PPT Template Theme / Lesson Builder / Designer / Any Lesson or SubjectQuick View

PPT Template Theme / Lesson Builder / Designer / Any Lesson or Subject

<p>A PowerPoint template theme to help structure and standardise lessons.<br /> Simply open it up and click the ▼arrow next to + New Slide button on PPT and there are pre-made activities for different parts of the lesson.<br /> For each ‘section’ of the progress bar there are blank slides clearly labelled so you can create your own activities.<br /> Lesson progress bar across the bottom that changes as the lesson progresses.<br /> Prompts for knowledge checks.<br /> Additional worksheets to go with PPT activities.<br /> THREE FREE lessons (‘Visions’ and ‘Miracles’ for GCSE RS and a ‘Contraception’ lesson for Yr8/9 PSHE) pre made using these PPT themes to show how lessons can be built.<br /> An on-going resource…buy once and download whenever it’s updated.<br /> PPT Theme will be updated with user suggestions of activities, if you want any further ones made or alterations to the theme, just message me on here.</p>
Quick Marking to save time WWW/EBIQuick View

Quick Marking to save time WWW/EBI

A simple sheet to use while marking with pre made statements that the pupils copy into the books after you have marked using just a number next to the WWW/EBI note.<br /> Statements can be changed to suit your subject.<br /> After using the sheet for 30 minutes the statements are learnt automatically to make marking about twice as quickly.<br /> Where the statement doesn't quite fit what you want to say just write those bits by hand.<br /> I usually put the ppt slide up on the screen, stick in books or print out for pupils to copy from.
Edexcel RE single unit class tracker for student data (tracking and analysing grades)Quick View

Edexcel RE single unit class tracker for student data (tracking and analysing grades)

Simply add the student scores and the rest is done for you!<br /> An easy to use class tracker to help highlight students that need intervention and give feedback on which question needs to be developed.<br /> <br /> Great for printing out and replacing the old fashioned paper record sheet in a school planner, gives a better overview of which students are struggling with and can highlight if there are any general weaknesses. <br /> <br /> Simply fill in what the students got for each question and the sheet works out the score, percentage, grade, rank in the class, their strongest and weakest question, the A*-C % pass and D-U grades.<br /> <br /> There is also an additional tab on the sheet to give you a more detailed break down <br /> <br /> *Please note - RANK system will work only when marks have been put in. <br /> <br /> Resource will get updated often.<br />
Differentiated Questioning GridQuick View

Differentiated Questioning Grid

A simple resource to help pupils to develop their questioning ability and understand how to ask higher level questions.<br /> Once laminated, students use a whiteboard marker to tick off which level of question they managed to ask within a class discussion.<br /> Welcome any comments.
Whole School (all classes)Tracker Edexcel RE FULL COURSE Automated Data,colour coding 3/4 LevelsQuick View

Whole School (all classes)Tracker Edexcel RE FULL COURSE Automated Data,colour coding 3/4 Levels

Designed to track and analyse the progress of a whole year group.<br /> <br /> Just add the scores for each unit paper and the tracker sheet does the rest! Very easy to use!<br /> <br /> Add the student levels and the sheet that will change colour depending on whether they are getting 3/4 levels progress.<br /> <br /> Average grades show for each student to help highlight intervention. Sorting tabs already ready.<br /> <br /> Easy to read pie chart and graph to show how the whole year group are doing overall and on each specific unit.<br /> <br /> Ideal for putting on the shared system and letting staff/admin to put data in as an when they come to the end of a topic.
9-1 Grading Whole dept. Class data tracking, Any subject,12 classes and 12 assessments, SEN, PP, etcQuick View

9-1 Grading Whole dept. Class data tracking, Any subject,12 classes and 12 assessments, SEN, PP, etc

