<p>Introduction for year 9 students to rhythm and meter in Shakespeare. Prepares students for studying meter in Shakespeare at GCSE, could be used as a revision lesson.</p>
<p>Lesson that gets students thinking about the opening scenes in Hamlet by watching part of the play. Comprehension questions guide students through and understanding of what they have seen, followed by a creative writing and peer review task to allow students to emotionally engage with the text.</p>
<p>Lesson 1: Hamlet scheme of work. Pre-reading tasks ahead of studying the play. Lesson ties into PSHEE and encourages students to consider different contexts and how situational factors play a part in the way that we view ideas and morality.</p>
<p>N.B. some of the ideas are very controversial and need careful teacher management of conversation.</p>
<p>Reading extract based on Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ aimed at year 9 students to hone the skills of analysing Shakespeare ahead of their GCSE course.</p>