Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Politics & Law PSHE Unit - This unit has seven fully resources lessons covering a variety of impotrtant PSHE topics linked to this unit.
Lesson topics
British Values Democracy Explored
Debates in Parliament - Politics & Citizenship
British Values Rule of Law
Justice PSHE + Citizenship
British Values - Mutual Respect & Tolerance
General Election 2024 Politics and Careers
Why is politics important?
Each of the 7 Lesson Packs Contain:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning) Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Each PPT lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
**Leave a positive review and we will send you a free lesson on any PSHE Topic. Just email Mike at **
A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can serve nicely as a KS4 Lesson on Pressure Groups.
Learning Outcomes:
I can explain what a pressure group is
I understand the main types of pressure groups that exist
I can evaluate how pressure can be applied to government in order to encourage change
Key terms
Pressure group
Direct action
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Search “Cre8tive Resources” on Google to explore all our lesson packages for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship and Sixth Form.
A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can serve nicely as an introduction to Trade Unions, strikes & Industrial Action
Learning Outcomes:
What is a Trade Union?
Why do Trade Unions exist?
How do Trade Unions help workers ensure their protected characteristics are upheld?
Key terms
Trade Union Striking Protected Characteristics
Inflation Peasants Landowners
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks with questions and answers. These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Google “Cre8tive Resources” for more Curriculum lesson packages for PSHE,RSE, Careers and Citizenship.
Cre8tive Careers Year 10 Unit - CDI (Careers development Institute) Gatsby Benchmark 4 - Life Beyond School (8 Lessons and Assessments) Careers (Gatsby Benchmark) Lesson Bundle Pack.
8 Lesson Packs (See below for Contents)
1 Project Based Learning for Teachers 2 hour CPD Session
8 Mindfulness Extension activities
1 x Careers Team Quiz
1 x Set of Careers Domino’s
Lesson Topics
Saving and managing money
Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
Employment Rights and Responsibilities
Exploring a Payslip
Finance, Budgeting and Employment
Targeted Advertising - Online and Personal Data
Enterprise and Employability Skills
Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace
Quizzes - Finance and Careers Quiz
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
• 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
• Student Worksheet(s)
• Mindfulness Extension Activities
• Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
• Teacher Notes (On some slides)
• Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements and the Gatsby Benchmarks in Careers Education
Why not try out some of our other highly rated Secondary Careers Units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Digital Literacy - Suitable for school using the **Secondary Thematic Model Programme Builder ** for PSHE Education from the PSHE Association.
PSHE Association Theme:
Summer 2: Living in the Wider World
Topic -Digital Literacy
Online safety, digital literacy, media reliability, and gambling hooks
Collection of Cre8tive Curriculum Lesson Packs that fit with the PSHE Programme builder.
☞ Online Gambling , Skin Betting and Online Gaming
☞ Critical Thinking and Fake News
☞ Conspiracy Theories and Extremist Narratives
☞ Online Grooming & Staying Safe Online
☞ Grooming and Gaming Addiction
☞ Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP)
☞ Social Media Validation and Influencers
☞ Targeted Advertising online and Personal Data
☞ Bonus: Fake Newspaper Homework Project
☞ Bonus: Social Media and Online Safety Quiz
Learning outcomes for this unit
• about online communication
• how to use social networking sites safely
• how to recognise online grooming in different forms, e.g. in relation to sexual or financial exploitation, extremism and radicalisation
• how to respond and seek support in cases of online grooming
• how to recognise biased or misleading information online
• how to critically assess different media sources
• how to distinguish between content which is publicly and privately shared
• about age restrictions when accessing different forms of media and how to make responsible decisions
• how to protect financial security online
• how to assess and manage risks in relation to gambling and chance-based transactions
Our Cre8tive Curriculum PSHE Builder Packs will cover all three core themes of the Programme of Study (Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; and Living in the Wider World)
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ • 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ • Some Contain student worksheet(s)
☞ • Mindfulness Extension Activities
☞ • Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ • Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ • Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes (PoS refs: H3, H30, H32, R17, L19, L20, L21, L22, L23, L24, L25, L26, L27)
☞ Requirements (Statutory Health and RSE)
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!**
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers.
Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be ready with our resources! Product Code:C8/PA/TM17
Community and Careers - Suitable for school using the **Secondary Thematic Model Programme Builder ** for PSHE Education from the PSHE Association.
PSHE Association Theme:
Autumn 2: Living in the Wider World
Topic - Community and Careers
Equality of opportunity in careers and life choices, and different types and patterns of work
Collection of Cre8tive Curriculum Lesson Packs that fit with the PSHE Programme builder.
☞ Employment Rights & Responsibilities
☞ Equality Act & Discrimination
☞ Breaking Down Stereotypes
☞ What is Brexit?
☞ Women’s Rights and Equality
☞ Jobs and Occupations Explored
☞ Career Management, Goals, Targets and action Planning
☞ Understanding the Work Place
☞ Bonus: Skills & Qualities Quiz
Learning outcomes for this unit
• about equality of opportunity in life and work
• how to challenge stereotypes and discrimination in relation to work and pay
• about employment, self-employment and voluntary work
• how to set aspirational goals for future careers and challenge expectations that limit choices
Our Cre8tive Curriculum PSHE Builder Packs will cover all three core themes of the Programme of Study (Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; and Living in the Wider World)
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ • 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ • Some Contain student worksheet(s)
☞ • Mindfulness Extension Activities
☞ • Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ • Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ • Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes (PoS refs: R39, R41, L3, L8, L9, L10, L11, L12)
☞ Requirements (Statutory Health and RSE)
International World Issues Unit (8 Lessons and Assessments) Citizenship and PSHE (Life Skills & Wellbeing) Unit of Work Pack.
Theme: Celebrating Diversity and Equality Unit: Exploring World Issues **
8 Lesson Packs (See below for Contents)
Lots of activities
Assessment opportunities and End of Unit assessment Tracker
7 Mindfulness Extension activities
1 x 12 Page Student Work Booklet that follows the lessons (optional if not using exercise books - or use as SEN support)
Additional Resources
Rights and Responsibilities Quiz
Fair trade and Sustainability Project
Loyalty Reward Card
Lesson Topics
1.Post Brexit? How will it impact us
2.Does FairTrade really make a difference?
3.How can the UK support other Countries?
4.Peace War and Conflict throughout the World
5.Women and Equality through the Years
6.#METoo and Times Up Movements explained
7. What international Organisations exist and how do they help the worlds people?
8. Human Rights During War Time
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
• 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
• Student Worksheet(s)
• Mindfulness Extension Activities
• Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
• Teacher Notes (On some slides)
• Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
Peace, War and Conflict. PSHE (Diversity and Equality) Lesson Pack includes: Editable PowerPoint, lesson assessment, student resources and signposting to extra support services. One of our 40 different bonus mindfulness activities also included and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To explore a variety of people who have successfully campaigned for peace over the years
To understand different symbol for peace used across the world
To evaluate why some world conflicts are difficult to solve
Some Key Terms Covered
Peace =A state where there is no war and fighting
PSHE (Assessment) Objectives
I can identify a variety of peace symbols
I can explain a range of factors that cause conflict
I can name a variety of peaceful activists and the causes they fought for
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Living in the Wider World
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/58
⇨ KS4 Relationships and Sex Education Unit
⇨ Y11 Staying Safe (Parties, Online and Drugs) Unit Bundle
⇨ KS4 Drugs Education Unit Bundle
What is Brexit? What is going to happen? Can Boris make it happen by 31st of October? What are the different secnearios?. PSHE (Life Skills & Wellbeing) Lesson Pack.
