'Tale of the Little Porcelain Clock' - short story for children / reading story for parents & carersQuick View

'Tale of the Little Porcelain Clock' - short story for children / reading story for parents & carers

’Tale of the Little Porcelain Clock’ - short story for kids to read, or reading story for parents, child carers and teachers. This short story tells about a young boy and the little Porcelain Clock he selected as his favorite choice . This young boy Bart lives very pleasantly at home, but he also likes to discover other places in the world. So he starts a world journey, together with other children and teachers. Before the journey starts, he decides to take with him a very fragile thing as company - a little Porcelain Clock. This is a strange choice, you may think. Because he must take care for it every moment. He must protect this fragile clock during a rather difficult and adventurous journey. But despite all the boy chose for it ! This story of The Little Porcelain Clock I wrote in my child psychologist practice for Bart - a young boy of eight years old. He lived in a very fragile health, just like the porcelain clock he chose. Moreover he had also been through some difficult times of his young life. So how must he handle these important things of his life?! this tale / reading story is written by me, a retired Dutch child psychologist, Anneke van der Meer. translation into English by Anne Porcelyn
fairy tale 'Little Chick is jealous' - reading story for parents & carers, by child psychologistQuick View

fairy tale 'Little Chick is jealous' - reading story for parents & carers, by child psychologist

‘Little Chick is jealous’ - a fairy-tale / short reading story for parents, carers & teachers - written by child-psychologist Anneke van der Meer This is a short reading story / tale for parents, teachers and child carers -it is free to download. The short story tells about a jealous Little Chicken who hates his little newborn brother. He refuses to share the love of his mother and father with his young little brother. But after a dream journey together with the boy Mick everything changed suddenly - because something special happened during this trip. At the end of the story Little Chick doesn’t feel alone any longer. It is a short fairy tale for kids to read; but also useful for parents and child carers, to read to their children. It is FREE to download and to share with others This short reading story / tale for parents, teachers and all child carers was originally written in Dutch by retired child psychologist Anneke van der Meer. A mother came to her practice with her daughter who was terribly jealous and angry, because of the birth of a new baby. The text is translated into English by Anne Porcelijn.
Kids symbolics & imaginations in fairytale story;  for parents & child carers, by child psychologistQuick View

Kids symbolics & imaginations in fairytale story; for parents & child carers, by child psychologist

For parents and teachers: Symbolics & child Imaginations in my fairytale story for kids ‘The Little Porcelain Clock’ by Dutch child psychologist Anneke van der Meer In my practicing as child psychologist I wrote the short story ‘The Little Porcelain Clock’ for a young kid, named Bart. The ‘Porcelain Clock’ itself I used in this story as a symbol for the boys’ very fragile health, he had to deal with in life. You can download this story itself also freely on TES, and below the story you find my explanation of its symbols. In the second text I describe and explain several imaginations and symbols I used in other kid stories, which I wrote for children with strong personal problems. The symbols and imaginations are good examples for finding your imaginations ans symbols in your own fantasy for making stories for your child. I hope it will inspire you as a parent, teacher or child carer to write your own stories and tales for the children you love and care. When in practice my used imaginations could reach a child at its subconscious level, it gave him or her relief for his his daily troubled feelings and new perspectives in its young life. This text (including the illustration) is free to download by everybody, to use and share with other parents, teacher and child carers. text by Dutch child psychologist Anneke van der Meer / translation by Anne Porcelijn
Animal Pictures - illustrations for Tales and reading stories for childrenQuick View

Animal Pictures - illustrations for Tales and reading stories for children

Pictures of Animals - illustrations for reading stories & fairy-tales, which I wrote for children Here I will place pictures of animals I made in drawing and in water-colors. They were meant as illustrations for short tales and reading stories which I wrote for a child with a specific problem in life. The pictures are Free to download and to use. They were made as illustrations and images for several of my fairy-tales and stories I wrote for children of different ages, to help them and give them strength for life. All these animal images are placed in high resolution, and I share them for free here on TES, in the public domain. So you can download or print them free, in a nice quality and in big sizes, if you like. And please, share them with others freely. I hope you enjoy my animal pictures and the stories I wrote and contributed on TES too, for free child-psychologist, Anneke van der Meer
Tale of The Secret Crystal Ball - short fairy-tale for children / reading story for parents & carersQuick View

Tale of The Secret Crystal Ball - short fairy-tale for children / reading story for parents & carers

the Tale of The Secret Crystal Ball This short story for children tells about a young girl who awakes early in the morning and slips quietly outside the house. There she takes here time to enjoy being outside in the field with the early morning sun. Then she goes to her secret place where she has hidden her Crystal Ball. But what happened then…? I can tell you beforehand that the girl meets in this story some strange animals to help her. This enables her to change some essential things for herself. You can freely download this reading story for yourself and share it with others, including the illustration! The Tale of the Broken Crystal Ball is meant as a short English reading story for children and their parents or teachers. This short reading story is written by Dutch child-psychologist Anneke van der Meer // translation into English by Anne Porcelyn.
Story & Tale imagination can heal kids mentally; for parents & child care - by child psychologistQuick View

