Tha na h-adhbharan airson fuireach ann an gàrradh gu math tric uachdarach.
Faodaidh iad a bhith air am mìneachadh gu mionaideach:
Airson fuasglaidhean fhaighinn air duilgheadasan a tha sinn a’ caoidh.
Bidh seo a 'lasachadh bròn.
Gus dearbhadh a dhèanamh air co-dhùnaidhean.
Gus ath-bheachdan gun fheum a ghlacadh agus a thoirt gu crìch.
Àite airson luchd-sìthe.
Gu tric tha na h-adhbharan airson fuireach ann an gàrradh dìreach air an uachdar.
Faodaidh iad a bhith air am mìneachadh gu math:
Gus fuasglaidhean fhaighinn do dhuilgheadasan a tha sinn duilich.
Lùghdaichidh seo bròn.
Gus dearbhadh làidir a dhèanamh air co-dhùnaidhean.
Gus stad a chuir air agus crìoch a chuir air cùmhnantan gun fheum.
Àite airson leannanan sìth.
The rationales for staying in a garden are often superficial.
They can be described succinctly:
To find solutions to problems we lament about.
This will mitigate sorrow.
To make affirmations on decisions.
To capitulate and end useless rebuttals.
A place for pacifists.
The motives for staying in a garden are often right on the surface.
They can be described neatly:
To find solutions to problems we grieve about.
This will lessen sorrow.
To make firm confirmation of decisions.
To give up and end useless counter argruments.
A place for peace lovers.
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