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We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.




We offer bilingual critical thinking and reflective resources for growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Mentalidad de Crecimiento Collection BUNDLE

Mentalidad de Crecimiento Collection BUNDLE

12 Resources
Este BUNDLE te ayudará a ganar tiempo y energía de preparación e investigación. Este recurso tiene todo lo que necesitas para enseñar y ayudar a tus estudiantes a mostrar todo su potencial y tener más éxito. Este es el paquete perfecto para introducir, enseñar y practicar todos los principios de la mentalidad de crecimiento. Ayuda a los estudiantes a creer en sí mismos, a entrenar su mente, a crecer y a reconocer cómo perciben el mundo y a sí mismos. Ayudalos a darse cuenta de que todo lo que quieran aprender es posible. Cada actividad explica cómo perciben el mundo las mentalidades fijas y de crecimiento, las estrategias para desarrollar una mentalidad de crecimiento, y las preguntas o enunciados para guiar a los niños a reflexionar sobre sus actitudes y creencias. Haz que tu clase destaque; los estudiantes, las familias y tus compañeros de trabajo reconocerán fácilmente tu clase porque tú y tus estudiantes fomentan una mentalidad de crecimiento a través de diferentes actividades, carteles, insignias, premios y tarjetas. ¡Ni tú ni tu clase volverán a ser los mismos! Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Mentalidad de Crecimiento y Mentalidad Fija Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Superando Mis Desafíos Mini Libro Recurso 3: Mentalidad de Crecimiento La Amistad Recurso 4: Mentalidad de Crecimiento La Amistad Google Slides Recurso 5: Mi Mochila de Mentalidad de Crecimiento Recurso 6: Mentalidad de Crecimiento Primavera | Mini Libro (Spring Break) Recurso 7: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | "Trick or Three” Halloween Mini Libro Recurso 8: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Mis Propósitos para el Año Nuevo Mini Libro Recurso 9: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Regalos de Navidad Papá Noel Mini Libro Recurso 10: Mentalidad de Crecimiento Posters, Tarjetas e Insignias Recurso 11: Mentalidad de Crecimiento | Certificados o Diplomas Editables Recurso 12: Mentalidad de Crecimiento - O - Metro ¡Disfruta de los beneficios de fomentar la mentalidad de crecimiento en tu clase!
My Growth Mindset Backpacks BUNDLE

My Growth Mindset Backpacks BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of My Growth Mindset Backpack. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! The objective of this activity is to reinforce and foster a growth mindset among your students, providing them with something invaluable to cherish for a lifetime. Students will identify their personal attributes and acknowledge empowering phrases they can internalize when adopting a growth mindset. This resource comprises various sections designed to differentiate between fixed and growth mindsets, featuring trigger words and goal-setting exercises. Assembling the “Backpack” book is incredibly straightforward. Students only need to cut out each page of their backpack, complete them with relevant information, and then staple the pages together along with the backpack handle. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: Cover My Growth Mindset Backpack (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: In My Backpack I have knowledge (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: In My Backpack I have Trigger Words (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: In My Backpack I have Positive Attitude (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: In My Backpack I have Goals (English and Spanish Version) Happy Backpack Day!!!
Mi Mochila de Mentalidad de Crecimiento

Mi Mochila de Mentalidad de Crecimiento

Una mochila es una representación simbólica de los pensamientos que llevamos dentro. Es esencial inspirar a los estudiantes para que cultiven una mentalidad resiliente que incluya objetivos claros y un auténtico entusiasmo por aprender. El objetivo de esta actividad es reforzar y fomentar una mentalidad de crecimiento entre los estudiantes, proporcionándoles algo valiosísimo que puedan conservar toda la vida. Los estudiantes identificarán sus cualidades personales y reconocerán frases fortalecedoras que pueden interiorizar al adoptar una mentalidad de crecimiento. Este recurso consta de varias secciones diseñadas para diferenciar entre la mentalidad fija y la mentalidad de crecimiento, con palabras desencadenantes y ejercicios para fijar objetivos. Montar el libro “Mochila” es increíblemente sencillo. Los estudiantes sólo tienen que recortar cada página de su mochila, completarlas con la información pertinente y graparlas junto con el asa de la mochila. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Portada mi mochila de Mentalidad de Crecimiento Página 2: En Mi Mochila tengo conocimiento Página 3: En mi mochila tengo palabras clave Página 4: En mi mochila tengo una actitud positiva Página 5: En mi mochila tengo metas Feliz Día de La Mochila! "-------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Descarga la versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------"
Growth Mindset Collection BUNDLE

