<p>This is a booklet I use with my Year 7s in order to provide evidence to the powers that be, with a key vocabulary table, a learning journey (which you can, of course, edit out, as the file is a powerpoint).</p>
<p>I use fairly minimal slides and generally match them to the booklet, so you can pretty much make whatever slides you want to go with it.</p>
<p>It includes a key vocab table, a careers word cloud, a learning journey page, rhythm performance tasks, a brief look at graphic score, rhythm creation tasks, and culminates in a piece of music in four sections, with opportunities to teach about various musical elements on the way. It doesn’t contain recall as I use rhythmic transcription or blooket quizzes, so it is pretty flexible, and editable if you want to include something or remove!</p>
<p>This is a booklet I use with Year 8 but suitable for whatever year you like.</p>
<p>It is flexible as the file is powerpoint so you can edit as you please, but includes:</p>
<p>A key vocab table, a careers word cloud, a learning journey page (for you to remove mine and put your own in!), and tasks around compound time (designed for folk, but not specifically mentioned), African song, Samba, Djembe drumming, with a mixture of performing and creating involved.</p>
<p>It is totally editable so you can remove things or add as you please. It doesn’t include recall, as I plan my recall separately according to how the lessons go each week!</p>
<p>I haven’t included slides as mine as all so minimalistic, and people will all do things in different ways.</p>
<p>I hope it is useful!</p>
<p>This is done with my Year 9s, but could be done with Y10 as appropriate.</p>
<p>This is an editable, flexible booklet which is in powerpoint format, so you can do with it as you please, but it includes:</p>
<p>Key vocab table, learning journey page (to remove mine and put yours in!), careers word cloud, and exercises including metamorphosis, 12 tone rows, inversion and retrograde melody-making, and augmentation and diminution. It is designed to be used with music tech, but could just as easily be used with a keyboard.</p>
<p>Apart from one transcription recall, there isn’t recall for each lesson/page, as I use other methods in my lessons.</p>
<p>I hope it is helpful!</p>
<p>A collection of sheets that enable students to begin to write a melody. The first pair is set as a powerpoint presentation so you can edit as required. There is one for C major and one for A minor. The second sheet is for developing those skills to include passing notes and sequences.</p>
<p>This is a set of resources for a band skills unit for the song Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey. This includes an easy and a challenging version for: keyboard, ukulele, guitar, and bass, as well as a transcribed melody line for instruments in C, Bb and A.</p>
<p>This resource gives an easy and a challenging version of Riptide for keyboard, ukulele, guitar, and bass, as well as melody parts for instruments in C and in Bb. In Powerpoint form so it can be edited as required.</p>