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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Regreso a la Escuela  Actividades y Manualidades

Regreso a la Escuela Actividades y Manualidades

La vuelta al cole es un momento emocionante para ti y para tus estudiantes. Aprovecha al máximo esos primeros días realizando actividades que faciliten la familiaridad mutua entre los estudiantes y fomenta un fuerte sentimiento de comunidad. Embellece tu clase y distribuye actividades de vuelta al cole cautivadoras e intencionadas para que se las lleven a casa. Fomente una comunicación eficaz entre los padres y los estudiantes, al tiempo que proporciona a las familias información sobre las auténticas experiencias de sus hijos en la escuela. Durante los primeros días de clase, los niños están ansiosos por compartir sus impresiones sobre su nuevo maestro. Aumenta este entusiasmo enviando a casa una pequeña tarjeta con las primeras ideas e información que los niños hayan recogido de ti. Este gesto constituye un excelente medio para establecer los primeros contactos con sus familias. **Este recurso incluye: ** Página 1: Verdadero o no Verdadero Página 2: Regreso a la escuela - Mensaje para mi familia Página 3: Bienvenido a grado - Banderín Página 4: Mi mochila de objetivos (portada) Página 5: Mi mochila de objetivos (página de contenido) Página 6: Tarjeta de la Maestra Página 7: Tarjeta del Maestro ¡Feliz Regreso a la Escuela! "------------------------------ ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés ------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★ Recursos de REGRESO A LA ESCUELA que te van gustar: Regreso a la Escuela | Los Monstruos Aman la Escuela Actividades Regreso a la Escuela Álbum de Monstruos Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos Marcapáginas Manualidad Regreso a la Escuela Monstruos Decor | Tablón de Anuncios y Puertas Regreso a la Escuela Actividades Regreso a la Escuela Actividades y Manualidades Álbum de Regreso a la Escuela - Visualizando mis Objetivos Mi Escuela - Bucket and Spade List - De Regreso a la Escuela Manualidad -------------------------------"
Back to School Activities and Crafts

Back to School Activities and Crafts

The back-to-school period is a thrilling time for both you and your students. Make the most of those initial days by engaging in activities that facilitate mutual familiarity among your students and foster a strong sense of community. Embellish your classroom and distribute captivating and purposeful back-to-school activities to be taken home. Encourage effective communication between parents and students, while also providing families with insights into their children’s genuine experiences at school. During the first few days of school, children are eager to share their thoughts about their new teacher. Enhance this excitement by sending home a small card containing initial ideas and information that the children have gleaned from you. This gesture serves as an excellent means to establish initial connections with their families. This resource includes: Page 1: True or not true Page 2: Back to School - Message to my family Page 3: Welcome to Grade Pennant Page 4: My Goals Backpack (cover) Page 5: My Goals Backpack (content page) Page 6: Teacher Card (Woman Version) Page 7: Teacher Card (Man Version)* Happy Back to School! "------------------------------ ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------" "----------------------------- ★ You may like these BACK TO SCHOOL resources: My School - Bucket and Spade List Craft New School Year Album - Visualizing My Goals Back to School - Monsters Album Back to School - Monsters Love School - Activities Back to School Monsters Bookmark Craft Back to School - Activities Back to School Activities - Google Slides Back to School Monsters Posters Back to School Monsters Decor | Bulletin Board and Door Back to School Monster Poster Free Sample! ---------------------------------"
Nelson Mandela - Activities BUNDLE

Nelson Mandela - Activities BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Nelson Mandela Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! By utilizing these resources, students will not only familiarize themselves with the key facts about Nelson Mandela but also complete a biography research worksheet, ensuring a comprehensive understanding. The pennant is a fantastic addition for adorning the school and classroom, creating an atmosphere of celebration. It encourages children to believe in the power of resilience and understand that obstacles can be overcome on the path to achieving their goals. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to express in writing why embodying Mandela’s resilience is crucial for both themselves and others. This exercise instills a deeper appreciation for the significance of resilience in personal growth and making a positive impact. Moreover, imagine the pride and inspiration your students will experience as they proudly sport a medal featuring the likeness of this extraordinary historical figure. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Nelson Mandela Biography Research (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: If I Were Resilient Like Nelson Mandela (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Interesting Facts - Nelson Mandela (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: Nelson Mandela Medal - Perseverance and Service (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Nelson Mandela - Empty Version (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Nelson Mandela Pennant (English and Spanish Version) Happy Nelson Mandela Day!
Nelson Mandela - Actividad

