Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Older version of Word and a PDF are also included, to avoid all compatibility issues.
The guide covers:
1. Nature of God
2. Denominations
3. Shekhinah
4. Messiah
5. Creation
6. Covenants (Abraham and Moses)
7. Ten Commandments
8. Pikuach Nefesh
9. Free Will
10. Mitzvot and Mitzvah Day
11. Afterlife
12. Review
13. Exam style questions
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
These analysis mind maps sumarise each topic by page for the whole unit of Philosophy of Religion (AS and A2 years). Each map is downloaded as both a Word document and a PDF, for compatibility.
The maps specifically follow the requirements of the OCR A Level Religious Studies Spec, but due to similarities across specifications they are relevant for other exam boards. They can also be edited easily for other specifications.
They explore appropriate AO1 (knowledge and understanding) followed by AO2 (analysis and evaluation) of that specific point. I encourage my own students to add another layer to the map, evaluating the analysis, to develop their AO2. This could continue on indefinitely or end each ‘arm’ with a personal judgement.
I also like to cut up the maps and ask the student to re-construct them. This aids in their revision skills and supports their logical structuring of arguments.
Maps included:
Ancient Philosophical Influences
Soul, Mind, Body
Teleological Argument
Cosmological Argument
Ontological Argument
Religious Experience
Problem of Evil
Nature of God
Religious Language
20th Century Perspectives
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
This pack contains 17 sample questions and differentiated answers for the GCSE Christianity unit - Eduqas specification. Questions cover B (5 marks), C (8 marks) and D (15 marks) questions.
Each sample question contains:
Exam technique
A mid-band answer
A high-band answer, to be compared and contrasted.
Students can use these to revise, but also to understand the difference between what a mid-band answer looks like and what else is needed to reach the higher bands. Can be an independent task or talked through in lessons.
Topics include:
Changing religious landscape
Salvation (B question)
Salvation (D question)
Spirit of God
Symbols in Worship
The Fall
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
6 Creative and visually engaging learning mats / revision sheets for Jewish Practices:
1. Worship
2. Shabbat
3. Synagogue
4. Rituals
5. Festivals
6. Daily Life, inc. Kosher and the Tenakh/Talmud
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
5 Creative and visually engaging learning mats / revision sheets for Islamic Practices. Learning Mats cover the entire topic:
1. Worship, Ibadah and the Five Pillars
2. Jihad
3. Festivals
4. Festivals: Ashura
5. Ten Obligatory Acts
Files come as A4 documents (PDF) and A3 Word documents.
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
6 Creative and visually engaging learning mats / revision sheets for Christian Practices. Learning Mats cover the entire topic:
1. Worship and Prayer
2. Christian Festivals
3. Pilgrimage
4. Sacraments
5. Christianity in Britain
6. Worldwide Church, Persecution, Reconciliation
Files come as A4 documents (PDF) and A3 Word documents.
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
KS3 Holocaust unit to include PowerPoint-led learning through an engaging and well-designed Work Pack. This unit explores all of the nuanced and specialist learning by adopting socially distant teaching techniques.
The PowerPoints aid a ‘plug in and play’ approach to teaching, benefiting both subject specialists and non-subject specialists alike…
In addition, the Powerpoint and the Work Pack now includes all resources that the students need to access an engaging, high-quality education.
Lessons include:
Intro to the Holocaust
Concentration Camps
Anne Frank
Anti-Semitism Today
Scaffolding is included in the Powerpoint itself and also in the Work Pack to ensure maximum engagement and comprehension. Challenges (extension tasks) also exist throughout the unit to further enhance skills and understanding.
There are a variety of knowledge, understanding and evaluation tasks throughout the unit, including video and debate activities that the students always love - year-on-year.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
RE/RS KS3 Scheme of Work entitled: Ancient Beliefs.
5 Lessons, which can be taught as part of the whole unit or as a stand alone lessons. Each lesson is intended to last approximately 90 mins.
This highly relevant and engaging unit, which explores the origins of religion as well as the purpose of studying religion in today’s world.
Lessons included:
Why study RE/RS?
Creation Myths (2 lessons)
Greek Myths
Greek Myths (2)
Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (2 lessons)
The unit includes a variety of tasks, from Q&A, video and constructive tasks, to creative group work.
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Created with the AQA RS GCSE specification in mind to revise Islam: Beliefs and Teachings.
This complete revision pack includes:
Work book
Exams with model answers
Key words in Islam
Learning mats
Revision question cards
Practise pack
This pack will revise the following topics:
Sunni and Shi’a Islam
Six Articles of Faith (Sunni)
Five Roots of Usul ad-Din (Shi’a)
Nature of Allah
Prophet Muhammad
Other Holy Books in Islam
Day of Judgement
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
If there is something missing that you would like to be included in this pack, please do not hesitate to get in touch :)
Created with the AQA RS GCSE specification in mind to revise Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings.
This complete revision pack includes:
Task book
Exams with model answers
Key words in Christianity
Learning mats
Revision question cards
Practise pack
This pack will revise the following topics:
What is God like?
What is the Trinity?
What role did the Spirit and the Word have in creation?
What do Christians believe about creation?
What is the afterlife?
What is the incarnation?
How was Jesus different?
What happened at the crucifixion?
Why was Jesus crucified?
What was the resurrection?
What was the ascension?
What is salvation?
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
If there is something missing that you would like to be included in this pack, please do not hesitate to get in touch :)
Entire unit for teaching about the Holocaust. I created this unit as a result of visiting Poland, the concentration camps, Jewish and history museums, Schindler’s factory and a variety of other key locations. I was also able to meet a survivor and, as you will see from the resources, this features heavily as a theme throughout - that this isn’t just an event that only affected the people who have long since died, but that it is still as important today as it was then.