Growth Mindset Collection BUNDLE

12 Resources
This bundle helps you gain time and energy in preparation and research. This resource has everything you need to teach and help your students show their full potential and become more successful. This is the perfect package to introduce, teach and practice all the principles of the growth mindset. This bundle helps your students believe in themselves, train their minds, grow up, and recognize how they perceive the world and themselves. Help your kids realize that anything they want to learn is possible. Each activity explains how growth and fixed mindsets perceive the world, strategies to develop a growth mindset, and questions to guide your students to reflect on their attitudes and beliefs. Make your class stand out; students, families, and fellow teachers will recognize your classroom easily because you and your kids encourage a growth mindset through different activities, posters, badges, awards, and cards. You and your class will never be the same! This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Growth Mindset | Overcoming My Challenges Mini Book Resource 3: Growth Mindset Friendship Resource 4: Growth Mindset Friendship Google Slides Resource 5: My Growth Mindset Backpack Resource 6: Growth Mindset | Spring (Spring Break) Mini Book Resource 7: Growth Mindset | "Trick or Three” Halloween Mini Book Resource 8: Growth Mindset | My New Year’s Resolutions Mini Book Resource 9: Growth Mindset | Santa’s Christmas Gifts Mini Book Resource 10: Growth Mindset Posters, Badges and Cards Resource 11: Growth Mindset | Editable Awards Resource 12: Growth Mindset - O - Meter Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!
My Growth Mindset Backpack

My Growth Mindset Backpack

A backpack serves as a symbolic representation of the thoughts we carry within our minds. It is essential to inspire your students to cultivate a resilient mindset that encompasses clear objectives and a genuine enthusiasm for learning. The objective of this activity is to reinforce and foster a growth mindset among your students, providing them with something invaluable to cherish for a lifetime. Students will identify their personal attributes and acknowledge empowering phrases they can internalize when adopting a growth mindset. This resource comprises various sections designed to differentiate between fixed and growth mindsets, featuring trigger words and goal-setting exercises. Assembling the “Backpack” book is incredibly straightforward. Students only need to cut out each page of their backpack, complete them with relevant information, and then staple the pages together along with the backpack handle. This resource includes: Page 1: Cover My Growth Mindset Backpack Page 2: In My Backpack I Have knowledge Page 3: In My Backpack, I Have Trigger Words Page 4: In My Backpack, I Have Positive Attitude Page 5: In My Backpack I Have Goals Happy Backpack Day! "-------------------------------------------------- ★Related Resources: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------------------------"
Semana Santa Collection BUNDLE

Semana Santa Collection BUNDLE

3 Resources
Planifica la Semana Santa con tranquilidad y confianza utilizando este completo paquete. Te ahorrará tiempo y energía en la preparación e investigación. Este paquete es ideal para presentar la Semana Santa a los estudiantes. Ayuda eficazmente a los niños a comprender los hechos más significativos y las palabras pronunciadas por Jesús durante sus últimos días en la tierra. Con este paquete, puedes explorar la Semana Santa en su totalidad, cubriendo todos los aspectos esenciales. El diseño de los materiales está cuidadosamente adaptado a las edades e intereses de los niños. Anima a los estudiantes a reflexionar y a comprender en profundidad este importante acontecimiento. Las actividades incluidas en el paquete permiten a los niños establecer conexiones entre la historia y sus experiencias cotidianas. Esta colección incluye los siguientes recursos: Recurso 1: Semana Santa Presentación PowerPoint Recurso 2: Reflexiones de Semana Santa Mini Libro Recurso 3: Semana Santa Línea de Tiempo ¡Feliz Semana Santa!
Holy Week Collection BUNDLE

Holy Week Collection BUNDLE

3 Resources
Plan Holy Week with peace of mind and confidence by utilizing this comprehensive packet. It saves you time and energy in preparation and research. This packet is ideal for presenting Holy Week to your students. It effectively helps children understand the most significant facts and the words spoken by Jesus during his last days on earth. With this packet, you can explore Holy Week in its entirety, covering all the essential aspects. The design of the materials is thoughtfully adapted to suit the ages and interests of children. Encourage your students to reflect on and gain a deep understanding of this important event. The activities included in the packet enable children to make connections between history and their daily experiences. This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: Holy Week PowerPoint Presentation Resource 2: Holy Week Reflections Mini Book Resource 3: Holy Week Timeline Happy Holy Week!
Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Manualidad

Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Manualidad

Haz que los maestros/as y directores no olviden y atesoren los mensajes de gratitud de todos los niños que les quieren, respetan y admiran. Esta adorable tarjeta dejará un lindo recuerdo, los maestros y directores se reirán e incluso algunas lágrimas saldrán, al leer cada uno de los mensajes. Pide a los niños que escriban todas las razones por las que quieren dar las gracias a su maestro/a o director/a. Después, recortan por la línea de puntos y grapan las dos “siluetas”. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Feliz Día de la Maestra Página 2: Feliz Día del Maestro Página 3: Feliz Día de la Directora Página 4: Feliz Día del Director** ¡Feliz Día del Maestro/a y del Director/a! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Banderín, Taza Álbum y Quiz Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a | Premios Editables Álbum de Feliz Cumpleaños Maestro/as, Estudiantes y Directores Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a | Premios Editables Feliz Día del Maestro/a Director/a Álbum --------------------------------------------------------"
Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Craft

Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Craft

Ensure that teachers and principals remember and cherish the messages of gratitude from all the children who love, respect, and admire them. This adorable card will create a lasting memory, bringing both laughter and tears to teachers and principals as they read each heartfelt message. Encourage children to write down all the reasons why they want to thank their teacher or principal. Then, have them cut along the dotted lines and staple the two “silhouettes” together to create a beautiful and unique card. This resource includes: Page 1: Happy Teacher Appreciation Day Page 2: Happy Principal Appreciation Day Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ You may like these resources: Teacher Appreciation Day PowerPoint Presentation Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Bulletin Board and Door Decor Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Editable Awards Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day - Album Happy Birthday Album - Teachers, Students and Principals --------------------------------------------------------"
Día Internacional de la Mujer Collection BUNDLE

Día Internacional de la Mujer Collection BUNDLE

7 Resources
Mejora tu experiencia del Día de la Mujer con este bundle, diseñado para ahorrarte tiempo y esfuerzo en la preparación e investigación. Con todos los materiales disponibles en cuestión de minutos, podrás celebrar el Día de la Mujer con tranquilidad y confianza. Presenta claramente el tema del Día de la Mujer a tus estudiantes, ya que todas las actividades incluidas en este paquete fomentan la escritura espontánea, la comprensión, la reflexión y el autodescubrimiento. Es una oportunidad fantástica para inspirar a los niños y educarlos sobre el importante papel que desempeñan las mujeres en la sociedad. Celebra con tus estudiantes el día dedicado a todas las maestras, madres y mujeres que forman parte de tu escuela y de tus familias. Sorpréndelas con un regalo único que hará que este día tan especial sea aún más memorable. Sé testigo de las amplias sonrisas que iluminarán los rostros de las mujeres extraordinarias de tu vida. Da rienda suelta a la creatividad y la imaginación decorando tu clase con los cautivadores y distintivos materiales de este paquete. Las manualidades incluidas no sólo son adorables, ¡sino que además recibirás cumplidos de cualquiera que las vea! Esta colección incluye: Recurso 1: Día Internacional de la Mujer Presentación PowerPoint y Decor Recurso 2: Día Internacional de la Mujer Actividad Recurso 3: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Biográfica Recurso 4: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Banderines e Investigación Bio - Google Slides Recurso 5: Día Internacional de la Mujer Historia | Leer, Dibujar y Escribir Recurso 6: Día Internacional de la Mujer - Manualidad y Tarjeta Recurso 7: El Día Internacional de la Mujer Significa para Mí… ¡Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer!
International Women's Day Collection BUNDLE

International Women's Day Collection BUNDLE

7 Resources
Enhance your Women’s Day experience with this bundle, designed to save you time and effort in preparation and research. With all the materials readily available within minutes, you can celebrate Women’s Day with peace of mind and confidence. Clearly introduce the Women’s Day theme to your students, as all the activities included in this bundle encourage spontaneous writing, comprehension, reflection, and self-discovery. It’s a fantastic opportunity to inspire children and educate them about the important role women play in society. Join your students in celebrating the day dedicated to all teachers, mothers, and women who are part of your school and families. Surprise them with a unique gift that will make this special day even more memorable. Witness the broad smiles that will light up the faces of the remarkable women in your life. Unleash creativity and imagination by decorating your classroom with captivating and distinctive materials from this bundle. The crafts included are not only adorable but also guaranteed to receive compliments from anyone who sees them! This collection includes the following resources: Resource 1: International Women’s Day - PowerPoint Presentation and Decor Resource 2: International Women’s Day Activity Resource 3: International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Biography Research Resource 4: International Women’s Day - Banners / Pennants and Bio Research - Google Slides Resource 5: International Women’s Day | History of IWD Read, Draw and Write Resource 6: International Women’s Day Craft and Card Resource 7: International Women’s Day Means to Me… Happy International Women’s Day!
Teacher Appreciation Day PowerPoint Presentation