Nelson Mandela - Actividad

¿Está buscando una actividad atractiva y única para conmemorar el Día de Nelson Mandela? Este recurso es absolutamente ideal para sumergir a los estudiantes en el espíritu de la ocasión. Aunque algunos de los conceptos y la información que rodean a este notable personaje hsitorico pueden suponer un reto para los más pequeños, he elaborado cuidadosamente materiales que simplifican los detalles más relevantes. Utilizando este recurso, los estudiantes no sólo se familiarizarán con los hechos clave sobre Nelson Mandela, sino que también completarán una hoja de trabajo de investigación sobre la biografía, garantizando una comprensión global. El banderín es un complemento fantástico para adornar la escuela y la clase, creando un ambiente de celebración. Anima a tus niños a creer en el poder de la resiliencia y a comprender que se pueden superar los obstáculos en el camino hacia la meta. Además, los niños tendrán la oportunidad de expresar por escrito por qué encarnar la resiliencia de Mandela es crucial tanto para ellos mismos como para los demás. Este ejercicio inculca una apreciación más profunda de la importancia de la resiliencia para el crecimiento personal y para lograr un impacto positivo. Imagínate la inspiración que sentirán tus estudiantes al lucir con orgullo una medalla con el retrato de esta extraordinaria figura histórica. Estas actividades ofrecen un enfoque fluido y ameno para enseñar a los niño sobre Nelson Mandela. A través de ellas, los estudiantes asimilarán rápidamente y sin esfuerzo los conocimientos mientras disfrutan del proceso. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Investigación Biográfica - Nelson Mandela Página 2: Si Fuera Resiliente como Nelson Mandela Página 3: Nelson Mandela - Datos de Interés Página 4: Nelson Mandela - Banderín Página 5: Nelson Mandela - Medalla (Valentía y Libertad) Página 6: Nelson Mandela - Medalla (Versión Vacía) ¡Feliz Día de Nelson Mandela! "------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------" "-------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: George Washington Carver - Actividad Harriet Tubman - Actividad Martin Luther King Jr. - Actividad Rosa Parks - Actividad Ruby Bridges - Actividad Nelson Mandela - Actividad --------------------------------"
Nelson Mandela Activity

Nelson Mandela Activity

Are you seeking an engaging and unique activity to commemorate Nelson Mandela Day? This resource is absolutely ideal for immersing your students in the spirit of the occasion! While some of the concepts and information surrounding this remarkable individual may pose a challenge for young learners, I have carefully crafted materials that simplify the most relevant details. By utilizing this resource, students will not only familiarize themselves with the key facts about Nelson Mandela but also complete a biography research worksheet, ensuring a comprehensive understanding. The pennant is a fantastic addition for adorning the school and classroom, creating an atmosphere of celebration. It encourages children to believe in the power of resilience and understand that obstacles can be overcome on the path to achieving their goals. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to express in writing why embodying Mandela’s resilience is crucial for both themselves and others. This exercise instills a deeper appreciation for the significance of resilience in personal growth and making a positive impact. Moreover, imagine the pride and inspiration your students will experience as they proudly sport a medal featuring the likeness of this extraordinary historical figure. These activities offer a seamless and enjoyable approach to teaching young students about Nelson Mandela. Through them, your students will swiftly and effortlessly absorb knowledge while relishing in the process. This resource includes: Page 1: Nelson Mandela Biography Research Page 2: If I Were Resilient Like Nelson Mandela Page 3: Interesting Facts - Nelson Mandela Page 4: Nelson Mandela Medal - Perseverance and Service Page 5: Nelson Mandela - Empty Version Page 6: Nelson Mandela Pennant "---------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: * Download the Spanish Version -----------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------ ★ You May Like These Resources :) Harriet Tubman Rosa Parks - Activity Ruby Bridges Martin Luther King, Jr. George Washington Carver Nelson Mandela Activity ----------------------------------------"
End of the School Year BUNDLE

