Enjoy looking through my resources. Most of them are suitable for EYFS/ Year 1 though there are some others for older children. Follow my Instagram @LittleWildLearners for lots of teaching and outdoor learning ideas.
Enjoy looking through my resources. Most of them are suitable for EYFS/ Year 1 though there are some others for older children. Follow my Instagram @LittleWildLearners for lots of teaching and outdoor learning ideas.
Children look at the pictures and apply knowledge of Phase 3 digraphs/ trigraphs to spell them.
Sounds covered:
ai, sh, ee, qu, ar, oa, ow, oo, oo, ear
Outdoor learning planning for the book Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. Suitable for EYFS or KS1.
Lots of opportunities to get outdoors and active to develop children’s literacy skills and understanding of the book.
2 writing sheets to accompany Room on the Broom
1 sheet to design and label a new broom
1 sheet to write speech bubbles for the characters
Perfect for literacy lessons or to be put in the writing area.
Mr Wolf’s Pancakes outdoor learning literacy planning.
Taking picture books and early literacy outside.
A sheet of outdoor learning activities suitable to support Mr Wolf’s Pancakes.
Outdoor learning is so important for young learners and has so many benefits for their learning, development and mental and physical health. So get outside and let children be inspired by the outdoors and their favourite books.
You’ll find lots more pancake day resources on my TES page, including a campfire or kitchen recipe book (designed for early readers to be able to interpret and follow independently) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/campfire-pancakes-recipe-book-forest-school-outdoor-learning-12481093
Halloween pictures to prompt writing of sentences which could help children practise spelling, handwriting, phonics, tricky words or using adjectives.
Powerpoint can be put on whiteboard to show images, discuss and model, then printed on paper for children to complete.
I have created this template to use to send weekly home learning home to parents/carers for if my class is closed due to Coronavirus or for when children are isolating. It is designed for Early Years classes: Nursery or Reception.
The start of the document provides information for parents about what they need to do at home each week. It also outlines key skills that they should practise at home with their children such as dressing, sharing and ways to approach this. There is a suggested timetable to ensure children retain some routine. There is also a sheet advising parents on how to read effectively with their children.
The actual activities section is blank, ready for you to add your own relevant daily activities. Please see my shop if you would like to download activities for a certain topic- I’ve got quite a few other resources on there.
A fun Power Point to introduce the Phase 3 Tricky Word ‘you’ with reading opportunities within it and a writing task to print and complete at the end.
Writing task also goes towards some PSED assessment criteria- I got some great observations from discussions of it with the children.
*Children will need to have already learned tricky word ‘are’ to get the most out of this.
Fun presentation to teach the phase 3 ‘ow’ sound (ow as in cow).
Writing activity three ways- quick write on white boards or 2 differentiated worksheets to apply the sounds in words or sentences- depending on the evidence you need!
Reading opportunities within the presentation.
This power point can be used to introduce Phase 3 tricky word ‘me’. It begins with a recap activity of reading a caption and drawing it on a white board. Then the children are introduced to reading the Phase 3 tricky word ‘me’ and then have a writing activity to do. It is a fun way of introducing and practicing this word.
10 writing prompts- these are pictures, which can be coloured in, with lines for a sentence to be written underneath describing the picture. These are suitable for children working at Phase 3 - 5 phonics.
1 sheet for reading opportunities aimed at Phase 3 readers. Children read the sentence and cut out the corresponding picture and stick it next to the sentence.
Halloween themed.
Trash or treasure game.
192 of real and fake words on coins for children to read and sort as trash (fake words) or treasure (real words).
Words contain all Phase 3 and 5 graphemes.
Simply print one slide per page, laminate and cut out.
Perfect revision for the Phonics Screening check or just as part of recap work.
Preview makes the text look different to the actual resource, text is Comic Sans and all words fit on one line so are easy for the children to read, as shown in uploaded picture.
4 differentiated writing tasks for Early Years EYFS around the theme of Easter and Spring.
