I've been teaching for over 15 years now and have loved every minute of it. I always love being creative and combining as many subjects into themed learning adventures. I've uploaded plenty of the resources I have created over the years and I'm constantly developing new ones as I go.
Follow me on Twitter @chriswaterworth
Read my blog: http://videoformyclassroom.blogspot.co.uk/
I've been teaching for over 15 years now and have loved every minute of it. I always love being creative and combining as many subjects into themed learning adventures. I've uploaded plenty of the resources I have created over the years and I'm constantly developing new ones as I go.
Follow me on Twitter @chriswaterworth
Read my blog: http://videoformyclassroom.blogspot.co.uk/
A HUGE collection of class assemblies and whole school assemblies that have been used in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Each assembly has a powerpoint or script to use with your class.
A Guide to The General Election 2017 - Presentation, Assembly, Discussion, PowerPoint, Citizenship
Ancient Greek Gods Primary Class Assembly
Bean to Bar. How is Chocolate Made - An Assembly
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: A Class Assembly (30+ parts)
Chocolate Week Assembly
Dr What and The Victorians: A Class Assembly (30+ Parts)
Hansel and Gretel: A Class Assembly
International Day of the Girl - An Assembly
Martin Luther King Assembly WITH SOUND
Olympic Games 2016 - An Assembly
Space - The First Man on The Moon: Class Assembly (30+ Parts)
Victorian Schools: A Class Assembly (30+ parts)
Walk To School Week: An Assembly, Presentation, Discussion,
World Environment Day 2017 - Assembly and Presentation
World OceanS Day 2017 - Assembly, Presentation
World Blood Donor Day 2017 - Presentation, Assembly, Discussion
World Values Day - An Assembly, Presentation and Class Discussion
Values are what make us who we are. They are the compass guiding everything we do – our choices and our actions. When we forget that compass, we take the wrong turn. It’s the same for our families, for our communities, for the world.
- Why are values so important?
- How do values change the world?
- The Values Challenge - One Hour, One Value, One Change
- How can I find my values?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: A Class Assembly (30+ parts)
Here is a complete rhyming assembly based around the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
A great assembly to introduce World Food Day, or to to discuss the issues around food shortages around the world.
One of the biggest issues related to climate change is food security. The world’s poorest - many of whom are farmers, fishers and pastorals - are being hit hardest by higher temperatures and an increasing frequency in weather-related disasters.
At the same time, the global population is growing steadily and is expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. To meet such a heavy demand, agriculture and food systems will need to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change and become more resilient, productive and sustainable. This is the only way that we can ensure the wellbeing of ecosystems and rural populations and reduce emissions.
A Victorian Life: Topic Overview
Dr Barnardo: Fact Sheet and Presentation
Dr What and The Victorians: A Class Assembly (30+ Parts)
Servants Rules: The Victorian Era
Street Child and The Victorians: A Topic Overview
Victorian Coin Images
Victorian Schools: A Class Assembly (30+ parts)
If you’re an absolute choc-aholic, you’ll love Chocolate Week!
Held in October each year, it is seven solid days of indulging your sweet-tooth and trying out the best chocolate in the UK!
Can you imagine that?
Girls are our future.
This year, for the fifth annual International Day of the Girl Child, on 11th October, join global efforts to ensure a world free of discrimination for young women and girls.
Guided Maths: Planning Templates and Posters
Here you will find Guided Maths planning templates and posters to run your own sessions. I have left the planning completed to show you how to use the sessions
World OceanS Day 2017 - Assembly, Presentation
World OceanS Day takes place each year and is designed to raise awareness of how much our oceans need protecting.
Hug a Bear Day - Assembly or Class Presentation
Here you will find a whole school assembly or class presentation based around Hug a Bear Day.
The assembly includes:
- Introduction to Hug a Bear Day
- History of the Teddy Bear
- Egyptians
- Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt
- How to celebrate Hug a Bear Day
This presentation is fully editable.
The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on 10 October every year as an opportunity to raise "awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilising efforts in support of mental health.“
The theme for this year's World Mental Health Day, set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is psychological first aid and the support people can provide to those in distress.
Here you will find several documents I have used week in week out in my classroom over the years.
This pack includes:
Reciprocal Reading Planning Template
Independent Activity Planning Template
Computing Poster
Guided Reading Poster
Sketching Poster
Spelling Hunt Poster
I have left both planning formats complete to help you see how to use them
Space - The First Man on The Moon: Class Assembly (30+ Parts)
Here you will find a script for a whole class assembly designed for 30+ children to perform
Here you find a chocolate bundle to be used with a topic on chocolate
Bean to Bar. How is Chocolate Made - An Assembly
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: A Class Assembly (30+ parts)
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory: Topic Overview
Chocolate Week Assembly
What makes a good listener?
A presentation designed to explore 'What makes a good listener?' This is fully editable and can be used across both key stages.