End of the School Year BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of End of the School Year. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! Ensure your students cherish their school year memories forever with this resource that fosters reflection and gratitude. The Cootie Catcher game is a fun way for children to express their thoughts and insights about the end of the school year. By writing personalized notes for each of your students, you can create a lasting and meaningful impression on them. The notes will serve as a reminder of their emotions at the end of the year and will include highlights and tips for the upcoming year. You can attach the notes you wrote to each child’s card using a stapler. Additionally, the pennants can be displayed in the hall to add an extra touch of celebratory flair. Prepare yourself to receive numerous compliments for a job well done! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: End of the School Year - Cootie Catcher (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: End of the School Year - Notes for Students - Version 1 (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: End of the School Year - Notes for Students - Version 2 (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: Best Things About This School Year - Pennant (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: End of The School Year - Memories and Reflections Card, Part I (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: End of The School Year - Memories and Reflections Card, Part II (English and Spanish Version) Happy End of The School Year!
Fin de Año Escolar

Fin de Año Escolar

Asegúrate de que tus estudiantes conserven para siempre los recuerdos del año escolar con este recurso que fomenta la reflexión y la gratitud. El juego Cootie-Catcher es una forma divertida de que los niños expresen sus pensamientos y percepciones sobre el final del curso. Al escribir notas personalizadas para cada uno de tus estudiantes, puedes crear una impresión duradera y significativa en ellos. Las notas servirán como recordatorio de sus emociones al final del curso e incluirán aspectos destacados y consejos para el curso que viene. Puedes pegar las notas que hayas escrito en la tarjeta de cada niño utilizando una grapadora. Además, los banderines pueden colgarse en el pasillo para añadir un toque extra de celebración. ¡Prepárate para recibir numerosos elogios por un trabajo bien hecho! Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Fin de año escolar - come-cocos Página 2: Fin de año escolar - Notas para los estudiantes (versión 1) Página 3: Fin de año escolar - Notas para los estudiantes (versión 2) Página 4: Lo mejor de este año escolar - Banderín Página 5: Fin de año escolar - Tarjeta de recuerdos y reflexiones, Parte I Página 6: Fin de año escolar - Tarjeta de recuerdos y reflexiones, Parte II ¡Feliz fin de año escolar! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related resources: Fin de Año Escolar - Actividades Fin de Año Escolar - Álbum --------------------------------------------------------"
End of the School Year

End of the School Year

Ensure your students cherish their school year memories forever with this resource that fosters reflection and gratitude. The Cootie Catcher game is a fun way for children to express their thoughts and insights about the end of the school year. By writing personalized notes for each of your students, you can create a lasting and meaningful impression on them. The notes will serve as a reminder of their emotions at the end of the year and will include highlights and tips for the upcoming year. You can attach the notes you wrote to each child’s card using a stapler. Additionally, the pennants can be displayed in the hall to add an extra touch of celebratory flair. Prepare yourself to receive numerous compliments for a job well done! This resource includes: Page 1: End of the School Year - Cootie Catcher Page 2: End of the School Year - Notes for Students (Version 1) Page 3: End of the School Year - Notes for Students (Version 2) Page 4: Best Things About This School Year - Pennant Page 5: End of The School Year - Memories and Reflections Card, Part I Page 6: End of The School Year - Memories and Reflections Card, Part II Happy End of The School Year! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: End of School Year Activities --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: End of the School Year - Album End of School Year Activities --------------------------------------------------------"
Refugees - Activities BUNDLE

Refugees - Activities BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Refugees Activity. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource is designed to foster empathy towards refugees, who are compelled to leave their homes and loved ones due to conflict, persecution, or other causes. This resource aims of helping children comprehend the difficulties and hardships that refugees encounter in their daily lives. By empathizing with the struggles of others, children develop a greater appreciation for their own fortunate circumstances and nurture a sense of gratitude. In addition, this activity offers children an opportunity to learn about the specific needs and wants of refugees and to explore ways in which they can provide support and assistance. By gaining a more profound understanding of the challenges faced by refugees, children can become more compassionate and socially aware individuals. This resource also serves to increase children’s awareness of refugees’ living conditions, their requirements, desires, and how they can contribute to helping them. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: A refugee is… (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: People become refugees when… Message to a refuge (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Refugee Camps - If I were a refugee (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: What is life as a refugee like? - Venn diagram (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: How to help refugees (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Refugees acrostic - Craft (English and Spanish Version) An easy way to teach about refugees!
Refugiados - Actividad

