Teach Cyber Security the fun way with CyberStartQuick View

Teach Cyber Security the fun way with CyberStart

Cyber security training brought to life with CyberStart, through real-world hacking challenges and puzzles! Embark on a digital crime-fighting adventure across captivating storylines where your students will sniff out criminal schemes, race for points against their peers and solve cyber security puzzles in every challenge. Progress through hundreds of gamified hacking labs based on real cybercrime scenarios experienced by our industry experts, giving students a complete toolkit of practical, industry-recognised skills. With CyberStart, watch your students become hooked on learning essential skills in our engaging and fun platform! CyberStarts Intern base is FREE, with 12 challenges for your students to progress through! For more information on how to unlock even more challenges, teaching a plethora of skills and cyber security techniques, head to https://cyberstart.io/teachcsthefunway
Computer Science: Ethical Hacking labsQuick View

Computer Science: Ethical Hacking labs

Want to teach cyber security the fun and immersive way? With our gamified platform, CyberStart, your students will be hooked, trying to capture the bad guys as they play the part of an Undercover Agent as part of the Cyber Protection Agency. An incredibly fun and FREE activity for your students to begin and progress on existing cyber skills, as well as a great end of term lesson that will prove to be a winner with your students! Your students (and yourself!) can register for the FREE Intern base here: https://cyberstart.io/ethicalhackinglabs
3 ICT lesson plans to engage your class and learn the fun wayQuick View

3 ICT lesson plans to engage your class and learn the fun way

Looking for time-saving ICT lesson plans to engage your students? Discover CyberStart’s accessible cyber security learning platform that does the work for you… Do you struggle to plan ICT lessons that will engage and excite your students? Many educators are facing the same problem, especially for topics such as cyber security that aren’t covered in much depth in the core curriculum. That’s where CyberStart comes in…
200+ ICT games to introduce cyber security to your classroomQuick View

200+ ICT games to introduce cyber security to your classroom

Looking for ICT games that are accessible to all students in your classroom? Give your class the most accessible form of cyber security education through gamified learning. If you want to spark your students’ interests in cyber security and give them real-world skills, you’ve come to the right place! ICT games are an excellent way to encourage your students to try cyber security, even if they’ve previously had no interest in the subject. Download this resource discover the importance of gamified education and hundreds of practical ICT games to introduce cyber security to your classroom.
Fun & engaging Cyber Security game with 200+ hacking labsQuick View

Fun & engaging Cyber Security game with 200+ hacking labs

Want to teach cyber security the fun and immersive way? With our gamified platform, CyberStart, your students will be hooked, trying to capture the bad guys as they play the part of an Undercover Agent as part of the Cyber Protection Agency. An incredibly fun and FREE activity for your students to begin and progress on existing cyber skills, as well as a great end of term lesson that will prove to be a winner with your students! Your students (and yourself!) can register for the FREE Intern base here: https://cyberstart.io/hackinglabs
CyberStart: The ICT game that teaches cyber security the FUN wayQuick View

CyberStart: The ICT game that teaches cyber security the FUN way

Want to teach cyber security the fun and immersive way? With our gamified platform, CyberStart, your students will be hooked, trying to capture the bad guys as they play the part of an Undercover Agent as part of the Cyber Protection Agency. An incredibly fun and FREE activity for your students to begin and progress on existing cyber skills, as well as a great end of term lesson that will prove to be a winner with your students! Your students (and yourself!) can register for the FREE Intern base here: https://cyberstart.io/TES
Bring ICT lessons to life with CyberStartQuick View

Bring ICT lessons to life with CyberStart

Want to teach cyber security the fun and immersive way? With our gamified platform, CyberStart, your students will be hooked, trying to capture the bad guys as they play the part of an Undercover Agent as part of the Cyber Protection Agency. An incredibly fun and FREE activity for your students to begin and progress on existing cyber skills, as well as a great end of term lesson that will prove to be a winner with your students! Your students (and yourself!) can register for the FREE Intern base here: https://cyberstart.io/bringicttolife