Criminal Law - Murder RevisionQuick View

Criminal Law - Murder Revision

This visual aid covers Murder Revision. Its all the learning content that students are required to learn and revise for an upcoming criminal law exam that covers Law on Homicide - Murder. This PP covers revision on Murder, the defintion, case law and the application of the law.
AutomatismQuick View


This is Criminal Law Defences Covers Content that students are required to learn on Automatism
Statutory InterpretationQuick View

Statutory Interpretation

This is a introduction to the rules of statutory interpretation. Literal Rule, Golden Rule, Mischief Rule and Purposive Approach. It explains the Key case law and the rules
Legal ProfessionQuick View

Legal Profession

This is an introduction to the legal profession. It sets out the qualifications and work of a Solicitor and Barrister. The visual aid consists of a starter activity for the students to guess the topic. It consists of knowledge and some research tasks for the students to engage in.
Alternative Dispute ResolutionQuick View

Alternative Dispute Resolution

This is an introduction to the four types of ADR. Arbitration, Mediation, Negoation and Conciliation. It covers points about each ADR, sets out actvities that can be planned around these.
Law Making - Parliamentary and Delegated LegislationQuick View

Law Making - Parliamentary and Delegated Legislation

This is a bundle with the introduction to Parliamentary law making along with Delegated legislation. It also covers Controls on delegated legislation. There is some activities mainly research activities for the students to engage with.