A data tracking sheet using the new 9-1 grading system and able to handle up to 12 classes with each class having up to 24 assessments.<br /> <br /> This sheet is fully adaptable to any department needs. Grade boundaries and paper scores can be changed to suit your course.<br /> <br /> The sorting filters on the data entry sheet can be used to show only certain classes or find specific things such as students not makign 3 levels of progress and needing intervention etc. <br /> <br /> All class data is clearly presented in one A4 or A3 print out, including grades achieved from each class, PP, SEN, M/F, Levels of progress etc.<br /> <br /> You choose which classes you want to analyse by simply typing the class names in, the sheet does the rest, giving you all the information required for managing the whole Department and Ofsted.<br /> <br /> The user guide provided with this can be found separately for free to give you an idea on how the sheet works.<br /> <br /> Purchase once and download as many copies as required for any number of staff or departments. Any further improvements or updated versions created will also be free to download after the first purchase.<br /> <br /> Any issues, alterations or advice can be solved and provided with via a direct email provided on the user guide.
30 Pupil Automated Behaviour monitoring point system with colour coding Rewards/SanctionsQuick View

30 Pupil Automated Behaviour monitoring point system with colour coding Rewards/Sanctions

A simple to use behaviour monitoring system that can be used to help with class behaviour or as a rewards system. <br /> <br /> You decide what type of behaviour is worth what score.<br /> <br /> You set individual goals for students to reach and the sheet will colour code to highlight students that need to be rewarded or show improvement.<br /> <br /> Can be used for form,class or to help improve behaviour with a tricky class.<br /> <br /> Can be put on the school system and copies made for individual classes.<br /> <br /> Any questions or adaptions get in touch.
Edexcel RE Full, Whole course (Single Class) Automated DATA tracker, A*-C,interventionQuick View

Edexcel RE Full, Whole course (Single Class) Automated DATA tracker, A*-C,intervention

Simply put in the scores and it does all the work!<br /> An excel sheet with clear advice and guidance to help you, one sheet has yellow boxes explaining how to use each part and with made up data in to show how it works. The other sheet is ready for you to use.<br /> This sheet is designed for FULL course RE doing TWO units from the edexcel paper.<br /> Gives you a running average and grade of what the student is achieving spanning across the two years. <br /> Second tab shows how the class have performed A*-C on each individual paper.<br /> Easy to see the average score the class gained at each section of the course making intervention and revision focus easy.<br /> Great to use in your planner and for performance management to keep a track on how all of your students are doing.<br /> Sheet can be copied so you can track each class you have, or one could be put on the shared system for the rest of the dept. to make a copy and use.<br /> Any questions feel free to ask.<br />
9-1 tracking .2/.5/.8,finds weakest kids,auto colour coding,whole dept or single class,any subject,Quick View

9-1 tracking .2/.5/.8,finds weakest kids,auto colour coding,whole dept or single class,any subject,

A data tracking sheet using the new 9-1 grading system and able to handle up to 12 classes with each class having up to 24 assessments.<br /> <br /> This sheet has been adapted to include the .2/.5/.8 sub levels which are often used in KS3. On the filters, certain classes or specific weaknesses can be found. Again advice can be given for this.<br /> <br /> This sheet is fully adaptable to any department needs. Grade boundaries and paper scores can be changed to suit your course.<br /> <br /> All class data is clearly presented on one page, including grades achieved from each class, PP, SEN, M/F, Levels of progress etc.<br /> <br /> You choose which classes you want to analyse by simply typing the class names in, the sheet does the rest, giving you all the information required for managing the whole Department and Ofsted.<br /> <br /> The user guide provided with this can be found separately for free to give you an idea on how the sheet works.<br /> <br /> Purchase once and download as many copies as required for any number of staff or departments. Any further improvements or updated versions created will also be free to download after the first purchase.<br /> <br /> Any issues, alterations or advice can be solved and provided with via a direct email provided on the user guide.
	Auto Essay Feedback for 4 question paper GCSE+ALevel A*-U All SubjectsQuick View

Auto Essay Feedback for 4 question paper GCSE+ALevel A*-U All Subjects

This sheet save teacher marking time by creating an individual feedback sheet for each student (up to a maximum class size of 30)<br /> Simply add the scores the students got in their paper/assessment and write in the advice box the best way to get full marks for that specific answer and the sheet does the rest for you.<br /> Download the free MrHolyome user guide to see in more detail what the sheet can do.<br />
WHOLE CLASS,track up to 12 assessments, A*-U, Colour coding 3/4 levels, Data trackingQuick View

