Faclair pearsanta Gàidhlig ùr a chuidicheas sgoilearan gu bhith nas neo-eisimeil ann a bhith a’ lorg facail iad fhèin
A’ bharrachd air ceudan de dh’fhacail chumanta, feumail bho A gu U, tha briathrachas ann son:
A new personal Gaelic dictionary to help pupils to become more independent at finding words in a dictionary. As well as hundreds of useful words from A to U, there is special vocabulary for:
- làithean an t-seachdain (days of the week)
- mìosan (months)
- ràithean (seasons)
- àireamhan (numbers)
- airgead (money)
- cumaidhean 2 sheallach (2D shapes)
- cumaidhean 3 sheallach (3D shapes)
- aodach (clothes)
- cuspairean-sgoile (school subjects)
- an t-side/aimsir (weather)
- dathan (colours)
- teaghlach (family)
- spòrs (sports)
- corp/bothaig (the body)
- àitichean (common places)
- dùthchannan (countries)
- beathaichean (animals)
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