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This fun and engaging game is the perfect way to review, study or reflect with your class on ANZAC day I typically put the class into small groups and ask a member of the group to choose a color and number. That is the question that they have to answer. If correct they get one point. Then I move to the next group. Alternatively the whole class answers and then we tally up the points to get a winner.

I run it on an interactive whiteboard but would be equally successful on a projector, computer or TV screen. Alternatively it could be run for an individual student on their own device.

When you start the game press the shuffle button to randomize the questions ensuring that no game is ever the same. This means that this Jeopardy game can be used multiple times with the one class as it is different every time.

Once you have unzipped the file you will find a PowerPoint Macro Show. To run the game double click the file and make sure you say “yes” to running macros. If you do not the questions will not shuffle correctly. I have tested on a PC but it should work on other devices. If this is your first time with Macros let me know by personal message and I am happy to answer all your questions.



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TES Resource Team

a year ago

We are pleased to let you know that your resource ANZAC Day Jeopardy Quiz Game, has been hand-picked by the Tes resources content team to be featured in in April 2024 on Congratulations on your resource being chosen and thank you for your ongoing contributions to the Tes Resources marketplace.

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