Teacher Appreciation Day PowerPoint Presentation

Make teachers feel special on Teacher Appreciation Day, remind them how important they are to our society, and make them feel unique and proud of their work. This is an opportunity to hear students talking about their teachers, how much they perceive them, and how they appreciate them. This presentation is perfect for paying tribute to all the teachers and making them feel an unforgettable moment with the information and reflections of all their students during the presentation. Each slide will make children value their teachers; they will comprehend teachers’ important role in their present and future. Students will be aware that their help is fundamental to growth, hand in hand. It is a fabulous opportunity for children to be aware of the effort and time the teachers put into teaching, helping, and reinforcing them. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Teacher Appreciation Day? Slide 2: History of Teacher Appreciation Day - Part I Slide 3: History of Teacher Appreciation Day - Part II Slide 4: Teachers are SO Important Slide 5: How Teachers Make a Difference in Students’ Lives Slide 6: What does it Mean to Be a Teacher Slide 7: How Can We Help Our Teachers Slide 8: What do Teachers do in their Free Time? Slide 9: Teachers Are Humans Too Slide 10: Teacher Appreciation Day is Every Day Slide 11: Inspiring Teachers in your Life Slide 12: We Have Learned About - Teacher Appreciation Day Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Happy Teacher Appreciation Day! "------------------------------------------ ★ You May Like These Resources: Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Album Teacher - Principal Appreciation Day - Pennant, Cup Album and Quiz Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Editable Awards Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day | Bulletin Board and Door Decor Teacher and Principal Appreciation Day Craft Happy Birthday Album - Teachers, Students and Principals -------------------------------------------"
Cinco de Mayo Manualidad

Cinco de Mayo Manualidad

Decora tu clase con estos adorables mexicanos. Ten una clase llena de color y fantásticas ideas relacionadas con el Cinco de Mayo. Anima a tus estudiantes a escribir sobre la historia, la cultura, la música, la ropa o la comida mexicana. Te sorprenderán todas las ideas y conocimientos que pueden compartir tus niños. Para facilitar el ejercicio de escritura, recuerda que el recurso Cinco de Mayo Presentación PowerPoint, les mostrará de forma clara y comprensible todo lo relacionado con este maravilloso acontecimiento. Cómo ensamblarlo: Pide a tus hijos que completen el “Poncho mexicano”. Luego, los estuiantes recortan la silueta por la línea de puntos. Por último, ¡decora tu clase! Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Hombre mexicano Página 2: Mujer mexicana Página 3: Hombre mexicano (versión vacía) Página 4: Mujer mexicanan (versión vacía) "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Download More Versions: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Related resources: Cinco de Mayo Presentación PowerPoint Cinco de Mayo Actividad --------------------------------------------------------" ¡Disfruta celebrando el Cinco de Mayo con tus estudiantes!
Cinco de Mayo Craft

Cinco de Mayo Craft

Decorate your classroom with these adorable Mexicans. Have a class full of color and fantastic ideas related to Cinco de Mayo. Encourage your students to write about Mexican history, culture, music, or food. You’ll be amazed at all the ideas and knowledge your students can share. To make the writing exercise easy for your students, remember that the Cinco de Mayo PowerPoint Presentation resource will show them in a clear and comprehensible way everything related to this wonderful event! How to assemble: Ask your children to complete the Mexican Poncho. Next, students cut out the silhouette along the dotted line. Finally, decorate your class! This resource includes: Page 1: Mexican man Page 2: Mexican woman Page 3: Mexican man (empty version) Page 4: Mexican woman (empty version) "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Download More Versions: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related resources: Cinco de Mayo PowerPoint Presentation Cinco de Mayo Activity --------------------------------------------------------" Enjoy Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with your Students!
Cinco de Mayo PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

