<p>23 pages.<br />
A word document which can be used as a guide alongside Btec Child development in secondary schools. The content includes information for components 1,2, and 3.<br />
It is informative, colourful and easy to use. Perfect for revision purposes or to use alongside teaching materials in the classroom.<br />
Contents:<br />
Page 3-4 The role of health care professionals<br />
Page 4-5 Special care baby units<br />
Page 5 Premature babies<br />
Page 5-6 The newborn baby<br />
Page 6-7 Post-natal<br />
Page 8 Healthy diet<br />
Page 9 Factors to consider when feeding under five’s<br />
Page 10-11 Safety<br />
Page 11 Transitions<br />
Page 12-17 Areas of development<br />
Page 18 Stages of play<br />
Page 19-21 Types of play<br />
Page 21-22 Children with additional needs<br />
Page 23 Factors that could impact growth and development.</p>
<p>A booklet consisting of 40 pages suitable for low ability KS3.<br />
Great for intervention sessions or to use in class.<br />
There are 6 ‘lessons’ with a variety of tasks that can be completed independently or together as a group.<br />
Starters, key terms, main tasks and exit tickets for each.</p>
<p>Lesson 1: To add and subtract<br />
Lesson 2: To use times tables<br />
Lesson 3: To divide<br />
Lesson 4: To use the four operations<br />
Lesson 5: To use written methods for multiplication and division<br />
Lesson 6: To work with British currency.</p>
<p>This PowerPoint can be printed as a booklet for 8 lessons.<br />
<li>add and subtract</li>
<li>directed numbers</li>
<li>money calculations</li>
<li>3D shapes</li>
<li>Perimeter and area</li>
<li>Area of compound shapes</li>
<li>Area of triangles</li>
<p>Each lesson has a starter task, key words, ‘I do’, ‘We do’ ‘You do’ tasks and a colouring calculations puzzle.</p>
<p>Powerpoint: Lesson 1 for Component 1A</p>
<p>Content:<br />
Difference between growth and development;<br />
How growth and development is measured;<br />
Crossword puzzle AFL.</p>
<p>Ready to use, or transfer to individual templates.</p>
<p>Note: All photographs included are my own and you have permission to use them.</p>
<p>Powerpoint for Component 1A</p>
<p>Contents:<br />
What are Milestones?<br />
Who uses them and why?<br />
Case studies task.</p>
<p>Powerpoint is ready to use as it is, or transferred to own template.</p>
<p>Note: Photographs used are my own and you have permission to use them.</p>
<p>The 2nd booklet for numeracy containing 45 pages. Ideal for use with small groups or large classes. Suitable for low ability and those needing intervention and catch-up with the basics.<br />
There are 6 lessons in the booklet each with starter, key terms, variety of tasks and exit tickets.</p>
<p>Lesson 1: To use analogue clocks<br />
Lesson 2: Convert between 12-hour and 24-hour time<br />
Lesson 3: To calculate time differences<br />
Lesson 4: To use a bus timetable<br />
Lesson 5: To work with metric measures<br />
Lesson 6: To find the perimeter and area of rectangles</p>
<p>A PowerPoint that has discussion points to introduce the factors that could affect the growth and development of a 0-5 year old.<br />
Easy to transfer to your own template or use as it is.</p>
<p>Includes a wordsearch starter, teaching points/discussions.</p>
<p>This is a set of two printable sheets, one with no support and one with sentence starters to help students write about the impact of sensory impairments on a child’s development.<br />
I created this for students on the BTEC Child development course as part of their revision for Component 3.</p>
<p>PowerPoint lesson for BTEC Child development course. 0-18months communication and language and emotional development.<br />
Lesson can easily be transferred to your own template or used as it is.<br />
Photos included are my own so you can use these.</p>
<p>A PowerPoint that can be printed as a booklet of 6 lessons.<br />
Aimed at Low ability KS3/KS4 or possibly KS2 or intervention sessions.<br />
Each lesson has a starter, key words, ‘I do’, ‘We do’, ‘You do’ and ‘what learning has stuck?’ There is also a ‘recall’ quiz at the start.<br />
<li>Describe and continue pictorial sequences.</li>
<li>Identify sequence types, describe the sequence and continue them.</li>
<li>Work with linear sequences</li>
<li>Generate sequences.<br />
5 and 6. Problem solve with sequences.</li>
<p>PowerPoint for the BTEC child development course. Cognitive & Intellectual development 3-5 years.<br />
Suitable to transfer to your own lesson template or use as it is.<br />
Includes a starter activity, engaging main tasks and a ‘what learning has stuck’ task.</p>
<p>Powerpoint: Lesson 5 for Btec Child development</p>
<p>Content:<br />
Development of the senses<br />
Gross and fine motor skills<br />
Activities linked to development</p>
<p>Powerpoint is ready to use as it is or transfer to your own template.</p>
<p>Note: Photographs are my own and you have my permission to use them.</p>
<p>Powerpoint - Lesson 6 for BTEC Child development</p>
<p>Content:<br />
Fine motor skills<br />
Writing<br />
Sorting task of gross and fine motor skills<br />
Crossword AFL task</p>
<p>PowerPoint is ready to use or can be transferred to your own template.</p>
<p>PowerPoint: Lesson 4 for component 1A</p>
<p>Content:<br />
Primitive reflexes<br />
Sequence of physical development<br />
Gross and fine motor skills<br />
Activities to promote development - tasks and questions for AFL</p>
<p>Powerpoint is ready to use as it is or can be transferred to individual templates.</p>
<p>Note: All photographs are my own and you have my permission to use them.</p>
<p>A booklet with weekly tasks linked to component 1 of the BTEC Child development course.<br />
Week 1 is about types of behaviour<br />
Week 2 is a key terms task<br />
Week 3 is about independent skills needed for school<br />
Week 4 is about emotions<br />
Week 5 is a key terms activity<br />
Week 6 is about the stages of play<br />
Week 7 is planning an activity for children that is inclusive for the holiday season.</p>
<p>I have found it really useful to print these booklets out for each student at the start of the term and then each week we go through the homework tasks and discuss their work as a class. The students have given me positive feedback and even said they wished more teachers gave them a booklet like this!</p>
<p>A PowerPoint disucssing social and emotional circumstances that could affect growth and development.</p>
<p>Includes a starter task, discussion points and information, case study task.</p>
<p>Environmental and social factors that can affect growth and development.<br />
A PowerPoint that can be used as it is or transferred to your own school template.<br />
Includes a starter, discussion points, informative slides and photos are my own so you can use them.<br />
Provides notes that can be used for coursework tasks component 1B</p>
<p>A PowerPoint lesson for component 1A of the BTEC child development course.<br />
Easy to transfer to your own lesson template or use as it is.<br />
Starter, Literacy task, video clip and note taking opportunities which will be useful for coursework notes.</p>
<p>Cognitive & Intellectual development for 0-18 months.</p>