For Year 8 low ability group on pancake day.
Links in with current module (just starting food and drink - Expo 2, Module 4) but includes some cultural aspects on la Chandeleur and Mardi gras.
Main idea for resource (pictures and vocab) taken from another TES resource ( but I have added to it to keep my class busy for a whole lesson.
A few lessons from the start of a GCSE topic on holidays.
Reading and listening references are to the Edexcel Higher textbook.
-describing places
-types of accommodation
-opinions in different tenses
Lesson in response to the shootings in Paris on 07/01/15.
1st slide for triggering discussion.
Explain/discuss context for any pupils who are unaware.
Provide sources 1-11 to pupils to analyse and discuss.
Depending on your group, they might just do a couple each, or might get through all of them.
If time at end - discuss and write tweets.
Pictures cut out and stick around the room.
1 grid between 2-3 pupils. 1 pupil per team can get up and bring back information to fill in the grid (fill in with the Spanish captions from under the pictures).
Extension (especially if using with KS4) - cards with Spanish descriptions to match up.
Powerpoint gives some clues to help with extension, then goes through answers, then has a quiz to finish.
Reading task based on Expo 2 Vert p62 but extended (I have added an extra text and broken down the activities more).
This is for a low ability group so begins with the basics - recognising food words they have done and underlining them.
Then they have to identify which person mentions which foods, and there are some extension questions for the more able in the group to move onto.
Differentiated reading tasks for a very mixed ability top/middle set Y10 French group.
B/C text focuses on recognition and usage of key verbs in the perfect and imperfect tense.
A* version assumes pupils are already confident with the 2 tenses and introduces a range of advanced structures which they can use to develop their work.
6 week module on going out, invitations and excuses, shops, clothes etc., based on Expo 2 Module 3.
Lessons aimed at Year 8 Set 3 out of 4.
A few gaps due to cover and exams.
For a very low ability FCSE French group, but would be suitable for lower year groups.
Would be good for cover.
Match up key vocab.
Simple reading task (checking understanding of il y a and il n'y a pas de).
Matching places to activities with 'on peut'.
Font size is massive so you can print 2 sheets per page.
Pupils have learned various shops/key buildings in down.
Pupils have learned some basic directions and prepositions.
In pairs - one person has the map, other person has a copy of the directions. Map-holder asks Qs (see top-right of page) and partner reads from the directions. Map-holder fills in empty boxes on map.
Extension for those who finish first - add in some other places and write sentences describing their location.
A series of lessons aimed at high ability KS4 (Y9 or 10) to equip them with skills to include a range of tenses (including ones they haven&'t been taught yet) in their work.
Focuses on recognising when to use 6 main tenses and on using the verb table in the middle of the dictionary to conjugate so pupils can be more independent in future.
EDIT: Conjugation board game removed from the resource at the request of the original creator as they have now made it into a paid-for resource.
Powerpoint for presenting classroom objects vocab and worksheet with pictures for pupils to match up with vocab.
Includes speaking activities for groups of 4, and for whole class.
A simple reading task to introduce the perfect tense with Year 8.
Pupils use their existing knowledge of verbs in the present tense/infinitive to identify the meaning of past tense verbs in the text, leading to a discussion of how the perfect tense is formed.
Aimed at Y8 pupils, alongside Expo 2, Module 2 but could easily be used with weak Y9s too.
A cover lesson introducing language for the photo card at AQA GCSE (for the 4-sentences writing task, and as a starting point for the speaking exam). This is for a low ability Y9 group.
-hay + nouns
-es + height/build
-tiene + hair description
-lleva + basic clothing
4 pictures for students to describe.
I have previously uploaded resources for the topic of Holidays which I used with low/mid ability Y8 groups.
These can be found here:
This year I find myself teaching top set Y8 and have had to rethink my approach. Here are my new resources (still in progress - will upload as I go - 6 weeks so far).
The infinitives loop resource is not mine, but works really well here. Start the powerpoint, then get a pupil to cover their eyes and say "stop". You press "s" and everyone has to write a sentence using the verb it lands on (correctly conjugated in the perfect tense, of course).
I have also been trying a new approach with homework, attempting to use flipped learning so that pupils arrive with the key basic knowledge they need so we can hit the ground running in the lesson. The following things have been researched at home, which is why they are not presented in the lessons:
-vocab for transport
-perfect tense of regular verbs
-all Mrs Vandertramp verbs
-vocab for accommodation
Resources for able Y9 groups using Expo 3 Rouge, working on the topic 'L'avenir'.
Covers near future tense for talking about plans for the weekend, future tense for talking about longer term plans, si clauses.
I will add more to complete the topic when it&'s ready.
Resources for 2 lessons for Year 9.
Introduces key vocabulary (positive and negative statements about a town) with lo bueno / lo malo / lo mejor / lo peor.
Practise by:
-translating sentences
-reading comprehension
-writing (adapting a model text)
Worksheet designed for low ability Y8 groups to get on with independently during speaking assessment. Designed for a group who struggled to complete Linguascope sheets and Gianfranco Conti sheets in a cover lesson so needed something simpler.
Description of 8 traditioanl French dishes to match to their names.
Pupils will need to research the food items in order to work it out.
Builds up to pupils writing their own paragraph to describe a food item.
Aim to develop comprehension skills and learn some new vocabulary whilst gaining cultural knowledge about French food.