Tha pàipearan sgrìobhte air am foillseachadh mu eòin.
Tha daoine sìobhalta ri eòin.
Tha iad air am faicinn mar làthaireachd neo-àbhaisteach air na sràidean.
Bhiodh e cealgach gun aideachadh nach robh thu riamh
dh’fhairich iad eudmhor riu.
Mar a tha iad fèin-riaghlaidh.
Gun a bhith air a chothromachadh leis an fheadhainn a-muigh.
Chaidh pàipearan sgrìobhte gu foirfe fhoillseachadh mu eòin.
Tha daoine modhail ri eòin.
Thathas gam faicinn mar làthaireachd gun chron air na sràidean.
Bhiodh e mì-onarach gun aideachadh nach robh thu a-riamh
dh’fhairich iad eudmhor riu.
Ciamar a tha iad an-asgaidh.
Gun a bhith air a chothromachadh leis an neo-riatanach.
Impeccably written papers have been published on birds.
People are civil to birds.
They are viewed as a benign presence in the streets.
It would be hypocritical to not admit you have never
felt jealous of them.
How they are autonomous.
Not weighed down by the extraneous.
Perfectly written papers have been published on birds.
People are polite to birds.
They are viewed as a harmless presence in the streets.
It would be dishonest to not admit you have never
felt jealous of them.
How they are free.
Not weighed down by the unnecessary.
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