In unit 5, the last question (question 8) is based on a pre-released scientific article a total of 30 marks.
In this document, you will find a summary (167 words) explaining what the article is all about, plus separate summaries for each subsection of the article. This work refers to the Scientific Article for question 8 for Biology IAL (International Advanced Level) WBIO5/1
(The article is provided by Pearson Edexcel Examination – October 2024)
In unit 5, the last question (question 8) is based on a pre-released scientific article a total of 30 marks.
In this document, you will find a summary (167 words) explaining what the article is all about, separate summaries for each subsection of the article and the 5 main key takeaways explaining what the article is all about (key takeaways for the entire article and 5 for each of the subsections). This work refers to the Scientific Article for question 8 for Biology IAL (International Advanced Level) WBIO5/1
(The article is provided by Pearson Edexcel Examination – October 2024)
In unit 5, the last question (question 8) is based on a pre-released scientific article a total of 30 marks.
In this document, you will find the main key takeaways (for the entire article and per paragraph) explaining what the article is all about. This work refers to the Scientific Article for question 8 for Biology IAL (International Advanced Level) WBIO5/1.
(The article is provided by Pearson Edexcel Examination – October 2024)
In unit 5, the last question (question 8) is based on a pre-released scientific article a total of 30 marks.
In this document, you will find potential questions and answers for the Scientific Article for question 8 for Biology IAL (International Advanced Level) WBI15/01.
(The article is provided by Pearson Edexcel Examination – October 2024)
This document consists of
o Article Summary (167 words) and a more concise version of 48 words
o Five (5) Key Takeaways for the entire article (these are the things you should know and understand from this article before the exam).
o Vocabulary and Definitions of unknown words for each paragraph
o Key Take aways for each of the 2 sub-articles and each paragraph
o 194 potential questions each with its answer
The questions are based on the scientific article
70% of them are linked to the syllabus, thus this document can be used for revision as well
Includes definitions
The article is available at the end of this booklet.
In unit 5, the last question (question 8) is based on a pre-released scientific article a total of 30 marks.
In this document, you will find the key takeaways for the Scientific Article for question 8 for Biology IAL (International Advanced Level) WBI15/01.
(The article is provided by Pearson Edexcel Examination – January 2025)
This document consists of
o Five (5) Key Takeaways for the entire article (these are the things you should know and understand from this article before the exam).
o Key Take aways for each of the 5 sub-articles and for each paragraph
In unit 5, the last question (question 8) is based on a pre-released scientific article a total of 30 marks.
In this document, you will find a summary and the key takeaways for the Scientific Article for question 8 for Biology IAL (International Advanced Level) WBI15/01.
(The article is provided by Pearson Edexcel Examination – January 2025)
This document consists of
o Article Summary (251 words) and a more concise version of 52 words
o Summary of each sub-section of the article
o Five (5) Key Takeaways for the entire article (these are the things you should know and understand from this article before the exam).
o Key Take aways for each of the 5 sub-articles and for each paragraph
In unit 5, the last question (question 8) is based on a pre-released scientific article a total of 30 marks.
In this document, you will find potential questions and answers for the Scientific Article for question 8 for Biology IAL (International Advanced Level) WBI15/01.
(The article is provided by Pearson Edexcel Examination – January 2025)
This document consists of
o Article Summary (251 words) and a more concise version of 52 words
o Five (5) Key Takeaways for the entire article (these are the things you should know and understand from this article before the exam).
o Vocabulary and Definitions of unknown words for each paragraph
o Key Take aways for each of the 5 sub-articles and for each paragraph
o 279 potential questions each with its answer
The questions are based on the scientific article
70% of them are linked to the syllabus, thus this document can be used for revision as well
Includes definitions
The article is available at the end of this booklet.
In unit 5, the last question (question 8) is based on a pre-released scientific article a total of 30 marks.
In this document, you will find a summary for the Scientific Article for question 8 for Biology IAL (International Advanced Level) WBI15/01.
(The article is provided by Pearson Edexcel Examination – January 2025)
This document consists of
o Article Summary (251 words) and a more concise version of 52 words