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Seasonal Changes

Seasonal Changes

Activities: Draw Clothes throughout seasons Draw the seasons (Suggested activity- listen to Vivaldi’s 4 seasons and draw) Illustrate trees throughout the seasons Stickman outline - Suggested activity: Draw clothes for stickman throughout the seasons.
Year 1 High Frequency Words

Year 1 High Frequency Words

Word Boards Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Year 1 HFWs Read words quickly. Use resource as a game Ideal for small reading interventions
Number Bonds to 10

Number Bonds to 10

9 Sheets using representations to help embed number bonds to 10 Numicon Ten Frames Part Wholes Contains sentence stems ___ and ___ make 10 ___ needs ___ make 10
Zones of Regulation: Lanyard

Zones of Regulation: Lanyard

Print and laminate this resource double sided. This handy resource is great for conversations with children on the go. One side helps children express their feelings and the other side provided suggested activities to get back to green.
Zones of Regulation Feeling Scale

Zones of Regulation Feeling Scale

Print, Cut, Laminate, Hole Punch and thread a bead on to a pipe cleaner. Tie at the back. Children use this to share their zone to help talk about their current emotion.
Fruit and Veg Threading

Fruit and Veg Threading

Cut, laminate and whole punch fruits and vegetables. Use string to help with fine motor skills apple, pear, peas, broccoli, carrot, potato, banana, orange
Brown Bear Brown Bear What Can You See?- Own Version

Brown Bear Brown Bear What Can You See?- Own Version

Use this widgit story to create your own version of the popular story Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do you see? Print and colour in each sheet. Put the story in any order. We used a picture of our class as the children so they are now in the story.
Zones of Regulation Body

Zones of Regulation Body

Zones of regulation body outline 2 resources. body outline with emotions 4 to a page body outline with emotions A4 body outline with I am feeling colour and space for children to draw their own emotions
Seasonal Changes: Autumn

Seasonal Changes: Autumn

Activities: Data collection for weather, rainfall and temperature and day length. Key Vocabulary display poster and flash cards