Cinco de Mayo PowerPoint Presentation BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version Cinco de Mayo PowerPoint Presentation. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools! This presentation is an effective way to teach your students about the meaning and significance of Cinco de Mayo. You can easily explain the true meaning of this cultural celebration in a way that is clear, practical, and engaging. Cinco de Mayo is an excellent opportunity to promote cultural diversity and encourage students to celebrate differences. The PPT provides a valuable sample of Mexican history, culture, and traditions, giving students a deeper understanding of this important holiday. Each slide is carefully designed to spark curiosity in children and encourage them to learn more about Cinco de Mayo and Mexican culture. From the colorful decorations to the fascinating facts. Don’t waste any more time on research; the Cinco de Mayo presentation has everything you need to present this celebration successfully. Get ready to watch your students grow in knowledge and cultural appreciation. The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Cinco de Mayo? (English & Spanish Version) Slide 2: Battle of Puebla - Part I (English & Spanish Version) Slide 3: Battle of Puebla - Part II (English & Spanish Version) Slide 4: Battle of Puebla - Part III (English & Spanish Version) Slide 5: How is Cinco de Mayo Celebrated? (English & Spanish Version) Slide 6: How is Cinco de Mayo Celebrated in the U.S. and Mexico? (English & Spanish Version) Slide 7: Cinco de Mayo Traditions (English & Spanish Version) Slide 8: Mexican Clothes (English & Spanish Version) Slide 9: Mexican Music (English & Spanish Version) Slide 10: Cinco de Mayo Interesting Facts - How Much Do you Know… (English & Spanish Version) Slide 11: Cinco de Mayo Interesting Facts - Part II (English & Spanish Version) Slide 12: We have learned about…Cinco de Mayo (English & Spanish Version) Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Problems opening the zip file? Use the following programs: Google drive ZIP tool and Extractor or use UnArchiver http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/unarchiver.html Enjoy Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with your Students!
Cinco de Mayo Presentación PowerPoint (Spanish Version)

Cinco de Mayo Presentación PowerPoint (Spanish Version)

Esta presentación es una forma eficaz de enseñar a tus estudiantes el significado y la importancia del Cinco de Mayo. Podrás explicar fácilmente el verdadero significado de esta celebración cultural de una forma clara, práctica y atractiva. El Cinco de Mayo es una excelente oportunidad para promover la diversidad cultural y animar a los estudiantes a celebrar las diferencias. La PPT ofrece una valiosa muestra de la historia, la cultura y las tradiciones mexicanas, proporcionando a los estudiantes una comprensión más profunda de esta importante festividad. Cada diapositiva está cuidadosamente diseñada para despertar la curiosidad de los niños y animarles a aprender más sobre el Cinco de Mayo y la cultura mexicana. Desde las coloridas decoraciones hasta los fascinantes datos. No pierdas más tiempo en investigar; la presentación del Cinco de Mayo tiene todo lo que necesitas para presentar esta celebración con éxito. Prepárate para observar cómo crecen los conocimientos y la apreciación cultural de tus estudiantes Este recurso incluye: Diapositiva 1: ¿Qué es el Cinco de Mayo? Diapositiva 2: Batalla de Puebla - Parte I Diapositiva 3: Batalla de Puebla - Parte II Diapositiva 4: Batalla de Puebla - Parte III Diapositiva 5: ¿Cómo se Celebra el Cinco de Mayo? Diapositiva 6: ¿Cómo se celebra el Cinco de Mayo en Estados Unidos y México? Diapositiva 7: Tradiciones del Cinco de May Diapositiva 8: Ropa Mexicana Diapositiva 9: Música Mexicana Diapositiva 10: Cinco de Mayo Datos de Interés - ¿Cuánto sabes sobre el Cinco de Mayo? Diapositiva 10: Cinco de Mayo Datos de Interés - Parte II Diapositiva 12: Hemos aprendido sobre - El Cinco de Mayo Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Problems opening the zip file? Use the following programs: Google drive ZIP tool and Extractor or use UnArchiver http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/unarchiver.html "-------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------- ★ Related Resources: Cinco de Mayo - Actividad en Español Cinco de Mayo Manualidad --------------------------------------------" ¡Disfruta celebrando el Cinco de Mayo con tus estudiantes!
Cinco de Mayo PowerPoint Presentation

