<p>AQA alevel lesson on Attachment: Romanian Studies. Observation lesson; pleased to say it was liked, the structure was apparently clear and effective.</p>
<p>Included in this bundle is the whole of the GCSE Education topic. This unit of work follows a SoW and includes starters/Do It Now, exam style questions, focus on key terms/words, videos, worksheets, plenaries, homework and activities. This unit goes hand in hand with the AQA GCSE (9-1) Sociology Textbook. This is what we use in my school, but can easily changed for your textbooks. This is easily done as the lessons include the sociologists, concepts and studies.<br />
All 27 ppts are adapted to writing with a yellow background, the colour recommended by the British Dyslexia Association.</p>
<p>TTTT - CPD/ briefing for teaching staff on how to raise standards in the classroom. This includes examples of TTTT and differentiation in lessons.</p>
<p>Walking Talking Mocks: guided by the teacher. This activity is aimed at year 10/11 breaking down 2, 4 and 12 mark questions to explicitly teach how to answer these exam questions.</p>
<p>High Expectations is part of the Teaching Standards of teaching and learning. There are many strategies out there that help get the best and teaching to the top (TTTT). Here are a few of the most effective based on many years of experience and watching top performers.<br />
One of the strategies on questioning is designed to be laminated and taped onto teacher desks/wall to act as a constant reminder of good practice.<br />
A very effective CPD tool for all class teachers and/or LSA’s.</p>
<p>14 Flipped learning activities for GCSE AQA Sociology: Studying Society Workbook (Sociological Concepts). This also works for the content in any Studying Society: Culture, Norms and Values, Oxana and Genie, Nature vs Nurture, Agencies of Socialisation, Key term activities and Exam questions.</p>
<p>AQA GCSE Sociology exam practice lesson with various marked questions up to 12 marks. This resource is detailed with both exam questions from AQA 2021 Education paper, and answers and ‘how to’, tips and mark schemes for every question.</p>
<p>Observation lesson for OCR Sociology with exploring understanding of the distinctive concepts and ideas associated with the functionalist theory on social inequality.<br />
Students then evaluate the functionalist view on social inequality using examples and exam questions.<br />
5-minute lesson plan included!</p>
<p>AQA GCSE Sociology exam practice lesson with various marked questions up to 12 marks. This resource is detailed with both exam questions from AQA 2021 paper, and answers and ‘how to’, tips and mark schemes for every question.</p>