Powerpoint quiz based on the 'Deal or No Deal' quiz show which assesses students knowledge on KS2 Science topics.
I made some red boxes and put some numbers on them. The class choose someone to be in charge of answering the questions. Each pupil has a box and the class as a whole can win prizes for example, 1p a paper clip etc. The pupil choosen chooses the box to open but has a question before they open it. The pupils at the front must choose each pupils to answers at least one question but has the final answer.'
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Unfortunately the links are outdated and therefore useless in today's lessons but the concept is great!
Links do not work.
Hi, The links do not work for me either. It sounds like a nice idea, so could you upload a PPT with the correct links, please? Many thanks.
good idea. but the animation doesn't work, needs a bit of work.
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