The unit is also meant as preparation for pupils who will be moving on to study Jewish persecution at GCSE as part of a wider approach to tackling prejudice and discrimination. History of Judaism is also important if studying Judaism as a main religion under the new specifications.
Lesson 1 - Introduction (Warsaw Ghetto)
Lesson 2 - Antisemitism
Lesson 3 - Concentration Camps
Lesson 4 - Anne Frank
Lesson 5 - Survivor Stories
Lesson 6 - Assessment
Materials are differentiated where applicable.
7 Creative and visually engaging learning mats / revision sheets for Islamic Beliefs and Teachings. Learning Mats cover the entire topic:
1. Nature of God
2. Core Beliefs
3. Islamic Holy Books
4. Prophethood
5. Muhammad
6. Akhirah, Death and the Afterlife
7. Al-Qadr (God’s Divine Plan)
Files come as A4 documents (PDF) and A3 Word documents.
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
6 Creative and visually engaging learning mats / revision sheets for Philosophy and Ethics: Issues of Human Rights. Learning Mats cover the entire topic:
1. Human Rights
2. Social Justice (including Liberation Theology)
3. Censorship and Religious Expression
4. Prejudice and Discrimination
5. Religious Extremism
6. Poverty and Wealth
Files come as A4 documents (PDF) and A3 Word documents.
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Revision guide made for the new Eduqas GCSE Religious Studies unit of Christianity (a study of).
Christianity counts from 25% of pupils’ exams under the new specification.
Booklet covers:
1. Key Words
2. Existence of God
3. Suffering
4. Word of Life
5. Incarnation
6. Crucifixion
7. Resurrection
8. Ascension
10. Death and the Afterlife
Resource includes:
- Philosophy & Ethics: Issues of Human Rights
- Philosophy & Ethics: Issues of Good & Evil
- Philosophy & Ethics: Relationships
- Philosophy & Ethics: Life & Death
In total, the issues units are worth 50% of the final grade, combined.
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
RS KS4 GCSE revision scheme of learning intended to provide a holistic coverage of the course and prepare learners for their GCSE examination with AQA. Exam-style tasks however can be easily altered to suit alternative specifications.
8 sessions/lessons in the unit. Each lesson is intended to last approximately 30-45 minutes long, to optimise memory retention.
Lessons revise the following topics and exam technique:
Using Quotes
Using Point, Evidence, Explain
Analysis and Evaluation
Humanism and Non-Religious Views
Walk-Through Mock
The lessons include a variety of tasks, from Q&A, video and constructive tasks and exam-style questions with feedback, model answers and assessment. Learning is linked to prior learning from Paper 1 and Paper 2. This is part of an interleaved approach to learning - it is an excellent and quick way to revise the entire content to the course in 8 bite-sized sessions.
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for
RS KS4 GCSE revision mini-scheme of learning for Islam: Practices, intended to prepare learners for their GCSE examination with AQA. Exam-style tasks however can be easily altered to suit alternative specifications.
3 lessons in the unit. Each lesson is intended to last approximately 60-90 mins.
Lessons revise the following topics:
*Five Pillars
Ten Obligatory Acts
The lessons include a variety of tasks, from Q&A to videos and constructive tasks, to creative work and exam-style questions with feedback, model answers and assessment. Learning is linked to prior learning from the Themes section of the course, identifying where the cross-over of content comes from. This is part of an interleaved approach to learning.
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for
RS KS4 GCSE revision mini-scheme of learning for Islam: Beliefs and Teachings, intended to prepare learners for their GCSE examination with AQA. Exam-style tasks however can be easily altered to suit alternative specifications.
3 lessons in the unit. Each lesson is intended to last approximately 60-90 mins.
Lessons revise the following topics:
Key Vocabulary
Nature of Allah
Holy Books
Judgement Day
The lessons include a variety of tasks, from Q&A to constructive tasks, to creative work and exam-style questions with feedback, model answers and assessment. Learning is linked to prior learning from the Themes section of the course, identifying where the cross-over of content comes from. This is part of an interleaved approach to learning.
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for
Arguments from Reason (The Ontological Argument) - full unit of lessons and resources for KS5 / A Level. Designed for the OCR A Level but easily applicable to other specifications.
Unit includes:
Introduction to the Ontological Argument
Embedding the Ontological Argument, including Gaunilo
Descartes and Kant
A priori versus a posteriori arguments
Each lesson comes with specification-relevant knowledge (AO1), questions to develop understanding (AO1), questions to develop analysis and evaluation (AO2). The unit ends with an essay-style question with suitable modelling and a proposed structure.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
RS KS4 GCSE revision mini-scheme of learning for Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings, intended to prepare learners for their GCSE examination with AQA. Exam-style tasks however can be easily altered to suit alternative specifications.
3 lessons in the unit. Each lesson is intended to last approximately 60-90 mins.
Lessons revise the following topics:
Nature of God (over 2 lessons)
Problem of Evil and Suffering
Incarnation and Crucifixion
Resurrection and Salvation
Judgement, Sin and Resurrection
Afterlife, Heaven and Hell
Salvation and Grace
Christian Practices
The lessons include a variety of tasks, from Q&A, video and constructive tasks, to creative work and exam-style questions with feedback, model answers and assessment. Learning is linked to prior learning from the Themes section of the course, identifying where the cross-over of content comes from. This is part of an interleaved approach to learning.
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for