pptx, 5.24 MB
pptx, 5.24 MB

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Get this lesson as part of our GCSE Temperature and Heat Transfer Bundle and enjoy a huge discount! Instead of buying lessons individually, grab the entire unit with 9 lessons, including the required practicals, for just £7.00.
Click here to get the bundle now: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13155109

This PowerPoint resource is perfect for teaching the concepts of thermal energy transfer through convection and radiation. Designed with clarity and interactivity in mind, it includes:

  • Starter Activities: Thought-provoking questions to activate prior knowledge about heat conductors and insulators.
  • Learning Objectives: Clearly defined goals to help students understand convection currents, describe radiation, and differentiate between heat transfer methods.
  • Detailed Explanations: Step-by-step breakdowns of convection and radiation with real-life examples like heating in homes and energy transfer in space.
  • Interactive Tasks: Gap-fill activities, question prompts, and diagram-drawing exercises to consolidate learning.
  • Demonstrations: Visual examples and experiment-based questions to bring abstract concepts to life.

Ideal for secondary school science lessons, this resource supports active learning and engagement.



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18 days ago

Highly recommend. Covered exactly what I was looking for.

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