Johncgoodyear's Shop
Johncgoodyear's Shop
3.4816 reviews

A range of resources will appear in this shop reflecting a varied teaching career. Resources for Btec Health & Social Care levels 4 & 5 are well catered for along with careers education. There are complete lesson activities and posters. The range is becoming increasingly eclectic as my curiosity widens - branching out, for instance, into philosophy. Education, as we all know, is not just about exam success; it is about creating a thirst and curiosity for life - the ultimate goal.

pub, 2.57 MB
pub, 2.57 MB

Being able to cook is an essential life skill. Students will find out about how to buy the right food, how to prepare ingredients and how to put together a nutritional meal. At the end students will be able to source and prepare a 2 course meal.
A step by step guide with links to YouTube clips of Jamie preparing the same ingredients.
The course can easily be taught in a half term, 2 lessons per week.
Equivalent to half a GCSE



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7 years ago

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