Vectors Christmas Game N5Quick View

Vectors Christmas Game N5

<p>This is a 2 player game which gets learners used to the concept of vectors and adding vectors.</p> <p>Players have to collect the most presents and get back to the stocking using 6 different vectors. The number of vectors they can use each turn is determined by a die that they roll.<br /> They can also steal presents from each other by landing on each other.<br /> Full instructions are included on the sheet.<br /> For each pair you will need:</p> <ul> <li>A die</li> <li>A sheet</li> <li>Two smallish counters</li> </ul>
Area of Triangle and Cosine Rule Halloween Heist ActivityQuick View

Area of Triangle and Cosine Rule Halloween Heist Activity

<p>Learners have 3 tasks to complete to discover which halloween beast stole the crown of the ‘Geo King’ and how/why.<br /> The first task asks pupils to use the cosine rule to find a missing side. The rounded answers then spell out ‘The Goose who Oozes’.<br /> The second task is a code breaker which says that he stole it to ‘regain honour’.<br /> The third task has learners calculating the area of the crown, there are four possible answers that each have a corresponding description of how the heist was commited. The correct method is using the ice cream truck as a distraction.</p>
N5 Indices Code BreakerQuick View

N5 Indices Code Breaker

<p>This codebreaker can be used as extension/challenge work.<br /> The joke is:<br /> Why are powers like fish?<br /> The code breaker spells:<br /> They are all indices<br /> (in the seas)</p>
Percentage Decrease Loop CardsQuick View

Percentage Decrease Loop Cards

<p>Loop cards for percentage decrease.<br /> They could be done without a calculator for a more able class or with a calculator for differentiation.<br /> If learners start at the Letter Y then it spells YOU ARE THE GOAT, trying to make it relevant as GOAT stands for Greatest Of All Time.</p> <p>Instead of placing the cards around the room they can be mixed up and given to teams who have to put them in order first.</p>
Scaffolded Standard Deviation WorksheetQuick View

Scaffolded Standard Deviation Worksheet

<p>This worksheet is created on the basis that there are 4 steps to finding the standard deviation:<br /> Step 1: Find the mean<br /> Step 2: Fill in the table<br /> Step 3: Substitute into the formula<br /> Step 4: Solve<br /> There are 4 questions on this worksheet. Each question does 1 less step for them.</p>
Higher Maths Revision Sheet Mr Men Crime Spree (Polynomials, Vectors and Complete the Square)Quick View

Higher Maths Revision Sheet Mr Men Crime Spree (Polynomials, Vectors and Complete the Square)

<p>This resource is a revision sheet with one question focused on polynomials, one on vectors and the last on complete the square.<br /> It follows a Mr. Men theme where learners have to find out which is up to no good, their crime and their getaway vehicle.</p> <p>Please note, question 2 is loop cards which are on a separate sheet and should be placed around the classroom to up engagement. Due to the nature of the worksheet it should workout that not everyone is on question 2 at the same time and so it shouldn’t get too crowded.</p> <p>The answers are:</p> <p>Mr Bump<br /> Stealing<br /> Ice Cream Van</p>
Angles in Circle and SOHCAHTOA Robbery MysteryQuick View

Angles in Circle and SOHCAHTOA Robbery Mystery

<p>This worksheet presents 3 problems which combine SOHCAHTOA and angles in a circle. The last question also includes some angles on parallel lines.<br /> The learners problem solve to find the missing lengths and round their answers.</p> <p>The answers they get tell them the following three things:</p> <ol> <li>What the thief stole</li> <li>Where they hid the loot</li> <li>What gave them away<br /> You can see the answers by looking at the numbers upside down to get:</li> <li>Lilies</li> <li>Igloo</li> <li>Giggles</li> </ol> <p>This would be a good extension to really push more able learners.</p>
Arc Length Pac Man WorksheetQuick View

Arc Length Pac Man Worksheet

<p>This a worksheet to stretch learners in their problem solving.<br /> It could be used as a homework or extension as each question is slightly harder than the last.<br /> It has a pac-man theme to engage learners.<br /> Answers on the last sheet.</p>
Straight Line Pirate Problem Solving ActivityQuick View

Straight Line Pirate Problem Solving Activity

<p>This worksheet contains 3 tasks for learners to try as consolidation of straight line. Each task gets progressively harder and relates to a different pirates treasure.<br /> It includes topics such as solving equations (Q2) and SOHCAHTOA (Q3) to really challenge learners.<br /> The extension activity is for learners to create their own map to treasure, promoting higher order thinking.</p>
Container Packing - Postman Pat Box OffQuick View

Container Packing - Postman Pat Box Off

<p>A container packing worksheet involving packing a box into a box into a box into a shipping container.<br /> You have to see if you can pack more than postman pat.</p> <p>Spoiler: You can’t. I didn’t want it to be a predictable answer.</p>
Finance (Income Tax and NI) Bob Goes on HolidayQuick View

Finance (Income Tax and NI) Bob Goes on Holiday

<p>Pick a holiday for Bob by working out how much he earns a year and the resulting taxes and expenses he must pay. See how much he has left at the end of the year and make a decision on where he should go for his holiday. You will be left with a couple of choices for him to pick from.</p> <p>N5 Apps course.</p>
Arcs and Sectors Problem Solving WorksheetQuick View

Arcs and Sectors Problem Solving Worksheet

<p>A short worksheet where learners have to use a mixture of topics and their problem solving to find the answers.</p> <p>Topics they might need include:<br /> Angles on parallel lines<br /> SOHCAHTOA.<br /> Pythagoras</p> <p>N5 Maths</p>