Year 5 Varjak Paw Week 1Quick View

Year 5 Varjak Paw Week 1

This is the first week of a three week unit aimed at Year 5. The resources etc can be adapted to Year 4 or 6. Attached, you will find the first week’s planning, daily PowerPoints, differentiated tasks for lessons, extension questions (labelled as GPQs), along with the all important text.
Year 5 Geography unit on South AmericaQuick View

Year 5 Geography unit on South America

Complete unit with unit planning, individual lesson slides and necessary lesson resources such as next steps, lesson write ups, writing frames and other support material. Lessons are interactive, often collaborative and certain lessons use computers. There are 6 lessons in total, with lessons 4 and 5 merged as it is an collaborative session that requires more time. Lesson 1 - Countries Lesson 2 - Physical Features Lesson 3 - Human Features Lessons 4 and 5 - Compare and Contrast Lesson 6 Push and Pull factors Acronyms that might require mention: TTYP - Talk to your partner WTS - Working Towards EXS - Expected Level GDS - Greater Depth GPQ - Green Pen Question (this was our extension question posed after a lesson to check on the learning).
Year 5 Geography Unit on RiversQuick View

Year 5 Geography Unit on Rivers

This is a full unit including unit planning, lesson PowerPoints and differentiated lesson resources. In addition to this, for certain lessons, there are ‘write ups’ which we use in class where the children have completed a practical task and we need evidence in books.
Year 5 Alien PoetryQuick View

Year 5 Alien Poetry

This is a one week poetry unit used at the beginning of the academic year in Year 5. We used the unit to reintroduce the children to English and creative writing. The poetry themes are based around space and include a range of poems from authors such as Pie Corbett (these poems are all easily found on the internet already and I am charging for the planning and additional resources, rather than his poetry). Each day presents the children with a new poem, short burst writing and key techniques used in Talk for Writing. In the file you will find planning, followed by daily resources and presentations. In the planning, activities are differentiated with the exception of guided writing groups as these were planned differently within the year group.