Pathway: 10 Theme: Celebrating Diversity and Equality Unit: World Issues**
Learning Outcomes:
To describe the purpose of the European Union
To understand why the Brexit referendum happened
To evaluate the arguments for and against Brexit
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s)
Mindfulness Extension Activities
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
We sell Complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Gangs Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
KS3 18 PSHE Quizzes
STI and Contraception Unit
Sex, the law and Consent Unit
Relationships & Sex Education Unit
Puberty and Body Development Unit
Y11 Careers Unit CV’s Personal Statements etc
Extremism and Terrorism PREVENT Unit
Exploring British Values Unit
LGBTQAI+ PSHE Unit of Work
Celebrating Diversity in the UK
KS3 18 PSHE Projects bundle
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/55
Law, Crimes and Society (6 Lessons and Assessments) Citizenship and PSHE (Life Skills & Wellbeing) Unit of Work Pack.
Pathway: 8 Theme: Rights, Responsibilities & British Values Unit: Law, Crime and, Society
6 Lesson Packs (See below for Contents)
1 End of Unit Assessment (3 styles)
Lots of activities
6 Mindfulness Extension activities
1 Law, Crime and Society Quiz
1 x 12 Page Student Work Booklet that follows the lessons (optional if not using exercise books - or use as SEN support)
Lesson Topics
Desert Island Living (Team Project)
Building a community (can link with aspects of RE and Different religions also)
Making decisions (Democracy)
How are laws made (Links to the UK process)
Criminals law and Society
Prison Reform and Punishment
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
• 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
• Student Worksheet(s)
• Mindfulness Extension Activities
• Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
• Teacher Notes (On some slides)
• Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers.
Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/CCB/07
We sell complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
Gangs, Dugs and Alcohol Unit
KS4 Careers and Gatsby Benchmarks Unit
Extremism and Terrorism PREVENT Unit
Exploring British Values Unit
LGBTQAI+ PSHE Unit of Work
Celebrating Diversity in the UK
Political debates in Parliament. Lesson Pack includes: Editable PowerPoint, lesson assessment, student resources and signposting to extra support services. One of our 40 different bonus mindfulness activities also included and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To define the terms advocate and devils advocate
To practice the art of debating
To evaluate recent law changes in the UK
Some Key Terms Covered
Devils advocate, Advocacy, Debating , Parliament, UK
** Citizenship Confidence (Assessment) Objectives**
I can define the terms advocate and devils advocate
I can recognise a wide range of views on a single topic
I understand the arguments for and against lowering the voting age
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s)
Mindfulness Extension Activities
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and 2020 Requirements
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE 2020 ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/33
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Voting and elections in the UK. PSHE / Citizenship Lesson Pack. Great lesson to use in the run up to the general election in 2024
Learning Outcomes:
I can explain how the Government is formed
I understand the different types of elections held within the UK
I can explain several reasons why voting is important
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s)
Mindfulness Extension Activities
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Setting up a Political Party Lesson. R&R Lesson Pack includes: Editable PowerPoint, lesson assessment, student resources and signposting to extra support services. One of our 40 different bonus mindfulness activities also included and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To name the main parties that represent the UK in Parliament
To explore what makes a good political party
To be able to create a new political party for the UK
Some Key Terms Covered
Turnout, General election, Campaigns, Slogan, Logo, Conservative, Labour, Party Ideology
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Living in the Wider World
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE 2020 ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/31
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
What is parliament? How is our country run?
Learning Outcomes:
To describe the make up of parliament and the main roles it performs
To understand the role of a local MP
To evaluate whether MP’s are doing a good job at running the country and representing our views in Parliament
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s)
Mindfulness Extension Activities
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Why is politics important? How does it impact your life? (R&R) Lesson Pack includes: Editable PowerPoint, lesson assessment, student resources and signposting to extra support services. One of our 40 different bonus mindfulness activities also included and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To understand the impact politics has on every day life
To explore the History of the UK Parliament
To evaluate why its better to live in a democracy rather than a dictatorship
Some Key Terms Covered
Parliament, Westminster, Democracy, totalitarianism, elections Government, Parliament, Politics
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Living in the Wider World KS4 L21 & L22
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/29
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
**Leave a positive review and we will send you a free lesson on any PSHE Topic. Just email Mike at **
Combating Extremism and Terrorism (7 Lessons and Assessments) Prevent and PSHE (Life Skills & Wellbeing) Lesson Pack.
