<p>An oracy lesson around the key question ‘Who lives in a castle and what was daily life like?’. This is a debating lesson where children will decide which is the most important castle character and why, debating this with their peers.</p>
<p>The French days of the weeks and months of the year, alongside numbers for the date, on a botanical background for a natural classroom. This resource can be turned into a calendar used to support every day French language teaching in the classroom.</p>
<p>The French days of the weeks and months of the year, alongside numbers for the date, on a hessian background for a natural classroom. This resource can be turned into a calendar used to support every day French language teaching in the classroom.</p>
<p>Song of the day provides information about and a link to a different song for every day of the school year. Listen to a song and day with your class and discuss using the Listen and Appraise questions as a discussion starter. Expand the musical horizons or your pupils and get them thinking critically about music.</p>
<p>Songs in this resource come from a range of musical genres and time periods. An effort has been made to ensure diversity of musicians and composers where possible. When appropriate, the song links to a video of a live performance. All songs and videos have been check for clean language and appropriateness for young age groups.</p>