Cinco de Mayo PowerPoint Presentation

This presentation is an effective way to teach your students about the meaning and significance of Cinco de Mayo. You can easily explain the true meaning of this cultural celebration in a way that is clear, practical, and engaging. Cinco de Mayo is an excellent opportunity to promote cultural diversity and encourage students to celebrate differences. The PPT provides a valuable sample of Mexican history, culture, and traditions, giving students a deeper understanding of this important holiday. Each slide is carefully designed to spark curiosity in children and encourage them to learn more about Cinco de Mayo and Mexican culture. From the colorful decorations to the fascinating facts. Don’t waste any more time on research; the Cinco de Mayo presentation has everything you need to present this celebration successfully. Get ready to watch your students grow in knowledge and cultural appreciation! This resource includes: Slide 1: What is Cinco de Mayo? Slide 2: Battle of Puebla - Part I Slide 3: Battle of Puebla - Part II Slide 4: Battle of Puebla - Part III Slide 5: How is Cinco de Mayo Celebrated? Slide 6: How is Cinco de Mayo Celebrated in the U.S. and Mexico? Slide 7: Cinco de Mayo Traditions Slide 8: Mexican Clothes Slide 9: Mexican Music Slide 10: Cinco de Mayo Interesting Facts - How Much Do You Know…? Slide 11: Cinco de Mayo Interesting Facts - Part II Slide 12: We have learned about…Cinco de Mayo Formats: Powerpoint PDF Google Slides Keynote JPG images Problems opening the zip file? Use the following programs: Google drive ZIP tool and Extractor or use UnArchiver http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/unarchiver.html "--------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Download the Spanish Version ---------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related resources: Cinco de Mayo Activity Cinco de Mayo Craft --------------------------------------------------------" Enjoy Celebrating Cinco de Mayo with your Students!
Día de la Mascota | Etiqueta de Cordón

Día de la Mascota | Etiqueta de Cordón

Esta es una actividad increíble para conmemorar el Día Nacional de las Mascotas y rendir homenaje a esos maravillosos animales que aportan compañía y alegría a nuestras vidas. Los niños llevarán con orgullo estas etiquetas como símbolo de su compromiso con las mascotas, recordándoselo a lo largo del día y más allá. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es imprimir las etiquetas, recortarlas con cuidado, plastificarlas para que duren, y ya está todo listo para participar en esta actividad. Este recurso incluye: Página 1: Día de la Mascota Etiqueta "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Descarga la Versión en Inglés --------------------------------------------------------" ★ Related resources: Mascotas Presentación PowerPoint Mascotas Mini Libro y Banderín El Zoológico - Cosas Que Nos Enseñan Los Animales --------------------------------------------------------" ¡Feliz Día Nacional de las Mascotas!
Pet Day Lanyard Tag

Pet Day Lanyard Tag

This is an amazing activity to commemorate National Pet Day and pay tribute to those wonderful animals that bring companionship and joy to our lives. Children will proudly wear these tags as a symbol of their commitment to pets, reminding them throughout the day and beyond. All you need to do is print out the tags, carefully cut them, laminate them for durability, and you’re all set to engage in this activity. This resource includes: Page 1:Pet Day Tag "-------------------------------------------------------- ★ Download More Versions: Download the Spanish Version --------------------------------------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------- ★Related resources: Pets PowerPoint Presentation Pets Mini Book and Pennant | Banner The Zoo - Things Animals Teach Us --------------------------------------------------------" Happy National Pet Day!
Pets Mini Book and Pennant | Banner BUNDLE

Pets Mini Book and Pennant | Banner BUNDLE

2 Resources
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Pets Mini Book and Pennant | Banner. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms! This resource is perfect for celebrating National Pet Day and paying tribute to all pets. It helps children understand the immense value of pets and the responsibilities associated with them. It serves as an engaging activity that encourages spontaneous writing and reflection. This Mini Book is beneficial for both children who have pets and those who do not. It enables children to appreciate the significance of pets and the respect they deserve. Finally, let’s not forget that your classroom will look exceptionally charming with the adorable pennants displayed all around it. The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product. This resource includes: Page 1: International Pet Day - Cover (English and Spanish Version) Page 2: What a Pet Means to You? (English and Spanish Version) Page 3: What are the Benefits of Owning a Pet? (English and Spanish Version) Page 4: How to Take Care of Pets at Home? (English and Spanish Version) Page 5: What are the Responsibilities of a Pet Owner? (English and Spanish Version) Page 6: Why you Should Adopt a Pet? (English and Spanish Version) Page 7: Why you Should/Shouldn’t Have a Pet? (English and Spanish Version) Page 8: What Can you Learn from Pets? (English and Spanish Version) Page 9: My Favorite Pet (English and Spanish Version) Page 10: My Pet (English and Spanish Version) Page 11: Pet Day Pennant (English and Spanish Version) Happy National Pet Day!