Theme: Rights, Responsibilities and British Values Unit: Combating Extremism and Terrorism
7 Lesson Packs (See below for Contents)
1 Optional Student Work Booklet (SEN or differentiation or if you decide not to use text books)
7 Mindfulness Extension activities
Additional Resources
Fake Newspaper Project and Critical Literacy
Extremism and Terrorism Assessment Quiz
Loyalty Cards
Lesson Topics
Conspiracy Theories and Extremist Narratives
What is Terrorism
Extremism in all its forms
Proud to be British?
Radicalisation Process
Counter Terrorism
Anti-Semitism in the UK
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
• 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
• Student Worksheet(s)
• Mindfulness Extension Activities
• Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
• Teacher Notes (On some slides)
• Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and 2020 Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers.
Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: C8/CCB/03
We sell complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Gangs Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
KS4 Careers and Gatsby Benchmarks Unit
Exploring British Values Unit
LGBTQAI+ PSHE Unit of Work
Celebrating Diversity in the UK
Exploring British Values Unit of Work (6 Lessons and Assessments) PSHE (Life Skills & Wellbeing) Lesson Pack.
Theme: Rights, Responsibilities and British Values Unit: Exploring British Values
6 Lesson Packs (See below for Contents)
1 End of Unit Assessment (3 styles)
1 Optional Student Work Booklet (SEN or differentiation or if you decide not to use textbooks)
6 Mindfulness Extension activities
Extra Resources
Fake Newspaper Quiz
British Values Student Team Quiz
Starbucks style loyalty reward Cards
Lesson Topics
Critical thinking and Fake News
What is a cult Versus a Religion
Where do Human Rights Come From?
Exploring Human Rights in-depth
Exploring British Values
British Values and LGBT Rights
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
• 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
• Student Worksheet(s)
• Mindfulness Extension Activities
• Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
• Teacher Notes (On some slides)
• Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers.
Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/CCB/11
We sell complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Gangs Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
KS4 Careers and Gatsby Benchmarks Unit
Extremism and Terrorism PREVENT Unit
LGBTQAI+ PSHE Unit of Work
Celebrating Diversity in the UK
End of Year Rights and Responsibilities Quiz - Fun Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint on the topic of County Lines & Gangs suitable for KS3 students
Contents of Quiz Resource
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory 2020 Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8/QZ/85
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
The Big End of Year Politics Quiz - This Quiz is up to date! Fun High Quality Quiz that is fully editable , Lesson PowerPoint on the topic of Careers suitable for KS3 or KS4 Students
Contents of Quiz
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 50+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory 2020 Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8/QZ/88
Our Philosophy
We aim to help you equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning. our PSHE Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need to teach fun and creative lessons. Our products are teacher-designed, classroom tested & student approved.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Law, Crime and Society Quiz - Fun Premium High Quality Quiz, Lesson PowerPoint on the topic of UK laws, Crimes and Society suitable for KS3
Contents of Quiz Bundle
1 x 32 Slide Editable PowerPoint Quiz - (All the 65+ questions in 9 different fun and varied rounds. Followed by all the Answers and a Creative Tie Breaker)
1 x Lesson Plan (matched to PSHE Association Core themes & Links and DFE Statutory 2020 Guidance)
1 x Team Answer Sheets (print 1 per team for students to record their answers)
1 x Set of Optional Award Certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd place team and Team leader Certificates)
1 x Extension PPT of Mindfulness activities for students.
1 x PowerPoint slide signposting extra online support for students & Teachers related to this topic.
Some PSHE Departments use this resource as an assessment opportunity or AFL.
Product Code RSE/C8/QZ/80
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety