Rounding to significant figuresQuick View

Rounding to significant figures

Structured worksheets each with annotated examples to guide rounding to 1, 2 and 3 significant figures. Suitable for pupils at KS2, 3 and 4, ideal for learners who need additional support in understanding the concept of rounding to sf. <br /> <br /> Examples included of rounding when zeros are in front of a decimal number and when zeros are included within the decimal number. Clearly laid out, with guides to show which number to round.<br /> <br /> 4 example pages and 4 question pages provided.
Working out Fractions of AmountsQuick View

Working out Fractions of Amounts

This PowerPoint presentation breaks down how to work out fraction of amounts into basic steps. It uses colour and visual to further explain. The numbers and fractions increase as the PowerPoint progresses. The presentation can be paused for pupils to do the calculations at each step first.<br /> <br /> It is ideal for young pupils learning how find fractions of amounts or for pupils with difficulties in maths who benefit from a visual representation of the process.
Structured Arithmetic Boards to Support Maths DifficultiesQuick View

Structured Arithmetic Boards to Support Maths Difficulties

<p>This pack of 13 pages contains grids to support:</p> <p>Long multiplication for 2 by 2 digits<br /> Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000<br /> Vertical number line<br /> 2 differentiated place value boards to aid multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10 and aligning sums correctly<br /> Bus stop division with remainder<br /> Bus stop division with decimal answers</p> <p>All boards except the vertical number line come with an instruction sheet to guide how to use the board.</p> <p>Please note that I have also provided a grid for long multiplication 2 digits by 1 digit, which is available as a free download to try out.</p> <p>I have developed these boards through my work with students with difficulties in maths including dyscalculia. I have found these structured guides support learning and allow processes to be understood. They aid students to learn using this scaffolding approach, which can be taken away when they feel more confident. These boards are ideal for laminating so they can be used repeatedly.</p>
Rounding to 1 and 2 decimal placesQuick View

Rounding to 1 and 2 decimal places

Differentiated structured worksheets showing number lines to guide rounding to 1 and 2 decimal places. A clear example is given on each sheet. Suitable for pupils at KS2, 3 and 4, ideal for learners who need additional support in understanding the concept of rounding to decimal places. <br /> <br /> Lines are provided to assist pupils to consider what decimal places the number sits between.<br /> Then they can think what number sits in the middle. <br /> Finally they can place the number given on to the line to work out which it rounds to.<br /> 5 question sheets provided.
Structured Scaling Up ProblemsQuick View

Structured Scaling Up Problems

<p>This presentation demonstrates how to structure problems by tabling information and using scaling. This method can work for a number of word problem including ratio questions.</p> <p>It uses colour to link information and breaks down questions step by step, with explanation throughout and can be paused for students to do calculations at each stage. Questions become progressively more challenging, but the method remains the same.</p> <p>It is suitable for KS2 students learning this method for the first time, it is also ideal for students with difficulties in maths who benefit from a structured approach to questions.</p> <p>Please note that the real presentation is aligned correctly, unlike how is shown in the preview.</p>
Finding Percentages of Amounts 10%Quick View

Finding Percentages of Amounts 10%

<p>This structured resource supports the understanding of finding percentages of amounts for multiples of ten. The worksheet guides students through the process, with a worked example at the top. Colour is used to highlight information, the language used is considered to aid understanding and space is allowed for working out. This worksheet was developed for students who benefit from a more scaffolded approach to learning concepts. It is ideal for students learning this for the first time at KS2 or those students who needed extra support to recap skills at KS3 and 4.</p>
Revision Arithmetic Mixed Questions 2Quick View

Revision Arithmetic Mixed Questions 2

<p>These are a continuation of my free resource, Revision Arithmetic Mixed Questions, with a further 15 worksheets. These have all been developed for my foundation level GCSE students, specifically for those who had difficulties with maths, including dyscalculia. Each worksheet has a range of questions which cover topics such as arithmetic, algebra, fractions, percentages and decimals. There are also adapted word questions similar to questions from the foundation exam. Colour is used to highlight key information, space is provided for working out and some structure is provided where needed. I set these as homework tasks, for my students recap and practise, for this reason many topics are revisited in different sheets to allow overlearning.</p>
Fraction Increase and Decrease Differentiated Structured QuestionsQuick View

Fraction Increase and Decrease Differentiated Structured Questions

This is a structured worksheet to guide students through the method of finding fraction increases and decreases of amounts. This can be used in conjunction with Finding Fractions of Amounts Differentiated Questions and Finding Fraction of Amounts Differentiated Structured Questions. This differentiated sheet is ideal for learners with difficulties in maths who need additional support to understand this process at KS3 and 4 and students in KS2 new to learning this who would benefit from a structured approach.
Finding Fraction of Amounts Differentiated SheetQuick View

Finding Fraction of Amounts Differentiated Sheet

This is a structured worksheet to guide students through the method of finding fractions of amounts. The first question is completed as an example. This differentiated sheet is ideal for learners with difficulties in maths who need additional support to understand this process at KS3 and 4 and students in KS2 new to learning this who would benefit from a structured approach. This can be used in conjunction with Finding Fractions of Amounts Differentiated Structured Questions.
Algebra Mixed SkillsQuick View

