A dedication to all those who are involved in the arduous yet rewarding education and teaching of English Language and Literature. My shop contains a number of resources which I believe are creative, innovative and original as a result of endless hours of hard work, research and utter commitment to the progress and successful achievement of all my students over the years. It's a privilege to share my resources and be a part of the global community of educators. Your feedback is most welcome!
ANOTHER EDUQAS GCSE ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPONENT 2 PRACTICE EXAMINATION PAPER (NON-FICTION and TRANSACTIONAL TEXTS). Section A focuses on ‘The Natural Landscape’ and includes a 21st CENTURY ONLINE NEWS ARTICLE based on Wind Farms and a 19th CENTURY LETTER written in 1818 by the famous ROMANTIC POET, JOHN KEATS to his younger brother, Tom Keats, during a walking tour of Scotland. Includes typical EXAMINATION QUESTIONS based on BOTH texts. Section B focuses on the same THEME and this time, students are expected to write A FORMAL LETTER and a GUIDE accordingly. Both sections meet the required Assessment Objectives according to the current Eduqas Examination Criteria.