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Thug dìoghaltas air caiptean an Titanic toirt air Mgr Ismay an neach-togail eadar-theachd a dhèanamh anns an
deasbad làidir air dè a bu chòir a dhèanamh.

Bha iad air burg-deighe smaoineachail a shlaodadh agus bha uisge a’ ruith a-steach.

Choimhead Ismay suas bho dhuilgheadas matamataigeach a bha e dìreach air obrachadh a-mach le frown.

Thuirt e gum bu chòir don sgioba gabhail ri falmhachadh cianail gus clisgeadh a sheachnadh.

Bhiodh an long a’ dol fodha ann an dà uair!, thuirt e gu gruamach.

Chaidh an sgioba a chàineadh às deidh sin.

Ach chaidh a dhearbhadh.

Rinn iad mar a b’ urrainn dhaibh a dhèanamh.

Thug Respect spionnadh do chaiptean an Titanic gus Mgr Ismay an neach-togail a thoirt a-steach don
deasbad làidir air dè a bu chòir a dhèanamh.

Bha iad air burg-deighe mòr a shlaodadh agus bha uisge a’ ruith a-steach.

Choimhead Ismay suas bho dhuilgheadas matamataigeach a bha e dìreach air fhaicinn le frown.

Thuirt e gum bu chòir don sgioba gabhail ri falmhachadh sàmhach gus clisgeadh a sheachnadh.

Bhiodh an long a’ dol fodha ann an dà uair!, thuirt e gu gruamach.

Chaidh an sgioba a chàineadh às deidh sin.

Ach chaidh a shaoradh bhon choire.

Rinn iad mar a b’ urrainn dhaibh a dhèanamh.

Deference prompted the Titanic captain to get Mr. Ismay the builder to intervene in the
virulent discussion on what to do.

They had swiped a ponderous iceburg and water was rushing in.

Ismay looked up from a math problem he had just calculated with a frown.

He said the crew should adopt a surreptitious evacuation to avoid a panic.

The ship would sink in two hours!, he said grimly.

The crew was censured afterwards.

But it was vindicated.

They did the best they could do.

Respect spurred the Titanic captain to get Mr. Ismay the builder to get involved in the
heated discussion on what to do.

They had swiped a huge iceberg and water was rushing in.

Ismay looked up from a math problem he had just figured with a frown.

He said the crew should adopt a quiet evacuation to avoid a panic.

The ship would sink in two hours!, he said grimly.

The crew was condemned afterwards.

But it was freed of blame.

They did the best they could do.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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