Discounted fun Spanish zoo animal resources with cute pictures which students love. The vocabulary is the same in all the sets so that they can be used together - el león, el tigre, el oso, la cebra, el lobo, el elefante, el rinoceronte, el hipopótamo, el canguro, la serpiente, el cocodrilo, el pingüino, la jirafa, el mono, el panda, el camello.

The bundle includes the four sets detailed below. Please click the links to the individual resources below.

1. Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Activities
* Suggestions for use and instructions.
* Write Around the Room activity - 16 half page pictures to hide around the room and two different styles of worksheet (one interactive notebook style, the other single sheet) for the students to complete as they find the words. The pictures can also be used as flashcards.
* Match and Color activity.
* Matching cards.
* My ‘En El Zoo’ book to complete and color.
* Zoo Map activity.

2. Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Puzzles
* Word search puzzle plus answer key
* Crossword puzzle (2 versions - one with initial letters given to provide for differentiation in the classroom) plus answer key
* Missing vowels worksheet plus answer key
* Hand-out of zoo animals in both color and black and white.

3. Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Word Wall

4. Zoo Animals Bingo

You might also like our Spanish ‘en el zoo’ Go Fish! Game



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8 years ago

Neatly done with great pictures. I'm looking forward to doing many activities with my students using these.

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