Dh’aidich luchd-càineadh gun robh an nobhail gun samhail ann an litreachas Ameireagaidh.
Bha e eadar-dhealaichte bhon fhasan airson an fheadhainn bhrèagha agus thaitneach.
Chuir e an àite sin airson an fheadhainn grànda agus mì-thlachdmhor.
Rudan a tha air an iomall gu fìor bheatha.
Rudan nach fhaighear ach dhaibhsan a tha fo fhulangas.
Measgachadh buaireasach de ghnìomhan dàna a’ fàgail dad às a dhèidh.
Dh’aidich luchd-càineadh gur e an nobhail a’ chiad fhear ann an litreachas Ameireagaidh.
Bha e eu-coltach ris an fhasan airson an fheadhainn bhòidheach agus thaitneach.
Chuir e an àite sin grànda agus mì-thlachdmhor.
Rudan faisg air fìor bheatha.
Rudan air an tuigsinn a-mhàin dhaibhsan a tha cleachdte ri fulangas.
Measgachadh de ghnìomhan dàna a’ fàgail dad às a dhèidh.
Critics conceded the novel was unprecedented in American literature.
It was divergent from the fashion for the pretty and pleasant.
It supplanted that for the ugly and unpleasant.
Things peripheral to real life.
Things accessible only to those inured to suffering.
A turbulent profusion of intrepid deeds leaving behind nothing.
Critics admitted the novel was a first in American literature.
It was unlike the fashion for the pretty and pleasant.
It replaced that with the ugly and unpleasant.
Things close to real life.
Things understood only to those used to suffering.
A mixed up mess of bold deeds leaving behind nothing.
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