Design and describe an Easter egg (2 x differentiations)
Label a chick (2 x differentiations)
Write a sentence to describe an Easter or Spring picture
Write a word to describe an Easter or Spring picture
Folding books so children can write their own Easter or Spring stories in provision or lesson time
18 Superhero themed home learning tasks for Nursery or Reception (Early Years)
There are a total of 18 activities that can easily be done at home split over two sheets. Children asked to select 3 per week to complete but you could suggest more. Activities are practical using items children will have at home. There are key questions to guide parents delivering the activities at home. The activities are topic based. They cover all areas of the EYFS curriculum. There are art projects, research ideas, movement, imaginative etc. Phonics or maths opportunities are available in some of the activities.
This resource is perfect for sending out as home learning generally or during Covid 19 isolation or closure. It is also great as a planning tool for a topic with lots of ideas for activities.
In this resource you will find differentiated planning and resources for Reception, Nursery or Year One. They are challenges and activities to be used on a snowy day or during a winter topic. Some work best when the children are playing in the snow outside. This would be suitable for remote learning.
This pack includes:
Snowman writing challenges- children can draw, name, label the snowmen they have made and even make a fact file (which could be used later for story writing)
Maths challenges- measuring snowmen differentiated challenges
making snowballs - number challenges ( numeral recognition and addition/subtraction)
Snowball target practise maths game - tally and totals
Photos of sowmen for inspiration
science- melting/freezing ideas and worksheet to predict and test the best way ‘free’ the toys from the ice the fastest.
Activities are colour coded for differentiation.
Slides should be printed and used as challenge cards- I lamiate and put them around for children/staff to access. Children can access different levels of differentiation by using the colour coding and finding their name on a coloured grid. This ensures all children are suitably challenged, even in free flow/ continuous provision.
Resources and plans cover EYFS Expressive Arts and Design (EAD) , Writing (W) , Number (N), Shape, Space and Measure (SSM), Communication and Language (CL) , PSED, Physical development (PD) and Understanding the world (UTW) objectives. They meet some national curriculum areas for Year 1.
2 weeks of practical activities to support Phase 2 phonics for home learning (1 activity per day). All activities have full instructions for parents so they can deliver them at home. They only use common household objects, no printing required. There are lots of opportunities for reading and writing. Activities are practical and active, EYFS/KS1 friendly.
This resource includes:
2 weeks of activities (10 in total, one per day)
Support sheets for parents, including lists of graphemes and support with phonics teaching and knowledge.
I orignally sent out during Covid school/ bubble closures and asked children to complete as outlined above, however, it could be easily used as a half termly home learning sheet where children complete one task a week or similar. It could also be used to give parents ideas of how to practise phonics at home.
A week worth of home learning activities for EYFS - maths and phonics.
All activities clearly explained for parents to deliver using resources available at home
The document has a phonics and maths activity (15-20 min each) for parents to deliver at home. It has 3 levels of ability descibed below:
• name recognition
• phase 1 phonics skills (listening, instrumental sounds)
• Number recognition
Additional phonics activities for my high ability Nursery children:
Objectives: Phase 1 phonics- initial sounds and alliteration, oral blending
Reception children:
• phase 2 and 3 phonics skills – ‘tricky word’ focus
• Number recognition (above 10)
• Recognising and ordering numbers
Originally made for Covid school/ bubble closures and where children were asked to complete 3 tasks a week, however, it could be easily used as a half termly or termly home learning sheet where children complete one task a week or similar.
This can also be used as a basis for activity planning for the topic or used by support or cover staff.
For EYFS - Reception
A weeks worth of work to be sent home for home learning while schools are closed. This is a document for parents to follow to lead short, practical activities with their child. It includes:
One phonics activity per day (5 in total)- practicing phase 2 and 3 phonics skills rather than parents attempting to teach new sounds
One maths activity per day (addition focus) (5 in total)-using practical objects, using number line, understanding and interpreting number sentences (sums)
All activities have clear instructions for parents to follow and use resources easily found or made at home. It includes advice for parents letter formation and spelling. Each activity has a suggested time it should take.
sent to children during COVID 19 school closure alongside a separate sheet of topic based activities (not included)