comes with a supporting worksheet.</p>
To describe a characterQuick View

To describe a character

<p>This lesson includes a powerpoint and a worksheet to help children be able to describe a character for the book ‘The Jolly Postman’.</p>