The Gingerbread Man
The pack includes:
Large character pictures in colour and black and white- great for displays or for laminating and adding velcro to the back to use on flannel boards for retelling of the story
Story word cards- great for display or to encourage writing
An A3 board game in colour based on the story of The Gingerbread Man
A literacy game where the children throw the 2 dice- onset and rhyme and make cvc words or rhyming words to build their Gingerbread Man
A moving Gingerbread Man model to make using split pins
Black and white face masks- great for retelling of the story and for use in the outdoor area
Numbered Gingerbread Men
Counting cards with Gingerbread men on baking trays to count
A Gingerbread Man numeracy rhyme card and props for singing the rhyme
A rhyming word wheel
Plus many other resources.
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Some useful resources here. It has saved me time and was reasonably priced in the Christmas sale!
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