Story & Tale imagination can heal kids mentally; for parents & child care - by child psychologist

Imagination in Story and Tale can heal your kid mentally - for parents, child carers, teachers- explained by child psychologist Anneke van der Meer I am a Dutch retired child psychologist and wrote in my practice short reading stories and tales for children or the parents to help their young boy or girl to cope with life. I could only help these kids by using their own child imagination. This power enabled me to communicate with them properly, because Tales and children Stories use exactly the same imagination as children do. This is the heart of the matter which I like to share with you by this contributed text, here on TES. You can use it and share it with other parents freely. It has proven itself for years already in my practice as child psychologist: Imagination & Fantasy are the main healing forces in the young life of our kids. So we can use them in making focused Stories and Fairy tales for our children to support them in coping with life. This method is useful and possible for everybody: for parents, child carers and teachers. I instructued this for many years to parents and carers in my own country the Netherlands by practising this together: making stories and tales focused on the problems of a ki. . In this text I like to explain how this power of imagination works and how you can use this unbelievable force of fantasy. I present it as a free source for everybody in the world, because also the fairy tales are free. And the famous fairy-tales all over the world possessed this knowledge for many centuries already. The images of our fantasy have a huge power for children because they use it daily to cope with their personal life. Of course it is the animals who are the stars in the fairy-tales. So you will find them back here in my little stories on TES I wrote for children to help them. To demonstrate this important role of animals in the stories for children, I place here also several of my animal drawings. I made them as illustrations for my own stories. They are an example and illustration of my ideas on the powerful source of imagination and fantasy in stories and in human life. I hope my written fairy-tales, stories and tales - which I wrote for children and which I share here for free on TES - can become an inspiration for parents, teachers and child-carers. These kind of stories can support and heal our children we care for and love, when we are willing and able to use the language of children imagination, fantasy and imagery. Once you realize how it works to create a specific story with imagery, useful for your own child, it generates much more pleasure for your kid than the usual ‘talking out the problem’,. But also more pleasure for you as a parent, carer or teacher yourself. Because imagery in a tale works much more stronger as a positive power for your child than talking about the problem. I hope you will enjoy this. Dutch child-psychologist, Anneke van der Meer // translation, Anne Porcelijn
'Ducky  Andrea  quacks naughty words' - a reading story for young childrenQuick View

'Ducky Andrea quacks naughty words' - a reading story for young children

Ducky Andrea quacks naughty words - a short reading story for young children between 5-8 years. This is a short story for children about Ducky Andrea. As a young duck Andrea loved to quack naughty words - and she was very proud on it. But later in the story everything changed. I believe it is a nice short reading story for children, in simple English language so young children will understand it easily. This story about Ducky Andrea I wrote for an eight year old little girl who kept talking rude and naughty words at the wrong moments. Free to download!! a story by child-psychologist Anneke van der Meer; translation into English, Anne Porcelijn
Tale, Little Chick hates to be alone; a reading-story for young childrenQuick View

Tale, Little Chick hates to be alone; a reading-story for young children

This is the tale of a jealous Little Chick who don’t want to be alone. It is a reading story for parents and child carers, to read to their young children. In the start of this short story Little Chick hates his little newborn brother, because he wants his parents company and care just for himself alone, like it always was before. But then the tale starts: in his dream Little Chick travels with Mick to other chicken coops, so he can compare his own life with that of other chicks. After this journey Little Chick doesn’t care any longer to share his parents love with his younger brother. Anneke van der Meer wrote this little story in fact for a boy of 4 years old who was extremely jealous. His parents came to her for help. This is a tale for parents, to read to their child who is perhaps jealous and don’t want to share mother and father with a younger brother or sister. The tale is FREE to download and use. The story / tale was written by Anneke van der Meer in Dutch and translated into English by Anne Porcelijn.
Kids tales & stories for parents; to read modern fairy tales to your children; free resourceQuick View

Kids tales & stories for parents; to read modern fairy tales to your children; free resource

Kids tales & stories for parents; to read modern fairy tales to your children; free download resource Here you find some modern stories and fairy tales to read to your children in bed or just during the day. I wrote these kids stories as life support for a special child, using all my experiences as a child psychologist. A strong inspiration to me was Carl Jung. He explained how stories and fairy tales for many centuries already contain valuable content for human beings to cope with life. And indeed, our children frequently have to cope with life and with themselves in life - even when they are still young. A tale or story, written in the language of child imagination can support them to cope with life. That is what I experienced frequently in my practice as child care worker. And parents are the best medium to tell them to their kid! You can freely download these reading stories for yourself. You can freely share these stories with others, including the illustrations! In future more stories will follow. Dutch child-psychologist Anneke van der Meer translation into English is done by Anne Porcelyn