Assembly Perseverance KS2Quick View

Assembly Perseverance KS2

An assembly script I wrote myself on perseverance, performed by my year 4 class in Autumn term. They learnt all the lines off by heart. It requires tweaking to suit your class. Set the sheet as homework or in class, and then add in their responses where needed.
KS2 Self Reflection Pupil QuestionnaireQuick View

KS2 Self Reflection Pupil Questionnaire

I created this for my year 3 class in October, so they’ve had time to adjust to year 3. It’s a tick list at the start and then some deeper questions to think a little more. The pupils really enjoyed it and it gives you a chance to see about how they are getting on adapting to their new class. I gave it out as a homework.
Categories - an Alphabet resource - early work taskQuick View

Categories - an Alphabet resource - early work task

I made this resource for pupils to keep in their drawers for early work. The idea is they think of different words that fit a certain category, beginning with each letter of the alphabet. I saw the idea in a book and made the sheet. Easily adaptable and could work in any year group from year 2 upward.
Alpha-worth fun maths game Year 2/3 -Bronze, Silver & Gold challenges w/answersQuick View

Alpha-worth fun maths game Year 2/3 -Bronze, Silver & Gold challenges w/answers

This is a fun maths game where each letter of the alphabet is given a value amount, differentiated 3 ways as Bronze, Silver and Gold. The children have to work out the value of the words given by adding the letters together. Additional challenges and answers provided on each sheet. I often use this in the first week back in September and the children enjoy working out the values, but it could of course be used whenever you want a fun challenge/one off lesson.
Random Acts of Kindness Day Assembly Year 2 and aboveQuick View

Random Acts of Kindness Day Assembly Year 2 and above

This is a script for a year 2 class assembly I wrote based on Danny Wallace’s idea and subsequent book. It tells the story of how Random Acts of Kindness became a National day (17th Feb). I have 13 children in my class but it could be adapted for more as they all had quite a few lines. It also includes a Smart notebook and powerpoint presentation to accompany it. Minor adaptations will need to be made to suit your class. e.g. I included a line about how we learnt a little about Nelson Mandela. Thanks for looking.