Vegetable Garden Printable Rhythm Manipulatives + Composition
<p>Looking to keep your students engaged while keeping them working on music? These winter themed rhythm manipulatives are the perfect way to practice composing, dictation, and writing rhythms. Use them in elementary music for composition, dictation, centers, assessment, and more!</p>
<p>Students can use the manipulatives to create rhythms with vegetable words like cabbage, carrot, bud, corn, potato, tomato, etc.</p>
<p>They can also match the rhythms to the words by printing out the rhythms and the cards with no notation.</p>
<p>These 10 rhythm manipulatives come in a quarter page size and a small size, color and black and white, regular notation, stick notation, and no notation.</p>
<p>Rhythms include quarter notes (crotchet) and eighth notes (quavers). Some cards have 1 beat and some are 2 to add difficulty to the activity.</p>
<p>7 composition sheets (with different meters)<br />
10 manipulatives<br />
Printable recording sheets to turn in<br />
Everything in medium small size<br />
Everything in color and black and white<br />
Everything is regular notation, stick notation, and no notation</p>