Tharraing feachdan borb cèin an t-sìth anns a’ Mhuir Mheadhan-thìreach air ais
anns na 1790n.
Chuir seo bacadh air malairt nan SA.
Bha e na thoileachas don Sultan ùmhlachd iarraidh agus chuir e às do Cheann-suidhe na SA.
Bha buaidhean domhainn aig seo.
Chaidh planaichean do-chreidsinneach a dhèanamh.
Chaidh tòiseachadh air cabhlach na SA a thogail gus dèiligeadh ris an duilgheadas.
Cha robh mòran stuthan synthetigeach ann airson earbsa.
Thug feachdan cam cèin air ais am fois anns a’ Mhuir Mheadhan-thìreach
anns na 1790n.
Rinn seo milleadh air malairt na SA.
Bha an Sultan buailteach ùmhlachd iarraidh agus rinn e magadh air Ceann-suidhe na SA.
Bha builean farsaing aig seo.
Chaidh planaichean dearbhte a dhèanamh.
Chaidh tòiseachadh air cabhlach na SA a thogail gus dèiligeadh ris an duilgheadas.
Cha robh mòran stuthan dèanta ri chleachdadh.
Devious foreign forces retracted their truce in the Mediterranean
in the 1790’s.
This marred US trade.
The Sultan had a proclivity to demand tribute and lampooned the US President.
This had profound consequences.
Implaccable plans were made.
The construction of a U.S. fleet to deal with the problem was started.
There were few synthetic materials to rely on.
Crooked foreign forces took back their truce in the Mediterranean
in the 1790’s.
This spoiled US trade.
The Sultan had a tendency to demand tribute and ridiculed the US President.
This had far-reaching consequences.
Determined plans were made.
The construction of a U.S. fleet to deal with the problem was started.
There were few man-made materials to use.
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