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Assignment Briefs for the 3 coursework units of Principles of Applied Science. There are also workbooks to accompany these. Now renamed based on feedback from reviewer and standards verifier. APPROVED by my Standards Verifier.
Tes classic free licence



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5 years ago

Excellent resource! Thank you for sharing! I notice you have started similar resources for Applications modules as well, by any chance do you have Unit 7 Assessment Briefs and Mark scheme sheets?


10 years ago

Excellent thanks!


11 years ago

Excellent resources, thanks so much for sharing them.


11 years ago

Really really useful. Saved a lot of time and high quality.


11 years ago

These are great, I love these and it is clear lots of work has gone into them (as have into the workbooks that accompany them) but out of interest I have sent one to assignment checking service and it came back not fit for purpose, the reasons being: 1) You have said 'to achieve 1a.1...' this is meant to be a fall back and you are not meant to be steering the pupils to achieve these criteria. The wording needs changing to something like ' if you fail to meet the pass criteria you will be assessed agains the following criteria to see if you meet level 1...' or something similar. 2) You have identified how the pupils can achieve P1, P2 etc next to the tasks, this is not allowed under the new BTEC rules as the assignments are meant to be holistic and enable the pupils to achieve higher grades. in my opinion this is a stupid rule but its a rule none the less. 3) The one I sent off had a word fill section for a merit task, this is simply not suitable evidence for a merit. 4) You cant give out all assignments in one go, each assignment must cover 1 learning aim only.. another stupid BTEC rule. I want to stress I am not knocking what you have done, it is AMAZING, I envy that you have had the time and tenacity to do this I am just making you (and everyone) aware that according to the assignment checking service these would be deemed unfit for purpose, but with some minor tweaks they are fit for purpose. If you want to see what I did to make it fit for purpose, message me here.

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