Snow Day Geography Lesson
<p>Are all your pupils staring out the window watching the snow fall? Are they complaining that their cousin who lives somewhere snowier didn’t have to go to school today?</p>
<p>Bring their attention back to some Geography using this special Snow Day mystery. Explore the reasons why different parts of the UK are more or less likely to have a snow day.</p>
<p>The original Powerpoint was developed for a school based in a town called Maldon. You will need to change the word ‘Maldon’ to the name of your town to make the lesson relevant to your pupils. You will also need atlases with maps of the UK.</p>
<p>This lesson is aimed at KS3 students developing basic map skills and understanding of what affects our weather. However, it was designed to be kept in a bottom drawer ready to use with any class that gets distracted by the snow outside.</p>