Refugiados - Actividad

Este recurso está diseñado para fomentar la empatía hacia los refugiados, que se ven obligados a abandonar sus hogares y a sus seres queridos debido a conflictos, persecuciones u otras causas. El objetivo de este recurso es ayudar a los niños a comprender las dificultades y penurias a las que se enfrentan los refugiados en su vida cotidiana. Al empatizar con las luchas de los demás, los niños desarrollan un mayor aprecio por sus propias circunstancias afortunadas y alimentan un sentimiento de gratitud. Además, esta actividad ofrece a los niños la oportunidad de conocer las necesidades y deseos específicos de los refugiados y de explorar formas en las que pueden prestarles apoyo y ayuda. Al adquirir una comprensión más profunda de los retos a los que se enfrentan los refugiados, los niños pueden convertirse en individuos más compasivos y con mayor conciencia social. Este recurso también sirve para aumentar la concienciación de los niños sobre las condiciones de vida de los refugiados, sus necesidades, deseos y cómo pueden contribuir a ayudarles. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Un refugiado es… Página 2: Las personas se convierten en refugiados cuando… Mensaje a un refugiado Página 3: Campos de refugiados - Si yo fuera un refugiado Página 4: ¿Cómo es la vida de un refugiado? - Diagrama de Venn Página 5: Cómo ayudar a los refugiados Página 6: Acróstico para los refugiados - Manualidad ¡Una forma fácil de enseñar y reflexionar sobre los refugiados! "-------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: **Descarga la Versión en Inglés** --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Refugiados Presentación PowerPoint Refugiados Manualidad --------------------------------------------"
Refugees Activity

Refugees Activity

This resource is designed to foster empathy towards refugees, who are compelled to leave their homes and loved ones due to conflict, persecution, or other causes. This resource aims of helping children comprehend the difficulties and hardships that refugees encounter in their daily lives. By empathizing with the struggles of others, children develop a greater appreciation for their own fortunate circumstances and nurture a sense of gratitude. In addition, this activity offers children an opportunity to learn about the specific needs and wants of refugees and to explore ways in which they can provide support and assistance. By gaining a more profound understanding of the challenges faced by refuges, children become more compassionate and socially aware individuals. This resource also serves to increase children’s awareness of refugees’ living conditions, their requirements, desires, and how they can contribute to helping them. This resource includes: Page 1: A refugee is… Page 2: People become refugees when… Message to a refuge Page 3: Refugee Camps - If I were a refugee Page 4: What is life as a refugee like? - Venn diagram Page 5: How to help refugees Page 6: Refugees acrostic - Craft " -------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version -------------------------------- " " -------------------------------- ★ You May Like These Resources: Refugees PowerPoint Presentation Refugees Craft " -------------------------------- An easy way to teach about refugees!
Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz BUNDLE

Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes English and Spanish versions of the Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Pennant, Cup Album, and Quiz. They are perfect for your bilingual or dual language classrooms and schools! This resource is perfect for Teachers’ Day or Principals’ Day and will be treasured forever as the perfect gift for them. Simply print it out and have your students draw, write, and decorate the classroom, office, or school for their teachers or principals. To use this resource, print the three pages: one cover cup, a worksheet cup (one per student), and one back cover message. Then, give each student a worksheet and ask them to complete it by drawing themselves and their teacher/principal and writing a heartfelt message. Once completed, collect all the cup worksheets and staple them together to create a beautiful album made with the participation of each student. Teachers will be delighted to read all the messages written by their students, some of which may even cause them to laugh! If you are in charge of celebrating this amazing day because you are part of the PTA/PTO, a school counselor, or simply want to celebrate with the kids to show appreciation for exceptional teachers, help the kids decorate the classroom with the pennants. Teachers will be thrilled with the effort and creativity. If you and your fellow teachers want to celebrate Principals’ Day, this could be an awesome gift for teachers to give to their principals. It is a unique and unforgettable way to show appreciation. This resource is available in two versions, one for teachers and the other for principals. Don’t let the week go by without finding out how well the kids know their teachers! The two resources included in this bundle are sold separately. Below is a list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. English Version: Page 1: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day - Pennant Page 2: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day - Cup cover Page 3: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day - Cup template/worksheet for each Student Page 4: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day - Cup back page Page 5: How Well I Know My Teacher Page 6: Happy Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant Page 7: Happy Principal Appreciation Day - Cup cover Page 8: Happy Principal Appreciation Day - Cup template/worksheet for each Student Page 9: Happy Principal Appreciation Day - Cup back page Page 10: How Well I Know My Principal Spanish Version: Página 1: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Banderín Página 2: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Taza Álbum (Portada) Página 3: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Taza Álbum (hoja interior para cada estudiante) Página 4: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Taza Álbum contraportada Página 5: Qué tan bien conoces a tu Maestra Página 6: Feliz Día del Maestro - Banderín Página 7: Feliz Día del Maestro - Taza Álbum (Portada) Página 8: Feliz Día del Maestro - Taza Álbum (hoja interior para cada estudiante) Página 9: Feliz Día del Maestro - Taza Álbum contraportada Página 10: Qué tan bien conoces a tu Maestro Página 11: Feliz Día de la Directora - Banderín Página 12: Feliz Día de la Directora - Taza Álbum (Portada) Página 13: Feliz Día de la Directora - Taza Álbum (hoja interior para cada estudiante) Página 14: Feliz Día de la Directora - Taza Álbum contraportada Página 15: Qué tan bien conoces a tu Directora Página 16: Feliz Día del Director - Banderín Página 17: Feliz Día del Director - Taza Álbum (Portada) Página 18: Feliz Día del Director - Taza Álbum (hoja interior para cada estudiante) Página 19: Feliz Día del Director - Taza Álbum contraportada Página 20: Qué tan bien conoces a tu Director Happy Teacher/Principal Appreciation Day!!
Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Banderín, Taza Álbum y Quiz

