AQA GCSE Spanish Foundation:  People and lifestyle - ¿Cómo es?Quick View

AQA GCSE Spanish Foundation: People and lifestyle - ¿Cómo es?

<p>Identity and relationships with others<br /> Objectives:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Physical description</p> </li> <li> <p>Adjectives</p> </li> <li> <p>ser and tener</p> </li> <li> <ol> <li>This is the ‘Monstruitos’ family. Write the name of the character that fits each description.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <ol> <li>Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <ol> <li>Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.</li> </ol> </li> <li> <ol> <li>Translate these sentences into Spanish.</li> </ol> </li> </ul>
En mi estucheQuick View

En mi estuche

<p>En mi estuche introduction of vocabulary (un lápiz, unas tijeras, un compás, un sacapuntas, una goma, un rotulador, una pluma, una calculadora, una regla, un bolígrafo) and interactive mini-whiteboards grammar activity (colour adjective agreement).<br /> En mi estuche differentiated translation (easy, medium and difficult).<br /> Good resource for visual learners, SEND students and mixed-ability classes.</p>
Las asignaturasQuick View

Las asignaturas

<ul> <li>Las asignaturas vocabulary introduction (el dibujo, la biología, el inglés, el francés, la geografía, la historia, las matemáticas, la música, la educación física, la tecnología). Students label the pictures.</li> <li>Las asignaturas opinions pyramid. Students rank their subjects by preference.</li> <li>Las asignaturas differentiated translation (easy, medium and difficult). Students translate the sentences and then transform them to write sentences about themselves.<br /> Good resource for visual learners, SEND students and mixed-ability classes.</li> </ul>
CarnavalesQuick View


<p>Carnavales vocabulary introduction (una máscara, un silbato, una fiesta, confetis, una cabalgata, un rey, una tortita, un disfraz, una serpentina, un desfile). Students label the pictures.<br /> Las asignaturas differentiated translation (easy, medium and difficult). Option to match the translations and then fill in the missing key vocabulary.</p>