WHOLE CLASS,track up to 12 assessments, A*-U, Colour coding 3/4 levels, Data tracking

A simple to use tracker to track a single class of up to 30 students and up to a total of 12 assessments using the GCSE A*-U grade system.<br /> <br /> Can be used with any subject, any grade boundaries and for assessments out of any score.<br /> <br /> Enter the paper total for each assessment, the grade boundaries and the 3/4 levels progress and the sheet does the rest.<br /> <br /> Colour coding to show whether the student is hitting their 3/4 levels of progress or not.<br /> <br /> Overview progress tracking to show how the class are doing on each assessment to allow for intervention or whole class strengths and weaknesses.<br /> <br /> Pie charts to show overall progress A*-C and pie charts to show A*-C progress for each unit/assessment.<br /> <br /> Email support for any issues or adaptions needed.
EDEXCEL RE Whole School (all classes) SHORT COURSE Data Tracking Automated Colour Coded 3/4 LevelsQuick View

EDEXCEL RE Whole School (all classes) SHORT COURSE Data Tracking Automated Colour Coded 3/4 Levels

Designed to track and analyse the progress of a whole year group Up to 200 students doing the short course/one paper.<br /> <br /> Just add the scores for each unit paper and the tracker sheet does the rest! Very easy to use!<br /> <br /> Add the student levels and the sheet that will change colour depending on whether they are getting 3/4 levels progress.<br /> <br /> Average grades show for each student to help highlight intervention.<br /> <br /> Easy to read pie chart and graph to show how the whole year group are doing overall and on each specific unit.<br /> <br /> Ideal for putting on the shared system and letting staff/admin to put data in as an when they come to the end of a topic.<br /> <br /> Ready to use just delete the example scores.
RE edexcel whole Short course,(Single Class) data tracking,automatedQuick View

RE edexcel whole Short course,(Single Class) data tracking,automated

Simply add the scores and the sheet does the rest!<br /> An excel sheet with clear advice and guidance to help you.<br /> This sheet is designed for short course RE doing one unit from the edexcel paper.<br /> Gives you a running average and grade of what the student is achieving spanning across the two years. <br /> Second tab shows how the class have performed A*-C on each individual paper.<br /> Easy to see the average score the class gained at each section of the course making intervention and revision focus easy.<br /> Great to use in your planner and for performance management to keep a track on how all of your students are doing.<br /> Sheet can be copied so you can track each class you have, or one could be put on the shared system for the rest of the dept. to make a copy and use.<br /> I can adapt the sheet to suit a different exam board in required.<br /> Any questions feel free to ask.
	Whole Year Group (Up to 350 students) GCSE A*-U 4 Paper/Assessments Data Tracker, Any SubjectQuick View

Whole Year Group (Up to 350 students) GCSE A*-U 4 Paper/Assessments Data Tracker, Any Subject

A whole year group tracker that can handle up to 350 students from any single year group.<br /> Up to 4 assessments tracked.<br /> Easy to use for any subject. <br /> <br /> Designed to colour code in comparison to the 3/4 levels of progress or 4/5 levels.<br /> Shows average A*C for each student, success at each unit or assessment with a second page showing greater detail on the A*-C for each unit.<br /> Can be fully adjusted to suit your needs. You chooses the % grade boundaries, what each paper/assessment is marked out of etc.<br /> Ideal for whole department use, copies can be made to track each year group separately.<br /> Download the free MrHolyome's user guide to get a better idea of what each resource does.<br />
Auto Essay Feedback for 3 question paper GCSE+ALevel A*-U All SubjectsQuick View

Auto Essay Feedback for 3 question paper GCSE+ALevel A*-U All Subjects

This sheet save teacher marking time by creating an individual feedback sheet for each student (up to a maximum class size of 30)<br /> Simply add the scores the students got in their paper/assessment and write in the advice box the best way to get full marks for that specific answer and the sheet does the rest for you.<br /> Download the free MrHolyome user guide to see in more detail what the sheet can do.
Whole School (350 students) GCSE A*-U 8 Paper/Assessments Data TrackerQuick View

Whole School (350 students) GCSE A*-U 8 Paper/Assessments Data Tracker

A whole year group tracker that can handle up to 350 students from any single year group.<br /> Designed to colour code in comparison to the 3/4 levels of progress or 4/5 levels.<br /> Shows average A*C for each student, success at each unit or assessment with a second page showing greater detail on the A*-C for each unit.<br /> Can be fully adjusted to suit your needs. You chooses the % grade boundaries, what each paper/assessment is marked out of etc.<br /> Ideal for whole department use, copies can be made to track each year group separately.<br /> Download the free MrHolyome's user guide to get a better idea of what each resource does.
	Whole School (350 students) GCSE A*-U 7 Paper/Assessments Data TrackerQuick View

Whole School (350 students) GCSE A*-U 7 Paper/Assessments Data Tracker

A whole year group tracker that can handle up to 350 students from any single year group.<br /> Up to 7 assessments tracked.<br /> Designed to colour code in comparison to the 3/4 levels of progress or 4/5 levels.<br /> Shows average A*C for each student, success at each unit or assessment with a second page showing greater detail on the A*-C for each unit.<br /> Can be fully adjusted to suit your needs. You chooses the % grade boundaries, what each paper/assessment is marked out of etc.<br /> Ideal for whole department use, copies can be made to track each year group separately.<br /> Download the free MrHolyome's user guide to get a better idea of what each resource does.<br />
	Whole Year Group (Up to 350 students) GCSE A*-U 5 Paper/Assessments Data Tracker, TrackingQuick View

Whole Year Group (Up to 350 students) GCSE A*-U 5 Paper/Assessments Data Tracker, Tracking

A whole year group tracker that can handle up to 350 students from any single year group.<br /> Easy to use for any subject. <br /> Up to 5 assessments tracked.<br /> Designed to colour code in comparison to the 3/4 levels of progress or 4/5 levels.<br /> Shows average A*C for each student, success at each unit or assessment with a second page showing greater detail on the A*-C for each unit.<br /> Can be fully adjusted to suit your needs. You chooses the % grade boundaries, what each paper/assessment is marked out of etc.<br /> Ideal for whole department use, copies can be made to track each year group separately.<br /> Download the free MrHolyome's user guide to get a better idea of what each resource does and which is best for you.<br /> <br /> Many other trackers available if you search for them in my resources.
WHOLE  YEAR,12 paper auto tracking, any subject, colour coding 3/4 levels, A*-C pie chartsQuick View

WHOLE YEAR,12 paper auto tracking, any subject, colour coding 3/4 levels, A*-C pie charts

Simple to use tracker that can be used with any subject to track up to a maximum of 12 assessments and up to 350 students.<br /> <br /> Once purchased the sheet can be downloaded any number of times or put on the shared area.<br /> <br /> You decide what mark each paper is out of.<br /> You decide the grade boundaries for each paper.<br /> Enter the 3/4 levels (export from sims)<br /> The tracker will do the rest and highlight whether the student is meeting the 3/4 levels of progress or not using red,yellow,green to highlight.<br /> A pie chart for each assessment to show % of A*-C<br /> A graph to show overall success for each assessment over the year.<br /> <br /> Easy to use with advice boxes included and my email incase you need any further help.
	Whole Year (Up to 350 students) GCSE A*-U 6 Paper/Assessments Data TrackerQuick View

Whole Year (Up to 350 students) GCSE A*-U 6 Paper/Assessments Data Tracker

A whole year group tracker that can handle up to 350 students from any single year group.<br /> Up to 6 assessments tracked.<br /> Designed to colour code in comparison to the 3/4 levels of progress or 4/5 levels.<br /> Shows average A*C for each student, success at each unit or assessment with a second page showing greater detail on the A*-C for each unit.<br /> Can be fully adjusted to suit your needs. You chooses the % grade boundaries, what each paper/assessment is marked out of etc.<br /> Ideal for whole department use, copies can be made to track each year group separately.<br /> Download the free MrHolyome's user guide to get a better idea of what each resource does.<br />
Peer and Self Review / Assessing PlacematQuick View

Peer and Self Review / Assessing Placemat

Comment and rate if you can thanks.<br /> A resource I have laminated and use with all KS3/4 classes once every half term. A quick plenary idea that can be used any time without preparation to give a more structured student review instead of two stars and a wish.