Feliz Día del Maestro/a - Director/a - Banderín, Taza Álbum y Quiz

Este recurso será atesorado para siempre y es el regalo perfecto para el Día del Maestro/a o del Director/a. Sólo tienes que imprimirlo y pedir a tus estudiantes que dibujen, escriban y decoren sus aulas, su oficina o su escuela para sus profesores o directores. Imprime las tres páginas: Un vaso de portada, un vaso de hoja de trabajo (uno por alumno) y un mensaje de contraportada. A continuación, entrega una hoja de trabajo por estudiante. Pide a los niños que la completen, dibujándose a sí mismos y a su profesor o director, y escribiendo desde el fondo de su corazón. Por último, recoge todas las hojas de trabajo de la taza y grapa el álbum de la taza. Obtendrás un bonito álbum realizado con la participación de cada estudiante. Los profesores leen todos los mensajes escritos por cada uno de sus niños. Es posible que la mayoría de sus respuestas les hagan estallar en carcajadas. Se llevarán una bebida llena de mucho amor. Si eres el encargado de celebrar este increíble día porque formas parte de (PTA/PTO), eres el consejero escolar o quieres celebrar con los niños a los profesores, ayuda a los niños a decorar el aula con los banderines, los maestro/as se van a sentir muy emocionados. Si tú y tus compañero/as quieren celebrar el Día del Director. Puede ser un regalo impresionante para los directores. ¡Es único e inolvidable! Hay dos versiones del recurso, una para los profesores y otra para los directores. Por último, no puedes pasar la semana sin saber lo bien que los niños conocen a sus profesores, por ello tendras un divertido Quiz. *Cada página lleva la versión Maestra y Maestro - Director y Directora. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Banderín Página 2: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Taza Álbum (Portada) Página 3: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Taza Álbum (hoja interior para cada estudiante) Página 4: Feliz Día de la Maestra - Taza Álbum contraportada Página 5: Qué tan bien conoces a tu Maestra Página 6: Feliz Día del Maestro - Banderín Página 7: Feliz Día del Maestro - Taza Álbum (Portada) Página 8: Feliz Día del Maestro - Taza Álbum (hoja interior para cada estudiante) Página 9: Feliz Día del Maestro - Taza Álbum contraportada Página 10: Qué tan bien conoces a tu Maestro Página 11: Feliz Día de la Directora - Banderín Página 12: Feliz Día de la Directora - Taza Álbum (Portada) Página 13: Feliz Día de la Directora - Taza Álbum (hoja interior para cada estudiante) Página 14: Feliz Día de la Directora - Taza Álbum contraportada Página 15: Qué tan bien conoces a tu Directora Página 16: Feliz Día del Director - Banderín Página 17: Feliz Día del Director - Taza Álbum (Portada) Página 18: Feliz Día del Director - Taza Álbum (hoja interior para cada estudiante) Página 19: Feliz Día del Director - Taza Álbum contraportada Página 20: Qué tan bien conoces a tu Director ¡Feliz y bien merecido Día del Maestro/a y Director/a!
Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz

Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz

This resource is perfect for Teachers’ Day or Principals’ Day and will be treasured forever as the perfect gift for them. Simply print it out and have your students draw, write, and decorate the classroom, office, or school for their teachers or principals. To use this resource, print the three pages: one cover cup, a worksheet cup (one per student), and one back cover message. Then, give each student a worksheet and ask them to complete it by drawing themselves and their teacher/principal and writing a heartfelt message. Once completed, collect all the cup worksheets and staple them together to create a beautiful album made with the participation of each student. Teachers will be delighted to read all the messages written by their students, some of which may even cause them to laugh! If you are in charge of celebrating this amazing day because you are part of the PTA/PTO, a school counselor, or simply want to celebrate with the kids to show appreciation for exceptional teachers, help the kids decorate the classroom with the pennants. Teachers will be thrilled with the effort and creativity. If you and your fellow teachers want to celebrate Principals’ Day, this could be an awesome gift for teachers to give to their principals. It is a unique and unforgettable way to show appreciation. This resource is available in two versions, one for teachers and the other for principals. Don’t let the week go by without finding out how well the kids know their teachers! This resource includes: Page 1: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day - Pennant Page 2: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day - Cup cover Page 3: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day - Cup template/worksheet for each Student Page 4: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day - Cup back page Page 5: How Well I Know My Teacher Page 6: Happy Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant Page 7: Happy Principal Appreciation Day - Cup cover Page 8: Happy Principal Appreciation Day - Cup template/worksheet for each Student Page 9: Happy Principal Appreciation Day - Cup back page Page 10: How Well I Know My Principal Happy Teacher / Principal Appreciation Day!! "-------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day - Album --------------------------------------"
Honesty  Panda Theme BUNDLE

Honesty Panda Theme BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Honesty - Panda Theme. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Looking for a fun and engaging approach to teaching your students about honesty? Our adorable panda character will guide them on this journey, emphasizing the significance of truthfulness and self-honesty. Through this learning experience, your students will not only grasp the value of honesty but also develop essential character traits like integrity and trustworthiness. Understanding the positive impact of honesty on self-confidence, they will be equipped with the necessary skills to thrive both inside and outside the classroom. Empower your students to grow and flourish. Give them the lifelong gift of knowledge and character development! The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Honesty (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: I’m Afraid to Tell, the Truth (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: Acting and Speaking Truthfully (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: I Am Honest with Myself (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: Teach The Panda to be Honest (English and Spanish Version) Enjoy Teaching Honesty to Your Students!
Honestidad Tema el Panda

Honestidad Tema el Panda

¿Buscas un método divertido y atractivo para enseñar a tus estudiantes la honestidad? Nuestro adorable panda les guiará en este viaje, haciendo hincapié en la importancia de la veracidad y la honestidad. A través de esta experiencia de aprendizaje, los estudiantes no sólo comprenderán el valor de la honestidad, sino que también desarrollarán rasgos de carácter esenciales como la integridad y la honradez. Al comprender el impacto positivo de la honestidad en la confianza en sí mismos, estarán equipados con las habilidades necesarias para prosperar tanto dentro como fuera del aula. Permite que tus estudiantes crezcan y prosperen, regáleles el conocimiento y el desarrollo del carácter para toda la vida. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Honestidad Página 2: Tengo Miedo de Decir la Verdad Página 3: Actuar y Hablar con Sinceridad Página 4: Soy Honesto/a Conmigo Mismo/a Página 5: Enseña al Panda a ser honesto "-------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------" "------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Auto-Respeto - Tema el Zorro Honestidad - Tema el Panda Patience - Turtle Craft Patience - Turtle Theme Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache Responsabilidad - Tema el Conejo Tolerancia - Tema el Oso Viaje a la Solución de Problemas Sociales - Tema del Mapache -------------------------------" ¡Disfruta enseñando honestidad a tus estudiantes!
Honesty Panda Theme

