<p>A GCSE AQA 9 marker booklet which shows how to answer the questions and for students to practice some on their own. This covers the whole course.</p>
<p>Islam unit with 12 lessons and resources. This was created for year 9 but at the end of year to help with GCSE. Can easily be adapated.</p>
<li>Muhammad the prophet</li>
<li>Key beliefs</li>
<li>First pillar</li>
<li>Women and Islam</li>
<p>Lessons on</p>
<li>Peters confession at Caesarea Philippi</li>
<li>The parable of the Sower</li>
<li>Jesus teachings about service</li>
<p>Whole unit for Buddhism. Aimed for year 9/8 but can be adapted for GCSE.</p>
<li>What is Buddhism</li>
<li>Baby prince</li>
<li>Eight fold path</li>
<li>Noble truths</li>
<li>Nirvana, Karma and rebirth</li>
<li>Three refuges</li>
<li>Birth, marriage and death</li>
<li>Community, monks and nuns</li>
<p>This is an A5 booklet with instructions of what to put into EPQ dissertation - Abstract, Introduction etc. It also has a student condensed version of the mark scheme to assist with marking and so students know what to expect (Edexcel).</p>
<p>A GCSE powerpoint for Judaism and an introduction to Passover. The learning objectives are: To know the key term Passover; To be able to state 4 parts to the story of Passover; To be able to evaluate whether the Passover is the most important festival for Jews.</p>
<p>5 PowerPoints for GCSE Religious studies. It is specific for OCR but can be applied to other GCSE subjects. It looks at the Monarch and how they are still used within society today. Explores the 2011 census of different religions in Wales and England. At the end there are some questions for the class to answer.<br />
Additionally, it has the History of COE, with key events in Christianity and how this has shaped society today. It also explores Humanism and how Christian services affect public life. There are some activies in here to aid the students understanding but some powerpoints are mainly factual.</p>
<p>A one page document summarising information for Buddhism topics: 7 pages worth</p>
<li>Eightfold path</li>
<li>Four Noble truths</li>
<li>Buddha’s birth</li>
<li>Holy Texts and scriptures including Pali Canon</li>
<p>Used for revision and essay plans.</p>
<p>This is a two part lesson on Sanctity of life within Judaism. The first lesson has learning objectives: You will know what is meant by the term Sanctity of life; You will be able to extract and retell four facts about the Sanctity of life; You will be able to evaluate what the issues are surrounding the Sanctity of life. The second lesson moves onto You will know what the term pikuach nefesh means; You will be able to state four Jewish beliefs about pikuach nefesh; You will be able to evaluate whether it is possible to always achieve pikuach nefesh.</p>
<p>This is a booklet which can be adapted to any school. It has a section for feedback and checking student progression. There is a separate document with the key words for GCSE Judaism beliefs and practices. A homework sheet differentiated in VAKI and different levels of ability. The sheet allows students to choose their homework for the topic and be responsible for their progression.</p>
<p>There are three resources with a PowerPoint lesson. The lesson encourages the students to create their own learning objectives but gives word frames to help. The lesson consists on explaining what the Torah is and what the different sections are. There are combined work sheets and tasks for the students to complete with reflection. As well as notes for the teacher.</p>
<p>This is a powerpoint with worksheets for Judaism GCSE. The learning objectives: To know the key word Covenant; To explore the 3 covenants that G-d made with Abraham; To understand the significance of these covenants upon Jewish belief.</p>
<p>This is an introduction for the New GCSE. It has activity sheets within the PowerPoint. It looks at the brief history of Judaism and the idea of a monotheistic God. The learning objectives are: To define the key words Jewish, Judaism Covenant; To be able to state four facts about Judaism; To be able to evaluate what the similarities and differences are between Christianity and Judaism.</p>
<p>This is for A level psychology and is a booklet with information on social psychology. It can be used alongside lessons or independently for revision.</p>
<p>This is a lesson in PowerPoint for GCSE Judaism and for AQA but can be used for other exam boards with adaption. The learning objectives are: To know why within Judaism they avoid naming G-d; To be able to explain the importance of God to the Jewish people; To able to evaluate whether G-d is important for Jews that He is one.</p>
<p>This is a powerpoint for the use of Judaism GCSE. It has a work sheet which has 50 words to try and focus students writing and make them think about what they are putting. Ideal for high ability. There are also other resources for mixed ability within this package.</p>
<p>This is a GCSE powerpoint for use with the AQA exam. The learning objectives are: To know what is meant by God the sustainer; To know the Ten Commandment; To be able to compare and contrast the Catholic and Jewish Ten Commandments. There are different activities for the students and also working on their skills of the ten commandments.</p>
<p>This lesson can be adapted for high end KS3 and GCSE. It explores situation ethics and what Relative morality is. It combines dilemmas and there is a created game that can be played with moral dilemmas, exploring what different theories would do in a situation. Lots of activities included.</p>