Full unit of work for unit 7: promoting safe practice.
This package includes all power points and structures required for students to complete the unit. Lessons include pre-planned differentiated questions to use as mini plenaries. The power points also include small sections of modeled work to demonstrate the criteria.
14 lesson power points in total.
Coursework structures are set out in a way that allow students to clearly see how the criteria for pass, merit and distinction is achieved.
Your resources are always amazing, so helpful to someone new teaching at KS5. <br />
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I have downloaded all the content however I am struggling to find the content and guidance for LAC - any help would be appreciated!!<br />
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Thank you so much
5 years ago
Hi, <br />
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Thank you so much for the positive feedback. It really helps to see that my resources are useful to other people. I have always tried to keep what I share at a lower price and consistently good so that others can benefit. <br />
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I have just had a look at the resource and learning aim C is missing. I have uploaded the two power points and structure to the resource now so that it will be there in the future.<br />
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To access learning aim C for free, please search for; <br />
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 7 Learning Aim C only<br />
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Thanks once again, <br />
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