All the lessons with editable worksheets and power-points (10-15 slides each on average) for Unit 3 Allez 1
UNIT 3 - Autour de moi
6 whole lessons + end of unit test SAVE 50%
- A starter activity for each lesson on the first slide + learning objective + challenge activities throughout the power-point
- Vocabulary games and worksheet with challenge activities
- countries
- types of accomodation
- j'habite + prepositions
- à + town
- au, en + country
- introduction of the imperfect (avant, j'habitais...)
-giving opinions
- Grammar explanation on infinitives and conjugating -er verbs
- A fun mime the verb game
- A worksheet with a writing activity to use longer sentences and verbs of opinion + infinitive
- A mini-whiteboard game to practise conjugating -er verbs
- Homework on verbs to follow up what has been seen in the lesson
- A survey activity on pets to get the students talking in French
- Guess what is missing game with pets
- Practise asking questions in French and answering them about pets
- Adjective position in the sentence with a written activity to practise
- Create a column chart with the most popular animal in the class
- A reading activity to work out the meaning of colors and adjectives
- A full grammar explanation on adjective agreement
- Fill the gaps reading exercise on adjectives
- A power-point on numbers from 0-60 with possibility to use mini-whiteboards
- A written activity in the past tense on a day at the zoo.
- Fun games to get the students to speak in the target language (see explanation under the slide)
- A listening activity on what you saw and did not see at the zoo
- Vocabulary slides with lovely pictures
- Plenty of mini-whiteboard games on colours with animals and on opinions about animals
I hope you will enjoy my resources and if you have a question on a particular slide or activity, please do not hesitate to contact me or leave me a message. I would really appreciate some feedback :-) Thank you very much.