Dhiùlt luchd-tòiseachaidh obdurate Mars a leigeil seachad.
Rinn iad argamaidean ciallach feumaidh co-leanailteachd a bhith aig muinntir Mars.
Chuir iad ri chèile soirbheachas às deidh soirbheachas.
B’ e oidhirp borb a bh’ ann a bhith beò agus a’ soirbheachadh.
Sin an aghaidh shuidheachaidhean a chuireadh às don lag.
B’ e neo-dhìomhaireachd neo-chinnteach a chaidh a chomharrachadh mu eucoirean air ais air an Talamh a bha os cionn na h-oidhirp.
Tha an cliche Sink or Swim a’ tighinn gu inntinn.
Dhiùlt luchd-tòiseachaidh cruaidh Mars a leigeil seachad.
Rinn iad argamaidean ciallach gum feum muinntir Mars cumail ri chèile.
Fhuair iad soirbheachadh an dèidh soirbheachadh.
B’ e oidhirp borb a bh’ ann a bhith beò agus a’ soirbheachadh.
Sin an aghaidh shuidheachaidhean a chuireadh às do na lag.
Cha robh mòran eòlach air triùir luchd-call ùine fo chasaidean eucoirean air ais air an Talamh os cionn na h-oidhirp.
Tha an sean-fhacal Sink or Swim a’ tighinn nam inntinn.
Obdurate Mars pioneers refused to give up.
They made cogent arguments the Mars people must have coherence.
They compiled success after success.
It was an obstinate attempt to survive and thrive.
That in the face of conditions that would obliterate the weak.
Obscure incorrigibles indicted of crimes back on Earth headed the effort.
The cliche Sink or Swim comes to mind.
Tough Mars pioneers refused to give up.
They made sensible arguments the Mars people must stick together.
They racked up success after success.
It was a stubborn attempt to survive and thrive.
That in the face of conditions that would wipe out the weak.
Little known three time losers charged with crimes back on Earth headed the effort.
The old saying Sink or Swim comes to mind.
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