Honesty Panda Theme

Looking for a fun and engaging approach to teach your students about honesty? Our adorable panda character will guide them on this journey, emphasizing the significance of truthfulness and self-honesty. Through this learning experience, your students will not only grasp the value of honesty but also develop essential character traits like integrity and trustworthiness. Understanding the positive impact of honesty on self-confidence, they will be equipped with the necessary skills to thrive both inside and outside the classroom. Empower your students to grow and flourish. Give them the lifelong gift of knowledge and character development! This resource includes: Page 1: Honesty Page 2: I’m Afraid to Tell, the Truth Page 3: Acting and Speaking Truthfully Page 4: I Am Honest with Myself Page 5: Teach The Panda to be Honest "----------------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Download the Spanish version -----------------------------------" "---------------------------------- ★You may like these resources: Honesty - Panda Theme Patience - Turtle Theme Responsibility - Rabbit Theme Self-Respect - Fox Theme Social Problem Solving Journey - Raccoon Theme Social Problem Solving - Raccoon Theme Tolerance - Bear Theme -----------------------------------" Enjoy Teaching Honesty to Your Students!
Bullying - Mapa Mental

Bullying - Mapa Mental

Esta actividad es un complemento ideal de la presentación en PowerPoint sobre el acoso y la lucha contra el acoso. El mapa mental es una poderosa herramienta que permite a los niños establecer conexiones significativas entre hechos, experiencias personales e ideas relacionadas con la prevención del acoso escolar. Este valioso recurso garantiza que los niños adquieran una comprensión global de la verdadera naturaleza del acoso escolar y les dota de estrategias eficaces para combatirlo. Este mapa mental sobre el acoso escolar ayuda a los estudiantes a aumentar su concienciación sobre el acoso, a compartir sus conocimientos sobre el tema y a crear, en colaboración, estrategias para responder eficazmente si se encuentran con este tipo de situaciones. Esta actividad también fomenta un sentimiento de solidaridad entre los estudiantes, ya que se dan cuenta de que no están solos a la hora de enfrentarse y abordar el acoso. El mapa mental se presenta en una versión vacía, que permite a los estudiantes construir individualmente, en grupos o en clase sus propios mapas mentales personalizados. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Bullying - Mapa Mental Página 2: Bullying - Mapa Mental (Versión Vacía) "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------" "------------------------------------------ ★ You may like these resources: Bullying - Mapa Mental Anti-Bullying - Actividad (Acoso Escolar) Spanish Activity Bullying y Anti-Bullying (Acoso Escolar) Presentación PowerPoint -------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz día del Anti-Bullying!
Bullying Mind Map

Bullying Mind Map

This activity serves as an ideal complement to the Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation. The Mind Map is a powerful tool that enables children to establish meaningful connections among facts, personal experiences, and ideas related to bullying prevention. This valuable resource ensures that children gain a comprehensive understanding of the true nature of bullying and equips them with effective strategies to combat it. This Bullying Mind Map helps your students increase their awareness of bullying, share their existing knowledge on the subject, and collaboratively create strategies to respond effectively if they encounter such situations. This activity also fosters a sense of solidarity among students, as they realize they are not alone in facing and addressing bullying. The Mind Map comes in an empty version, allowing students to individually, in groups, or as a whole class, construct their own personalized bullying mind maps. This resource includes: Page 1: Bullying Mind Map Page 2: Bullying Mind Map (Empty Version) "---------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version ------------------------------------" "---------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Bullying Mindmap Anti-Bullying Activity Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation ------------------------------------" Happy Anti-Bullying Day!
Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Bullying and Anti-Bullying PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! Through this presentation, students will be introduced to a comprehensive overview of bullying, including its definition, various types, and the roles of victims and followers. They will gain valuable insights into how they can effectively support others in combating bullying and understand the impact their own behaviors can have, whether as part of the problem through silence or as part of the solution by providing assistance. This presentation promotes understanding, fosters a positive classroom culture, and builds a strong sense of community among your students The slides are designed to engage and educate students on the concept of bullying while empowering them to take a stand against it. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Bullying? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 2: Types of Bullying (English and Spanish Version) Slide 3: Physical Bullying (English and Spanish Version) Slide 4: Cyberbullying (English and Spanish Version) Slide 5: Verbal Bullying (English and Spanish Version) Slide 6: Social Bullying (English and Spanish Version) Slide 7: Who is a Bully? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 8: Bully Supporters and Followers (English and Spanish Version) Slide 9: Victims of Bullying (English and Spanish Version) Slide 10: What Can You Do When You See Someone Being Bullied? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 11: STOP Bullying - How do I Treat Others? (English and Spanish Version) Slide 12: I Have Learned about - Bullying and Anti-Bullying (English and Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Anti-Bullying Day!