

<p>Power point presentation with lots of common mistakes English speaking students make when writing/speaking in Spanish, for students to correct. Great in order to raise awareness and iron out issues in preparation for GCSE Spanish speaking and writing exams. Slides with one mistake each to start and print out tables for students in the end of the presentation.<br /> It can be played as a game/competition, who guesses the mistake first and can correct it?</p>
GCSE SPANISH Idiomatic expressionsQuick View

GCSE SPANISH Idiomatic expressions

<p>A collection of Spanish idiomatic expressions and sayings ordered in the current 5 GCSE Themes, to help students add some spice to their speaking and writing assessments.</p>
GCSE Spanish Listening guided practice (H)Quick View

GCSE Spanish Listening guided practice (H)

<p>This power point goes with the EDEXCEL GCSE H listening paper 2018.</p> <p>There is a different vocabulary exercise before each question which allows students to become familiar with relevant words and expressions before attempting the questions. Answers for questions provided.</p> <p>You will need to have access to the EDEXCEL GCSE H listening paper sound files to use this power point. They can be downloaded for free from the EDEXCEL website.</p>
Roleplay card practice with sound files and model answers.Quick View

Roleplay card practice with sound files and model answers.

<p>Two presentations (H and F), with 10 roleplay cards each (EDEXCEL). Students can click on a teacher’s recording asking the roleplay questions, so they can practise understanding questions and giving their own answers. Model answers for each card are also available.</p> <p>This resource can be used by students in their own time outside the classroom context.</p>
General conversation question Randomiser (Spanish GCSE)Quick View

General conversation question Randomiser (Spanish GCSE)

<p>This is a power point presentation with a randomising animation.<br /> Every slide has a recording of my voice asking one general conversation question (GCSE EDEXCEL Spanish).<br /> The randomising effect is activated by pushing the space bar and it is stopped by pushing the “p” key.<br /> Students can use this presentation on their own for revision, with the aim of increasing their confidence in understanding questions from the examiner and practising their own answers out of the classroom context.</p>