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Chan eil Godzilla co-chòrdail ri saoghal an latha an-diugh.

Cha b’ urrainn dhaibh gabhail ris na seallaidhean millteach aige.

Tha e mì-choltach ri mac an duine.

Ruigsinneachd dha seo uile tha neach-saidheans.

Bidh e a’ dèanamh slighe a-steach goirid: ’s e dineosaur aiseirigh a th’ ann an Godzilla
air adhbhrachadh le deuchainnean niùclasach.

Tha beagan mì-chinnt aige mu bhith a’ feuchainn ri a mharbhadh.

Is e fo-fhigear a mhac-cèile amorphous.

Tha e duilich leis gu bheil e a’ lìbhrigeadh seòrsa de dh’ fhizzy a bhios a’ fuasgladh
Godzilla agus e fhèin, a 'lùghdachadh an t-suidheachaidh airson greiseag.

Tha Godzilla mì-choltach ris an t-saoghal ùr-nodha.

Cha b’ urrainn dhaibh leigeil leis na seallaidhean millteach aige.

Tha e a-mach à àite don chinne-daonna.

Anns a h-uile càil tha seo na neach-saidheans.

Bidh e a’ dèanamh mion-sgrùdadh cuff: tha Godzilla na dhineasair cùil bhon uaigh
air adhbhrachadh le deuchainnean niùclasach.

Tha beagan measgaichte aige mu bhith a’ feuchainn ri a mharbhadh.

Is e figear àrd-sgoile a mhac-cèile gun dath.

Tha socair aige leis gu bheil e a’ lìbhrigeadh seòrsa de dh’ fhizzy a bhios a’ fuasgladh
Godzilla agus e fhèin, a 'faochadh an t-suidheachadh airson greis.

Godzilla is incompatible to the modern world.

They could not condone his destructive appearances.

He is incongruous to mankind.

Accessible to all this is a scientist.

He makes a terse accessment: Godzilla is a resurrected dinosaur
caused by nuclear tests.

He has some anbivalence about trying to kill it.

A subordinate figure is his amorphous son-in-law.

He has composure as he delivers a type of fizzy that desolves
Godzilla and himself, alleviating the situation for a while.

Godzilla is mismatched to the modern world.

They could not allow his destructive appearances.

He is out of place to mankind.

In on to all this is a scientist.

He makes a off the cuff analysis: Godzilla is a back from the grave dinosaur
caused by nuclear tests.

He has some mixed about trying to kill it.

A secondary figure is his colorless son-in-law.

He has calmness as he delivers a type of fizzy that desolves
Godzilla and himself, relieving the situation for a while.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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