Algebra Mixed Skills

<p>This collection of sheets introduces aspects at the early stages of algebra. These are: collecting like terms, substitution, expanding single brackets, solving simple equations and solving single and both sided linear equations. Examples are given throughout and colour is used to aid visual representation. They are ideal for students who are beginning to learn algebra and also for those who need to recap these skills and benefit from clear, simple and repetitive style questioning.</p>
Structured Multiplication and Division Word ProblemsQuick View

Structured Multiplication and Division Word Problems

<p>This structured worksheet guides students through the method of using scaling to answer multiplication and division questions. Students will need to consider if they are scaling up or down and hence work out if they are multiplying or dividing. Structured Multiplication Word Problems and Structured Division Word Problems are ideal worksheets to go over first with students.</p> <p>This differentiated sheet is ideal for learners with difficulties in maths who need additional support to understand word problems. It is suitable for students at KS2, 3 and 4, who would benefit from a structured approach.</p>
Working out Pay and Spending of EarningsQuick View

Working out Pay and Spending of Earnings

<p>Students need to calculate how much someone will earn for the hours they have worked, they are then asked to deduct how much they are left with after they spend some of their earnings. In the second part of the task, they are given how much pay a person receives and need to work out how many hours they have worked. Students may need to use a calculator for only part or all of the task. Students have to refer back to previous information given as they work through. This has been developed for functional skills maths at entry level 2 and 3. There is a homework sheet provided.</p>
Structured Multiplication Word ProblemsQuick View

Structured Multiplication Word Problems

<p>This structured worksheet guides students through the method of using scaling to answer multiplication questions. This can be used in conjunction with Structured Division Word Problems and Structured Multiplications and Division Word Problems.</p> <p>This differentiated sheet is ideal for learners with difficulties in maths who need additional support to understand word problems. It is ideal for students at KS2, 3 and 4, who would benefit from a structured approach.</p>
Planning a PartyQuick View

Planning a Party

<p>This focuses on what to consider when planning a party, including an activity to do, invitations and food. Students have to refer back to previous information given as they work through. Ideal for functional skills maths at entry level 2 and 3. There is a homework sheet provided. The initial idea for this was from a found resource which I have adapted and developed.</p>
Revision Arithmetic Mixed QuestionsQuick View

Revision Arithmetic Mixed Questions

<p>I developed these resources for my foundation level GCSE students, specifically for those who had difficulties with maths, including dyscalculia. Each worksheet has a range of questions which cover topics such as arithmetic, algebra, fractions, percentages and decimals. There are also adapted word questions similar to questions from the foundation exam. Colour is used to highlight key information, space is provided for working out and some structure is provided where needed. I set these as homework tasks to support recapping and practising of skills, for this reason many topics are revisited in different sheets to allow overlearning.</p>
A Day OutQuick View

A Day Out

<p>Students are asked to calculate the cost of things they buy, time they need to leave and work out the time they would get home. Students have to refer back to previous information given as they work through. Ideal for functional skills maths at entry level 2 and 3. There is a homework sheet provided. The initial idea for this was from a found resource which I have adapted and developed.</p>
Finding Fractions of Amounts Differentiated Structured QuestionsQuick View

Finding Fractions of Amounts Differentiated Structured Questions

This is a structured worksheet to guide students through the method of finding fractions of amounts from word questions. The first question is completed as an example. This can be used in conjunction with Finding Fractions of Amounts Differentiated Questions and Fraction Increase and Decrease Differentiated Structured Questions. This differentiated sheet is ideal for learners with difficulties in maths who need additional support to understand this process at KS3 and 4 and students in KS2 new to learning this who would benefit from a structured approach.
Structured Division Word ProblemsQuick View

Structured Division Word Problems

<p>This structured worksheet guides students through the method of using scaling to answer division questions. This can be used in conjunction with Structured Multiplication Word Problems and Structured Multiplications and Division Word Problems.</p> <p>This differentiated sheet is ideal for learners with difficulties in maths who need additional support to understand word problems. It is ideal for students at KS2, 3 and 4, who would benefit from a structured approach.</p>
A structured board to support understanding of dates and calendarsQuick View

A structured board to support understanding of dates and calendars

The months board is designed to support students to understand the concept of counting on when calculating time for calendars and dates. It can be used to develop understanding of counting in weeks and it can support recalling the days in each month.<br /> <br /> It is ideal for laminating to allow students to write the day they are starting at by the correct date and count ahead, jumping in whole weeks if they can or filling in all the days. <br /> <br /> Three worksheets are provided which can be used with the board:<br /> <br /> What is the date? <br /> What day of the week? <br /> How many Days?
Structured multiplication grid to support maths difficultiesQuick View

Structured multiplication grid to support maths difficulties

A structured grid to support multiplication of 2 digits by 1 digit, an instruction sheet is attached to explain how to use the board.<br /> <br /> I have developed this board through my work with students with difficulties in maths including dyscalculia. This board is ideal for laminating so it can be used repeatedly.<br /> <br /> Suitable for students from KS2 up.
Place Value AddingQuick View

Place Value Adding

This video is ideal for pupils just learning how to line up sums with hundreds and thousands and numbers with decimals at KS2. It is also ideal for older pupils with difficulties in maths who need a structured guide to aid them in aligning sums.<br /> <br /> It guides pupils through using a place value board to line up sums correctly for addition sums. <br /> <br /> The video sets out examples and gives opportunity for pupils to pause and have a go at some similar sums.