French Bataille Navale Games - French Battleship Games Growing Bundle
Everyone loves a good game of BATTLESHIP, and the French classroom is a better place than any! You can use this classic game format to practice forming any verb tense you are working on with your students. Most of these games include 5 different versions.
This growing bundle already includes 11 sets, and I will be adding 9 more sets over the course of the year (2017 - 2018). When you purchase this bundle today you will get ALL FUTURE SETS FOR FREE. Check back regularly for updates. Now's a great time to get in on the deal.
These NO PREP activities are a fun way to encourage your beginner to advanced students to perfect verb conjugations in all tenses. You can pull out these games and use them as ice-breakers, bell-ringers, French club activities, games and much more.
Here is what’s included so far:
1. Passé Composé - Être ou Avoir?
2. Regular French -ER Verbs
3. Regular French -IR Verbs
4. Regular French -RE Verbs + Verbs like PRENDRE
5. Passé Composé with Être
6. Reflexive Verbs - Present Tense
7. Bataille Navale - Passé composé with AVOIR - Regular verbs
8. Bataille Navale: Passé Composé of Reflexive Verbs
9. Bataille Navale: Imperfect tense
10. Bataille Navale: Futur simple tense
11. Bataille Navale: Present conditional tense
Here is what you can look forward to being added (not necessarily in this order):
12. Futur Antérieur
13. Past Conditional
14. Present Subjunctive
15. Past Subjunctive
16. Present Irregular Verbs
17. Passé Composé with Avoir - Irregular Verbs
18. Imperative
19. Plus-que-Parfait
20. Subjunctive or Indicative?
Here’s how my BATAILLE NAVALE games work: Just print out one page of the version you want to use per student. Students place boats (which are squares on the game sheets that they will have darkened with a pencil) on the game board. Students play against each other to try to find and eventually sink their opponent’s boats.
Subject pronouns are written in the vertical column and infinitives are written in the boxes at the top. To choose a square, the player must say the subject and correct verb form in the tense you are working on. If you wanted to practice writing in the given tense you could have your students do that.
All of the vocabulary your students will need is written right on the game sheet and it is all in French. Each game sheet includes two battleship grids and a line separating the two. Students can fold the paper on the line if they want to. One of the grids is for a player to place his boats and the other is to mark and keep track of his opponent.
Most games include 5 versions with both black and white and color copies provided.
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.