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pdf, 903.13 KB

3 getting to know me activities.

Great for move up mornings or the first day with a new class.

+bingo for the children to get to know those in their class. Has a range of ‘find someone who…’ questions that encourages conversation between the children e.g. ‘find someone who has been on a plane’
+getting to know the teacher sheet. Children will guess things about their new teacher, such as: age, favourite subject, how long they have been teaching. Teachers can then go through the questions with the children afterwards and see how close they were.
+a sheet for the children to fill in about themselves, including fun facts about themselves, some of their favourite things, and any hobbies.

1st sheet = children getting to know peers
2nd sheet = children getting to know teacher
3rd sheet = teacher getting to know children



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TES Resource Team

7 months ago

We are pleased to let you know that your resource Getting to know me activities, has been hand-picked by the Tes resources content team to be featured on https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/primary-transition in June 2024. Congratulations on your resource being chosen and thank you for your ongoing contributions to the Tes Resources marketplace.

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