Noodle Nook
Noodle Nook
3.755 reviews

Noodle Nook~ kNowledge For Your Noodle! Materials to bridge the gap for students with Autism, PMLD, and Low-Incidence Disabilities. Adapted materials that are age appropriate for students in secondary education as well as visually engaging activities for students of all ages and abilities. Perfect for homeschoolers, inclusion or self-contained teachers, and outside consultants.

pdf, 1.84 MB
pdf, 1.84 MB
-------Social Story: Waiting Patiently-------

Social Stories are a MUST HAVE in your classroom- they are the perfect way to address behaviors, teach appropriate social behaviors, and model replacement behaviors. Add this to your classroom today to start good instruction on appropriate social skills with social stories!

Social Storiescan be used in the classroom as an instructional tool to discuss behaviors with a student. This book addresses it being okay to want things, but having to wait, having to ask for a turn, and having to ask for something different as replacement behaviors for having a tantrum, hitting people, or throwing things.

This book comes with the following:
--> 14 Pages of Book Copy
--> 2 Comprehension Questions (can be done as a sorting task)
--> 6 Picture Response Cards for Comprehension Questions

With several books available, you can address specific behaviors or deliver instruction to all yours students as general social instruction. Check out the full library of social stories from NoodleNook!

Images © Ayodele Jones. All rights reserved.
I Need Help- A Social Story © Ayodele Jones 2017. All rights reserved by author. The materials in this unit were distributed and intended for single use only. The purchaser may reproduce copies for students in your classroom for classroom use only. You may not share with other teachers in your building, district, or otherwise. Redistributing, editing, selling, or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet is strictly prohibited. Violations are subject to penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Additional licenses can be purchased for multi-use at a discount. Please contact the author at



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6 years ago


7 years ago

I'm really excitged about using this story with my student.

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