EPQ Pitch PowerPoint
<p>Have you been given the daunting task of recruiting A Level students to complete the AQA Extended Project Qualification by your management?</p>
<p>Are you unsure what information to present or just short on time to make that pitch yourself? Well I have done the work for you and am happy to share.</p>
<p>The following resource contains the key information in an engaging and informative PowerPoint that is ready for you to use in an assembly (as i did) or in the first introductory session of EPQ.</p>
<p>Amendment: Please note that this is a whistle-stop overview of EPQ which contains 5 slides that briefly introduce and pitch the course. It was intially created for my own use where the brief was ‘5 minutes to sell it’. If you require a longer assembly and want help in expanding on certain points I’d be happy to chat. I do realise it is ‘short and sweet’ hence the very low price point.</p>